lunes, 6 de julio de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"My advice would be to be cautious from August,
maybe take some protection." 
We noted last week that the economy could be headed for a fiscal cliff if the next round of stimulus doesn't arrive by early August. 
See Chart:
Citi US Economy Surprise Index

We noted Sunday morning, with the unemployment level sill at Great Depression levels, the stock market is set for a rude awakening as nearly 3 million jobs in June, up from 1.6 million in February, have been eliminated from the economy. 
See Chart:
Permanent Job Loss (inverse) vs. S&P500

"My advice would be to be cautious from August, maybe take some protection," Barraud said. 
See Chart:
E-Mini S&P500

In a separate piece, he recently said the global trade recovery would be much slower than the market is anticipating.  
It appears a lot of disappointments are ahead. 
"The recent virus news and the extent of reopening reversals have already been much worse than we anticipated, and further restrictions will likely be required in some states to bring the virus under control. This calls for a reappraisal of the economic outlook."
See  very good Charts at

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"I don't see no white militia," he declared. "We're here. Where ... you at?"
"Stone Mountain has long held symbolism for white supremacists. The Ku Klux Klan, a hate group that was formed by Confederate Army veterans and has a history of lynchings and terror against Black people, held its rebirth ceremony atop mountain in 1915 with flaming crosses.

The socio-economic implosion of America, resulting in both black and white militias to enter city streets this summer - could be the goal of the political elites to spark chaos ahead of the election. 
"The reduced manpower will create an enormous challenge..."
As California's deadly wildfire season approaches, over half of the state's inmate firefighters are currently unavailable to serve the northern half of the state, after prison officials placed 12 of the state's 43 inmate fire camps on lockdown thanks to a giant COVID-19 outbreak at a Lassen County prison - which serves as the training center for the Conservation Camp Program.
This is not rocket science. Politics is at play in the "second wave" coronavirus in Texas and elected officials are either too dense or too corrupt to take a stand for truth...
"The more this ‘Permanent Distortion’ gets bigger, the more the likelihood the next crisis will happen... and it will be from a higher height..."
To Nomi Prins Gold and Fed Debt  Go Up Together

In closing, Prins says, “We are continuing to drive up asset bubbles where we don’t have the real economy to back it up..." 
"In a period of protest and increasing anger about inequality, the differential inflation rate experienced by low- and high-income households is a concern."
It was nuts to permit politicians to control prices when there was no way to control politicians. 
There are 2 fallacies here: 1-False Dilemma/False Dichotomy: it errs by oversimplifying the range of options.. On prices : supply-demand don’t define the exact price, there are other variables & at the end none of them  give the exact price. It is the Paretian Optimum  (the  invariable) what best define the price.  2- Slippery Slope fallacy: weak premise lead to extreme position.  OR, to  a weak cause-effect relation: either  doesn’t match, or very  inconsistent  point to be generalized (what is personal or particular can’t be generalized).  Bovard  didn’t explain his premise or hypothesis How Govt & politician define prices?
Paradogico: los exportadores  de armas,guerras y violencia abroad no gustan la viol Int
Nine of the weekend’s victims were minors, and two children died...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Every aspect of this development  is enraging.
SOME “flimsy, poorly-sourced allegations are being hammered into mainstream liberal consciousness on a daily basis now in the exact same way the discredited Russiagate psyop was, and just like with Russiagate the narrative they are being used to shape helps advance military expansionism and new cold war escalations which just so happen to fit perfectly into pre-existing geostrategic agendas of planetary domination.

Mainstream Media Refuses To Show This Video — Watch Here
Video reveals how you can get in on this major money-making secret.
The Afghanistan Papers established conclusively that the occupation has been unwinnable and without a clear picture of what winning would even look like from the very beginning, and that this fact has been hidden from the world by systematic deceit for two decades. The revelation was in the news for a day and then quickly memory holed without having any meaningful impact on the dominant narrative about Afghanistan, and now the mainstream consensus is that even trying to reduce the number of troops there is a hazardous and outlandish notion.
This is because the mainstream consensus is shaped not by facts, but by ‘BOUNTY‘narrative”… “ and we see it in the way the fact-free “bounty” narrative is shaping public opinion and determining US foreign policy. The propagandists who manufacture consent for imperialist agendas understand that truth and facts play far less of a role in what the propagandized consider important than does mindless repetition and emotion.” 
The Empire Files has an absolutely phenomenal mini-documentary on the Afghanistan occupation which came out the other day, and everyone should watch it. Abby Martin quickly breaks down the geostrategic, resource control, and military-industrial complex agendas which are advanced by this interminable war, the deceit and depravity which went into initiating and maintaining it, and the devastating toll it has taken on the Afghan people. I strongly encourage my readers to give it a view when you get the chance.
Listen Video:
The continued Afghanistan occupation is like if the police stormed a house, shot a bunch of people, realized they got the wrong house and they’d never find the guy they were looking for by staying there, stayed anyway, moved in, and then years later said they can’t move out because they heard a rumor that the neighbors are trying to make them leave.
Opium Dreams: Que desaparezca China= fuente de todos nuestros males: Xenophobia
Companies doing business in Xinjiang or with entities using Xinjiang labor could be exposed to "reputational, economic, and legal risks."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


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