martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 15 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 15  15 SIT EC y POL


The president and his top advisers have kept an open door for CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, keeping almost 1,000 appointments with them, a Reuters review of White House records shows. Of the hundreds of appointments listed, Obama himself was present at about half. As the corrupting hand of government intervention spreads, so CEOs and the White House have become allies in advocating for immigration reform, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and reauthorization for the Export-Import Bank. So who really owns The White House?   www.zerohedge

[ In this art there is a mis-interpretation on Mises 1932 statements regarding State intervention and free-market economy. We should not confuse “free-market economy” with “current neoliberalism” . The later is based on fraudulent speculation (not in competition among productive capitalist) but on  genocidal-militarism and printing QEs money to save financial crocks (via bailouts) .  In the time of Hitler the failure of capitalism was done by market-monopolization by west  corporations that defeated Germany  in WWI.  In fact it was  Hitler’s  “interventionist-welfare state”  that saved Germany capitalism asphyxiated by the heavy sanctions imposed on them by West allies.  The same is happening today with the neo-nazi regime in Germany. It is the “welfare-state interventionism” that  is saving Germany from the current neoliberal crisis. The real killer of “free-market” is today neoliberalism based on speculation & fraud. This economic system was imposed  by the US & UK since the 1985 (Washington  Consensus in the US), this system is the real killer of  productive capitalism and market economy. So, do not use Mises as “story-tale”  to cover up the current neoliberal crisis. Today is neoliberalism the real killer of free-market economy. ]

So who really owns The White House?

Since the economic downturn of 2008, the critics of capitalism have redoubled their efforts to persuade the American people and many others around the world that the system of individual freedom and free enterprise has failed.
The first observation to make is that many if not most of the social and economic misfortunes that are most frequently talked about are not the product of a “failed” free enterprise. The reason for this is that a consistently practiced free enterprise system no longer exists in the United States.

[ ON von Mises old story..]
As we detailed previously, the Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, described this twisted, corrupted, and politicized capitalism over 80 years ago, in 1932, in an essay on “The Myth of the Failure of Capitalism,” published shortly before the coming of Hitler and the Nazi movement to power.

As Ludwig von Mises said, the political and economic crises through which the world suffers is not the crisis or failure of the free market. No, it is the crisis and failure of the interventionist-welfare state, and its anti-free market capitalist ideology.

[ In the time of Hitler the failure of capitalism was not the failure of free market, .. In the time of Hitler the market was monopolized by west  corporations that defeated Germany  in WWI.  In fact it was  Hitler’s  “interventionist-welfare state”  that saved Germany capitalism asphyxiated by the heavy sanctions imposed on them by West allies.  And such “welfare-state interventionism” is now saving Germany from the current neoliberal crisis. The real killer of “free-market” is today neoliberalism based on speculation & fraud. It is neoliberal economics imposed by the US since the 1985 (Washington  Consensus) that kills productive capitalism. So, do not use Mises  as “story-taler”  to cover up the current neoliberal crisis. Today is neoliberalism the real killer of free-market economy.] 

Denmark To Confiscate Gold, Jewelry, & Valuables From Refugees. S-by Tyler Durden on 12/15/2015

[ 1ro ayudaron el bombardeo en Siria y ahora los asaltan ]

“Danish border guards may confiscate gold, jewelry, diamonds, and other valuables from refugees as they enter the country (though wedding rings are now off limits). The Danish government’s excuse is that they need to confiscate assets from refugees in order to pay for the services they’re providing to those same refugees.”  www.zerohedge
[ Al árbol cayendo.. hacha con el ]

Just last week, controversial Shiite lawmaker Hanan Fatlawi suggested that John McCain was planning to coordinate with the Saudis, Qatar, the UAE, and Turkey on a troop deployment to number 100,000 in Iraq. With the announcement of a new, 34 country military alliance, deputy crown prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman might have just verified Fatlawi's claims.  WWW.ZEROHEDGE

