martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 29 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 29 15 SIT EC y POL


TOMADO DE Rebelion. Org
Derechos humanos en la sociedad de clases. Lilliam Oviedo . In case you miss it.



The $1.15 trillion spending bill passed by Congress last Friday and quickly signed by President Obama is just the latest triumph in the plutocratic management of politics that has accelerated since 9/11...proof that Washington can work. Mainstream media didn’t stop to ask: “Yes, but work for whom?” Instead, the anchors acted as amplifiers for official spin - repeating the mantra-of-the-hour that while this is not “a perfect bill,” it does a lot of good things. “But for whom? At what price?” went unasked. Secrecy today. Secrecy tomorrow. Secrecy forever. They are determined that we not know who owns them.

Everyone who is convinced that the current status quo is permanent and unbreakable should consider what happened to the super-wealthy private landholders of the Western Roman Empire. When the empire's power to coerce broke down, the super-wealthy vanished into the dustbin of history. Few believed that possible in 475 AD, but history isn't a matter of belief. Believing it isn't possible doesn't stop history.
The Herd Is Heading For A Cliff. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/29/2015

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

Another hedge fund has decided to call it quits, this time chess-afficionado Doug Hirsch's event-driven $500 million Seneca Capital, which according to Bloomberg is returning outside capital today.

Actually I believe we’re already entering a recessionin the US. Given the weakness in the global economy and the deceleration of growth in the U.S., I would imagine that by next year the Fed will cut rates once again and launch QE4."

"We are right back at it: trying to stimulate growth through easy money. It hasn’t worked, but it’s the only tool the Fed’s got. The biggest hope I had was that we would enter a new era of personal responsibility. Instead, we doubled down on blaming others, and this is long-term tragic..."

The winners from a $5 trillion M&A bubble: Wall Street bankers will make hundreds of millions in M&A fees. The losers: hundreds of thousands of workers who are about to be laid off, pardon, "synergized."

Unexpected events can take on greater importance as the Federal Reserve ends its near-decade-long Zero Interest Rate Policy. Consensus premises and forecasts will likely fall flat, in a rather spectacular manner. The low-conviction and directionless market that we saw in 2015 could become a no-conviction and very-much-directed market (i.e. one that's directed lower) in 2016. There will be no peace on earth in 2016, and our markets could lose a cushion of protection as valuations contract. (Just as "malinvestment" represented a key theme this year, we expect a compression of price-to-earnings ratios to serve as a big market driver in 2016.) In other words, we don't think 2016 will be fun.


Where "hedge fund hotels" such as Valeant suffered dramatic implosions, a handful of traders generated impressive returns for their investors and made billions by going against the herd.
2016 Is An Easy Year To Predict. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/29/2015

This is because a whole bunch of irreversible things happened in 2015 that were not recognized for what they are, either intentionally or by ‘accident’. Things that will therefore now be forced to play out in 2016, when denial will no longer be an available option. Simply put, 2016 will be the year when a lot of ‘underlying wealth’ evaporates.
Markets Are Going Nuts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/29/2015

From stocks (Dow up 460 points from pre-Christmas lows) and VIX (futures getting whacked), to FX (total craziness in EUR and GBP); and from Bonds (2Y underperforming this morning!) to Commodities (Copper soaring almost 3%, Crude spiking), it appears markets have gone nuts this morning...

[ Too much volatility makes people more religious .. They  pray no to be caught by the storm ]
[ “Small ladrón que roba a big ladrón, tiene mil años de perdon”. ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/29/2015 - 07:32
  • The World's Richest People Got Poorer This Year (BBG)
  • Oil hovers near 11-year lows on abundant supply, slowing demand (Reuters)
  • Oil-Producing States Battered as Tax-Gushing Wells Are Shut Down (BBG)
  • A Bold Few Traders Earn Billions Flouting Rivals (WSJ)
  • Islamic State ruling aims to settle who can have sex with female slaves (Reuters)
  • Winter Storm Snarls Republican Presidential Traffic (BBG)
  • Donald Trump Urges Supporters to the Polls (BBG)
Summing up with hope

Santa Claus is cutting it close: after stocks closed down yesterday, and just fractionally red for the year, the jolly old gift-giver (who now has activist investors breathing down his neck) has just three trading days to push if not stocks then the market into the green for the year. And so far, so good, with US equity futures rising by 8 points or 0.4%, on the back of some modest renewed Dollar strength but mostly on oil, which after yesterday's big slide, has managed to stem the decline and is up fractionally, just under $37, along with other commodities if not copper, which falls for second day.
[ Where this hope came from??.. invented reality??  .. Who knows, anything is possible in the realm of Santas ..  I still don’t know how Santa was created .. all that I knew is that is more effective than bankers who create money from the thin air. ]


Greek and Turkish jets just got into a dogfight over the Aegean Sea on Tuesday when Ankara's warplanes violated Greek airspace nine times. Two of the Turkish planes "were armed." 


Ecología. Las bolsas respiran tras conferencia sobre clima. ¡Ya estamos avisados! Marc Vandepitte
EE.UU. Fines y principios. David Brooks
Opinión. si el poder ya no reside en instituciones, sino en infraestructuras..En qué consiste la revolución?  La revolución como problema técnico: de Curzio Malaparte al Comité Invisible. Amador Fernández
Guatemala.  No somos inocentes, somos protagonistas. Carolina Vásquez
Descubren un nuevo cáncer contagioso el cáncer contagioso es la transferencia de células cancerosas. Eso solo existía en perros, pero se acaban de descubrir más y asociadas a la cría de animales en cautiverio.
El dios islámico es tan misógino y cruel como el cristiano con las mujeres. Allí no solo las hizo parir con dolor, las hizo vivir bajo la tortura del jihadismo islámico, la de sus hombres. La 'Gestapo femenina' del Estado Islámico comete una nueva atrocidad.  Elaboran  La guía sexual del Estado Islámico que indica cómo y cuándo violar niñas y mujeres esclavas . Lea además: Ley coránica: castigan cruelmente a una joven vista "muy de cerca" por un hombre (fotos) . Esa peste tiene nombre.. empieza con cha....


Salman, Erdogan talk Syria in Riyadh para lanzar la bomba y ocultar la mano?

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