miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


ND  AUG 28   19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

All is well..  Nothing to see here?

USTR confirmed that additional tariffs will be put on China next week... and The Dow roars 400 points off the lows as bond yields hit record lows

Bank stocks outperformed today, despite a flattening curve...
See Chart:

Notably, from the US open, it appeared pension rebalancing was impacting markets with stocks suddenly bid and bonds offered, but that stopped ahead of the EU close and bond yields and stock prices began to diverge...
See Chart:

Treasury yields slipped lower once again today...
See Chart:

10Y (and 30Y) yields closed at record lows...
See Chart:

The dollar index rallied once again, perfectly erasing the plunge from Trump's tariff tantrum last Friday...
See Chart:

WTI spiked above $56.50 in early trading but despite a huge crude draw, oil prices slipped back intraday...
See Chart:

And finally, the 30-year Treasury bond is yielding less than what the S&P 500 pays in dividends (on a trailing 12-month basis), something we've only seen in about three months over the past four decades.
See Chart:

The 30s are now yielding less than the S&P500’s dividend yield of 1.98% - for the first time since 2009 and yet another potential recessionary indicator, as if more were needed to stoke concerns of a meaningful 

As the BMO analysts point out, the 30s are now yielding less than the S&P500’s dividend yield of 1.98% - for first time since 2009 and represents "yet another potential recessionary indicator, as if more were needed to stoke concerns of a meaningful slowdown."
See Chart:

Most of the media attention has been on the horrific wildfires in the Amazon rainforest...  But the number of fires is actually much higher in Africa...

In fact, according to official data released by NASAthe number of fires in central Africa is more than five times higher than the number of fires currently raging in Brazil…

Data from Nasa’s Fire Information for Resource Management System, showed at least 6,902 fires in Angola and 3,395 burning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The same data put Brazil’s fires at 2,127.

Many of the fires in Africa are being set purposely by farmers in order to clear land, but they are still eroding critical ecosystems.  And we cannot afford to continue to treat our planet like this, because we are losing species at an astounding pace.

But now the dark times are upon us, and the stench of our evil ways has become undeniable.
Read the full art at:

While a staggering number of Americans live paycheck to paycheck with little savings, they also owe massive amounts of money that many will never be able to pay back...
The next “crisis,” will be the “great reset” which will also make it the “last crisis.”

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

To understand the current period, I recommend that you understand the workings of the 1935-45 period closely, which is the last time similar forces were at work to produce a similar dynamic.
Ray Dalio is right.. totally  right or just
Ominous warning? NO.. it is a truth said just in time, when most need it:
Fascism & Nazism created  WW2 as Trump’ team plan to do it now
What happen is that we don’t like truth

...the column “might be the least-responsible statement by a former financial official in decades... is the worst case of [Trump] derangement in the financial world...”

In theory the State Department was meant to specialize in peace and diplomacy in the same way the War Department specialized in war. In practice the warmongers just got two war departments...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Los caníbales de ayer y hoy  jamás podrán controlar sus instintos

The Gaddafi route is another option..
Creen que porque tienen mejores armas pueden matar a cualquiera con impunidad… Eso se acabó: VEN puede ser mejor armado que Cuba en el 61-63 y podría esta vez golpear directamente puntos estratégicos del imperio, sin depender de RU y China. Por lo pronto tiene la mejor arma para definir una victoria ejemplar: el pueblo VEN esta con Maduro, está armado y dispuesto a defenderse y contra-atacar. Y si es cierto que ya tienen varios misiles-nuke en sus manos.. es claro que no ocurrirá lo que sufrió Gaddafi y es claro también que no habrá el pacto de no agresión mutua  como el que firmo Kennedy con Krushev. La agresión Imperial contra VEN ya ha sido hecha con la intromisión política interna y su bufón Guaido y con el bloqueo militar que decreto  hambre y muerte a toda una nación. Buscan apropiarse de riqueza petrolera  ajena y jamás lo lograran. Apenas den otra señal de ataque, VEN tiene el absoluto derecho a la auto-defensa y  cualquiera sea la dimensión del contra-ataque será solo un tit-for tat contra la agresión imperial. En tiempos de guerra nuclear no hay enemigo chico, quien tenga esas armas tiene derecho a defenderse  o muere. Si ocurre el ataque imperial que se anuncia contra VEN  habrá muchos muertos en ambos lados, unos por intentar saquear riqueza ajena y otros por la auto-defensa de su soberanía nacional. Y si falla el contra-ataque autónomo de VEN, es claro que RU-China y aliados anti-Nato actuaran directamente.  Lo ocurrido en Hiroshima y Nagazaki será vengado y multiplicado por mil. El imperio quería guerra y la tendrá  en sus narices.
“This is due to short-term liquidity stresses and not due to problems with the solvency of the debt...”
Las deudas soberanas contra el IMF no tienen que ser pagadas a costas del hambre y privaciones de una nación. El IMF es la agencia imperial encargada de reciclar el USD y los altos intereses que ello implica… además del control político que le es congénito. Deuda ZERO es lo viene con la recesión mundial ya en camino. Y si estalla el WW3, con mayor razón aun: ZERO SOVEREING DEBT será su efecto inmediatico.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Ecol : Incendios  Socialismo o barbarie  Roberto Laxe
Alternativa:  Recuperar el alimento  Leonardo Rossi




Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Yves Engler   Canada and Bolsonaro

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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