jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 31 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 31 15 SIT EC y POL

La derrota final del ISIS está cerca. Russian Strategic Military Intervention Vindicated by ISIS Surrenders in Syria. Russia’s military intervention to help its Arab ally at the end of September has been the seminal event of the year.
After three months of sustained Russian aerial operations in support of the Syrian Arab Army against an array of foreign-backed mercenaries, there is an unmistakable sense that the «terrorist backbone has been broken», as Russian President Vladimir Putin recently put it.
This past week sees several local truces being implemented across Syria with evacuation of militants from towns which they have held under armed siege. The civilian populations in these locations have been effectively held hostage as human shields by the militants, thus preventing Syrian army advances up to now.



[ Here there are several points that account for neo-nazi policies  ]

2015 was discouraging for more reasons than most of us can count:

1-CISA Pushed Through the Senate, Effectively Clamping Down on Internet Freedom: For years, Congress has attempted to legalize corporate and state control of the internet. .. In October, Congress passed CISA, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, but as the Electronic Freedom Foundation explained: “CISA is fundamentally flawed. The bill’s broad immunity clauses, vague definitions, and aggressive spying powers combine to make the bill a surveillance bill in disguise. Further, the bill does not address problems from the recent highly publicized computer data breaches that were caused by unencrypted files, poor computer architecture, un-updated servers, and employees (or contractors) clicking malware links.” Just before Christmas, Congress went even further, adding an amendment to the annual omnibus budget bill that strips CISA’s minimal privacy provisions even more. That budget bill was approved, though Representative Justin Amash of Michigan has vowed to introduce legislation to repeal the CISA provisions when Congress reconvenes. .. But CISA wasn’t the only attack on citizens’ privacy this year. Though lawmakers touted the USA Freedom Act as a repeal of the mass surveillance state, in reality, it simply added a bureaucratic step to the process by which government agencies obtain private information.

2-CIA Whistleblower Sent to Prison for Revealing Damning Information to a Journalist: While the government has no problem invading the privacy of its citizens, it offers swift backlash for those who attempt to violate its own clandestine operations. Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA agent, had his first altercation with the CIA when he sued for racial discrimination in 2001. He was subsequently fired. Years later, the CIA filed espionage charges against him for speaking with New York Times journalist, James Risen. Sterling had revealed a botched CIA scheme, Operation Merlin, to infiltrate Iranian intelligence that ultimately worsened the situation, gave Iran a nuclear blueprint, and was deemed by some to be espionage, itself. Rather than acknowledge the woeful misstep, the CIA arrested him, charged him, and ultimately sentenced him to 42 months in prison… Sterling joins the ranks of Edward Snowden, Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning, and others.

3-Press Freedom Continued to Deteriorate: An annual report from the World Press Freedom Index saw the United States slip 29 spots from last year, landing 49th out of 180 total. In January, journalist Barrett Brown was sentenced to five years in prison for exposing the findings of hacker Jeremy Hammond. Brown was charged with obstructing justice, aiding and abetting, and separate charges of allegedly threatening the FBI in a rant. Hammond, who exposed severe violations of privacy on the part of Stratfor, a CIA contractor, was sentenced to ten years in prison.

4-In an ongoing trend, otherwise peaceful, non-violent individuals were harassed by police and courts — not for exposing secret information, but for providing information to potential jurors about their rights in the courtroom. One Denver jury nullification activist, followed by another, was charged with multiple felonies for handing out pamphlets that explain a juror’s right to vote “not guilty” in a verdict, even if the defendant is clearly guilty.

5- Six-Year-Old Autistic Boy Killed by Police: 2015 established not only that the justice system remains broken, but the the enforcement class — police officers — continues to terrorize citizens. In one underreported case, a six-year-old boy was fatally caught in the crossfire of a police shootout against his father, who was unarmed. In another case, an African-American motorist was shot and killed by University of Cincinnati police over a missing front license plate.

6- Earth Enters Sixth Mass Extinction: 2015, like many years before, was disastrous for the environment. .. In Flint, Michigan, lead levels in the water led to increased rates of contamination in children’s blood, prompting the mayor to declare a state of emergency. A massive methane gas leak in the San Fernando Valley, located just north of Los Angeles, has sickened residents and forced countless families to relocate. Authorities have been unable to stop the leak.

7- Civilian Casualties in Western Wars Continue: Though ISIS and other terrorist groups were rightly condemned for killing civilians in 2015, the West pointed fingers while committing the same crimes. In fact, one U.N. report released in September found U.S. drone strikes have killed more civilians in Yemen than al-Qaeda. Another analysis released this year concluded Obama’s ongoing drone wars have killed more people than were murdered during the Spanish Inquisition.