[ SI LOS SAUDIS están detrás de la invasion Turka a Irak.. No sería eso suficiente razón 1ro para sacar los invasores y 2do para usar la respuesta y dar el golpe a  los jihadistas “sunis” del reino Saudi en su propia casa?. Si de verdad se quiere frenar al ISIS.. pues ahí está el hilo de la madeja. ]

[ Yo creo que no solo esto es un fraude fraguado arriba para manipular el miedo “xenofóbico” contra los islámicos.. creo que también lo fue el atentado letal anterior.. al silenciar con la muerte a la pareja.. se borro la posibilidad de real investigación sobre el caso ]

"The U.S. troops are about to see for themselves what they're up against, and if America is serious about defeating ISIS, it will need to contribute more than guns and bullets; America's new allies will need artillery, armored vehicles and antitank weapons to match ISIS' firepower." www.zerohedge

[ Es de esperarse que pronto tengamos las 1ra victimas americanas del ISIS.. Solo los robots no mueren .. y estos si son de carne y huesoNo faltara quien pregunte: a quien sirvió su muerte?]

Combine the rising regulatory burden with the decline of entrepreneurship, and you get a bubbling brew that is toxic to self-employment/small business.”  www.zerohedge

[ La frase es cierta a condición de explicarla: Los QEs jamás llegaron abajo.. solo sirvieron para alimentar la gula de los bribones de Wall Street y hay leyes que así lo permiten.. las del Washington Consensus.. eso es lo que hay que cambiar con un nuevo Glass-Steagall ACT, como lo dice Sanders.]

[ Es cierto.. lo que significa que es tiempo de cambios radicales.. NO more QEs ni bailouts. ]

[ This article shows how the “economic expansion” via fraud y nasty speculation.. created inside America the explosive inequality we have now.. the 1%  of crock rich “investors” became richer & and the working classes poorest since salaries were stagnated.. while middle classes almost disappeared .. The rich in America not only ruined our nation but also entire countries of the world submitter to the “vulture capital” .. And this art shows also that this type of neoliberal economics cannot reproduce itself any-longer .. not unless a nuke war allows the devastation, plunder and division of Russia & China. However, Russia and China are ready to retaliate if the US lunches the 1st nuke strike. Our country will be totally  destroyed if that happens. .. Our nation will experience the suffering of Hiroshima & Nagazaki multipled by 1000.. Why this human catastrphy?.. to save the privileges of the 1% of Americans?. .. This nation won’t allow that and much less the international community... The neoliberal system has become obsolete and it is time to abandon our hegemonistic  false supremacy.   It is time to save our human resources & our productive capital to rebuilt our nation by designing a post-neoliberal system to replace this obsolete one.]

Wall Street’s proclivity to create serial equity bubbles off the back of cheap credit has once again set up the middle class for disaster. The warning signs of this next correction have now clearly manifested, but are being skillfully obfuscated and trivialized by financial institutions. Nevertheless, here are ten salient warning signs that astute investors should heed as we roll into 2016.

1.The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping rates and a barometer for worldwide commodity demand, recently fell to its lowest level since 1985. This index clearly portrays the dramatic decrease in global trade and forebodes a worldwide recession.

2. Further validating this significant slowdown in global growth is the CRB index, which measures nineteen commodities. After a modest recovery in 2011, it has now dropped below the 2009 level—which was the nadir of the Great Recession.

3. Nominal GDP growth for the third quarter of 2015 was just 2.7%. The problem is Ms. Yellen wants to begin raising rates at a time when nominal GDP is signaling deflation and recession. The last time the Fed began a rate hike cycle was in the second quarter of 2004. Back then nominal GDP was a robust 6.6%. Furthermore, the last several times the Fed began to raise interest rates nominal GDP ranged between 5%-7%.

4. The Total Business Inventories to Sales Ratio shows an ominous overhang: sales are declining as inventories are increasing. This has been the hallmark of every previous recession.