8- Insurrection at the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency Over Misleading Reports on ISIS: Over the summer, dissent grew within the ranks of the DIA, the Pentagon’s internal intelligence agency. In September, news broke that 50 intelligence analysts filed a report with the Department of Defense’s Inspector General to expose their superiors’ alleged manipulation of intelligence. The intention of the coverup was reportedly to downplay the threat of ISIS and the U.S.’s losing effort to fight it, all to maintain the Obama administration’s narrative the bombing campaigns have been successful.

9- Activists Inch a Small Step Closer to Exposing the Actors Behind 9/11: Though few Americans heard about it, in August, a New York judge allowed a trial to move forward that could expose a potential government cover-up in the notorious terrorist attack. The ruling was tepid, allowing a 60 to 90 day window for the case to be dismissed or proceed. A later ruling hindered the effort, citing a lack of evidence; but activists have not stopped fighting for the release of 28 redacted pages from the 9/11 commission report that allegedly implicate Saudi Arabia (a majority of the hijackers on 9/11 were of Saudi origin).

10- The FDA Approved OxyContin for Use in Children: Though the approval of the powerful, addictive painkiller for use in 11-year-olds and younger children was unsurprising to those who follow the agency’s track record, the FDA’s justification was shocking. After lawmakers wrote a letter expressing concern to the FDA, the agency’s spokesperson, Eric Pahon, said the news was, in fact, not that serious because it was already standard practice.. .. Pahon said. “Doctors were already prescribing it to children, without the safety and efficacy data in hand with regard to the pediatric population.

11- The Federal Government Admitted Cannabis May Help Fight Brain Cancer: the National Institute on Drug Abuse made waves this year when it published a document acknowledging the healing properties of cannabidiol, .. it noted that “marijuana can shrink one of the most serious types of brain tumors”.

12. Nestle Paid $524 to Plunder the Public’s Water Resources: This year, Anti-Media reported on the insidious relationship between Nestle and the Forest Service in California. The investigation found not only that Nestle was using an expired permit to turn exponential profit on 27 million gallons of water, but that a former Forest Service official went on to consult for the company.

13- Establishment Caught Manipulating News to Fit Narratives: Following the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, contentious protests broke out, eventually resulting in limited rioting and looting. However, while the media attempted to paint protesters as aggressive, it failed to report officers’ prolonged prohibition of their physical movement, to say nothing of the riot gear police showed up wearing. After being unable to move, a brick was thrown, but the media failed to report the instigation and discrimination law enforcement imposed that ultimately led the students and protesters to grow unruly.

14- TPP: In one of the most widely-contested pieces of legislation in recent memory, the Trans-Pacific Partnership moved forward, often in secret. The TPP has been condemned as a corporate power grab that ensures profit for pharmaceutical companies, among many other loathed industries. From clamping down on internet freedom to effectively sanctioning sex trafficking, TPP signals an ominous fate for the future of freedom.

15.- Sharp Uptick in Islamophobia: Amid the carnage of the Paris terror attacks, the recent shooting in San Bernardino, and the surge in Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Western nations, attacks against Muslims skyrocketed in 2015. In the United States, Muslims have been attacked for praying in public, wearing traditional head scarves, and for simply being out in public. Sikhs have been caught in the crossfire for the crime of being brown and wearing cloth on their heads — and thus being confused with Muslims

2015 was a year of chaos, violence, hate, and an ongoing struggle of freedom versus oppression. In many ways, it was like the years, decades, and even centuries and millenia that came before. But amid the conflict and often discouraging headlines, humanity has continued to persevere, offering resistance to seemingly all-powerful forces and paving the way for, if nothing else, potential peace, freedom, and respect for human life.

Beginning January 1, gun regulations in California will give authorities the right to seize a person’s weapons for 21 days if a judge determines the potential for violence exists.  Beginning January 1, gun regulations in California will give authorities the right to seize a person’s weapons for 21 days if a judge determines the potential for violence exists. What could possibly go wrong?

[ Is  it true that Obama resurrected Goebbels in America?]

Some have called Cass Sunstein "America's Goebbels" since he sugggested that the government "formally hire credible private parties to engage in counter-speech," and was engaged by President Obama as 'Information Tzar'. So today's op-ed from the government's propagandist-in-chief, condemning those who choose to push back against political correctness, should be read with a Bernaysian perspective as Sunstein attempts to delegitimize any and every effort to argue against the government's view of the world.
[ If that is true, then Obama “the information zar” is more powerful than Jesus.. this saint  resurrected Lazarus after one week of decomposition .. Obama did it after 7 decades. What?..you don’t believe it? .. This is a matter of faith.. and ..if you are a religious person, you should discuss our faith on the new  Goebbels .]

2-This Is What Stocks Do During Hyperinflation they lost just over 20% of their value in the past year.
3-Yellen, You Have A Problem: The "Rate Hike Corridor" Just Broke the rate hike corridor can and has been breached at least once, and only two weeks into the Fed's rate hike experiment.
4-America In 2015 (The Chart) Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/31/2015

2015 - the year when The Fed hiked rates for the first time in a decade to confirm its own narrative that "everything is awesome" and the US economy can handle 'normalization'.
2015 - the worst collapse in US macro-economic data since 2008 on both an absolute and relative to expectations basis.
It was different this time. The 'new normal' pattern has been an optimistic start to the year which then disappoints into mid-year only to resurge and surprise meteoroconomists in the second half of the year as government fiscal year-end spending and some form of stimulus invariably drove surveys back into optimistic territory.

That didn't happen in 2015.
This was not supposed to happen...  See chart

America has never - ever - avoided a recession when Chicago's Business Barometer has collapsed to these levels. At 42.9, missing the expectations of 50.0 by the most ever, down from 48.7 in November, the final US economic data point of the year sums up perfectly what a disaster Yellen has hiked rates into.

The Good: On the heels of a 40% jump in 2014, Venezuela’s main IBC Stock Index was up a cool 280% this year. Although, due to currency devaluation, you’d be lucky if you kept any of those 28,000 basis points.
The Bad: Coal stocks were an example of another trend that persisted this year. After closing 2014 some 87% off of its 2008 high, the Dow Jones U.S. Coal Index lost another 80% in 2015. That’s why we don’t go bottom-feeding when selecting investments.
The Ugly: There were much worse markets in 2015, but the S&P 500 was just plain ugly for anyone trying to figure it out. For one, as of the 2nd to last day of the year, the index was exactly 0.2% away from its 2014 closing price. Furthermore, along the way, it suffered stints of maddening behavior.

From February 3 to August 19, the S&P 500 never closed more than 2.2% away from the 2085 level, up or down. That’s over half the year, or 138 days! Then it dropped 11% in a week! Then, in one month (October), it gained back the entire decline!
On top of that, imagine you were using the 50-day moving average to stay on the correct side of the trend, as many traders do. Well, the index crossed up or down through the 50-day no less than 40 times – on a closing basis! Good luck with that strategy.
Frontrunning: December 31. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/31/2015 - 07:42
  • Oil ends 2015 in downbeat mood; hangover to be long, painful (Reuters)
  • Recession, retrenchment, revolution? Impact of low crude prices on oil powers (Guardian)
  • Midwest Flooding Might Make the Oil Glut Worse (BBG)
  • From Oil Glut to Shortage? Some Say It Could Happen (WSJ)
  • Ten Years After Blowup, Amaranth Investors Waiting to Get Money Back (WSJ)
  • China Fires a Warning Shot at Yuan Speculators With Bank Bans (BBG)
It has come down to this: a year in which the US stock market (led by a handful of shares even as the vast majority of stocks has dropped) has gone nowhere, but took the longest and most volatile path to get there, is about to close either red or green for 2015 based on what happens in today's low-volume session following yesterday's unexpected last half hour of trading "air pocket" which brought the S&P back to unchanged for the year.

America is being destroyed by problems that are unaddressed. Unbridled greed, short-term in nature, will continue to drive America into the ground.

Turks Warn "We're One Step Away From Civil War" On Erdogan Crackdown . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/31/2015. “The tanks fire all day and we have nowhere left to hide,”.

Earlier today, we outlined Washington's plan to slap new sanctions on Iran in connection the October test-firing of Tehran's next generation, surface-to-surface ballistic-missile Emad. It didn't take long for Iran to hit back, with President Rouhani now reportedly ordering the Defense Ministry to "expedite" missile development.




Creating an “Independent Sunni State”: Washington Calls for the Partition and Fracturing of Syria and Iraq. By Finian Cunningham. Russia’s military intervention to help its Arab ally at the end of September has been the seminal event of the year.
War Fraud: The Great Lies Behind Imperial Warfare in the 21st Century. By Mark Taliano. The “War On Terror” and “The War On Drugs” are both fraudulent, and they are both related
America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed. By Paul Craig Roberts. Clearly, American capitalism no longer serves society, and the worsening distribution of income and wealth prove it.
Law, Order and Social Suicide. By Robert C. Koehler. we live under the illusion that social order is sustained by law . . . I mean, ahem.


Los tres componentes secretos de la verdadera felicidad, al descubierto.  1. Relaciones cercanas con la familia. 2. Matrimonios estables sin divorcios ni separación. 3. Mejor solteros que mal acompañados. Lo 1ro es utopia possible. Lo 2do depende de negociación educada y amigable. Lo 3ro, una verdad.
Los lios entre estud secund se resolvían a golpes, con guantes y protector y con un árbitro. Habia varias peleas de 3 rounds los viernes en la tarde, después de clases y todos gozábamos el evento gratis. Cualquiera fuese el resultado terminaba en un abrazo. Así fue como conseguí uno de mis mejores amigos. Solo había que mostrar que no se tiene miedo a los golpes de la vida y que de la lucha depende todo.



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