5. The Treasury Yield curve, which measures the spread between 2 and 10 Year Notes, is narrowing.

6. S&P 500 Non-GAAP earnings for the third quarter were down 1%, and on a GAAP basis earnings plummeted 14%.

7. The rising US dollar is hurting the revenue and earnings of multi-national companies.

8. Recent data confirms that the US is currently in a manufacturing recession:
  • The November ISM Manufacturing Index entered into contraction for the first time in 36 months posting a reading of 48.6. This is a decline from the anemic October reading of 50.1 and marked the fifth straight month this index was in decline.
  • The Chicago purchasing manager’s index (PMI) came in at 48.7 for November signaling contraction.  [plus two more cases ]

9. Credit Spreads are widening as investors flee corporate debt for the safety of Treasuries.

10. The S&P 500 is at the second highest valuation in its history:
  • The Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings (CAPE) ratio, was19 in November, a value greater than 25 indicates that the stock market is overpriced in comparison to its earnings history. The CAPE ratio has averaged 17 going back to 1881. [5 more arguments in this regard ]
Conclusion:  This current “economic expansion”  is now 78 months old, making it one of the longest in U.S. history.  [ ONLY THE 1% OF AMERICANS BENEFIT FRON THIS SYSTEM ]


Alert: Congress May Vote Today to Destroy States’ Rights to Protect Our Food Supply. Posted on December 15, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Congress Votes to Override State Law and Block Americans’ Right to Know If Our Food Has Been Genetically Modified.  All Americans – conservatives and liberals – want their families to have access to safe food.. Polls by ABC news, Associated Press and other major organizations show that Americans overwhelmingly want genetically modified foods (“GMOs”) labeled … and don’t believe that GMOs are safe.
Saudi Royal Family Announces Its New Global Sunni Military Empire. Posted on December 15, 2015 by Eric Zuesse.  An official announcement from the world’s leading, and most fundamentalistic, Sunni Islamic nation, Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday December 15th, has introduced a Sunni-Islamic counterpart to NATO, and it includes one NATO member, Turkey, which is already at war against NATO’s enemy Russia, and against Russia’s ally the non-sectarian, secular Shiite, Bashar al-Assad, who runs Syria. The Sauds’ “Joint Statement on Formation of Islamic Military Alliance” has been signed by 34 Sunni-led nations, with “more than ten other Islamic countries” that “have expressed their support for this … alliance and will take the necessary measures” to join, “including Indonesia” (the highest-population Islamic-majority nation). All of those “Islamic countries” are specifically Sunni-led, not  Shiite-led. The two top importers of U.S. weapons are #1 Saudi Arabia, and #2 Turkey.

Why does the Participation Rate matter? Intuitively, we all understand that the lower the participation rate (i.e. the percentage of the population with a job or actively looking for a job), the greater the tax burden on the remaining workers.
We all understand that as the number of workers supporting each retiree declines, the remaining workers will have less income to support their own families, as the rising costs of retirees must be paid with higher taxes in our pay-as-you-go social and healthcare programs such as Social Security and Medicare /Medicaid.


Portrait of a Backstabbing Pasha. By James Petras.  Erdogan’s road to absolutist power is strewn with indiscriminant purges, terror and deceit.
Assad Can Stay, For Now: Kerry Accepts Russian Stance by Matth Lee and Brad klapper. Kerry on Tuesday accepted Russia's long-standing demand that President Bashar Assad's future be determined by his own people.
NATO’s Got a Brand New (Syrian) Bag. By Pepe Escobar. A “safe zone” protected by NATO crammed with “moderate rebels” as the perfect tool to turbo-charge the breakup of the Syrian state.
The “Assad Must Go” Policy Implied  War With Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. The Saker. Under international law the Syrians will have the right to shoot at any US, French, German, Turkish or other aircraft flying in Syrian airspace
Saudis Form Pro-ISIS Block. By Stephen Lendman. Riyadh’s announced phony Islamic military alliance against terrorism followed its failed December 8 – 10 anti-Assad conference – attended by regional rogue states and notorious terrorist groups, including ISIS
Liberal Extremism Disguised as Defense of Muslims. By Matt Peppe. slamophobia among the American public has seemingly reached a fever pitch.




Tiempo roto . Referéndum y proceso constituyente. Josep Maria Antentas



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