DIC 21 15 SIT EC y POL
WWIII?. The Saker | Monday,
December 21, 2015. http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/12/week-eleven-of-the-russian-intervention-in-syria/
New World Disorder - How Empires Die.
Jeff Thomas via InternationalMan.com, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/21/2015
In the final throes of empire-decline, we invariably
observe the more sociopathic trends of a failing power, such as we’re seeing today from the US. First
and foremost, any empire declines as a result of economic mismanagement.
Decline from within (pandering to the populace with “bread and circuses”) and
without (endless conquest and/or maintenance of dominance over far-flung
geography) drain even the wealthiest government. But the leaders of a
collapsing empire invariably make a fatal mistake: they assume that all
the goodwill the empire gained when it was on its rise is permanent – that it
will continue, even if the empire behaves like the world’s foremost bully. This
is never the outcome.
Then & Now. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/21/2015
The complicated financial
landscape today has made everyone "slaves to the central bank"
while ordinary people have found themselves stuck in debt, and spending all
they have just to get by.
The few who are able to save at
all have lost value by saving during extended periods of ZIRP and have instead
been sidelined as hedge funds and Wall Street bankers have used virtually free
money to buy up assets – like houses – which force the middle class types to
rent rather than buy.
It is truly a vicious cycle, and
it will leave humanity at the bottom again, reversing all the gains of the 1776
revolution – as we are all serfs now.
2015 - The Year
In Money. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/21/2015
“Huge mega-mergers. Anemic hedge fund returns.
Billion-dollar venture capital deals. Bloomberg
breaks down 2015's record highs and lows. “ www.zerohedge.com
cierto, hoy el gran capital monopólico esta
rápidamente comiéndose a los pequeños
como los tiburones a las sardinas. .. y se alista para avanzar sobre los
mercados emergentes para despojarlos de sus recursos.. Pero si Ud observa con
cuidado los gráficos de Bloomberg va a concluir que el capitalismo neoliberal
tiene serios problemas estructurales internos y externos para
auto-reproducirse. ESTO le impedirá levantarse de la cama de cuidados
intensivos del hospital donde está hoy. Los gráficos dan clara imagen de la gravedad
de la crisis Económica del capitalismo.
eso lo que está en juego, reproducción del capitalismo neoliberal.. Este
sistema esta llegando a su final.. ya no
da para más, es obsoleto.. Todos sabemos que existe un sistema alternativo: el
que ya antes uso FDR (en plena depresión económica, 1936) y que dio muy buenos resultados (se tuvo 50 años de desarrollo equilibrado..
desde mediados del 30 hasta fines de 1970). Se trata por tanto de cortar la
gangrena.. de extirpar lo ya infestado .. Esto es, las finanzas parasitarias
basadas en la especulación (vuture capital) y el fraude..
tiene sentido seguir reproduciendo la vida artificial de este sistema corrupto..
Solo hay un obstáculo: las mafias que controlan el poder económico y político
en el país. La única solución es la eutanasia –dijo un médico- hay que
desahuciar el viejo sistema y en cambio fortalecer la alianza entre el capital productivo,
el labor y el Estado gestor... Pero la oligarquía jamás querrá que este cambio ocurra
… Quieren que se tenga al paciente en la sala de cuidados intensivos del hospital
.. aunque no tenga real esperanza de vida .. Las enfermeras del hospital se
limitan a irrigarle aire a los pulmones (QEs le llaman) .. pero saben que el
paciente esta con una pata en el infierno.. y con la otra pata en este mundo,
pero sobre una cascara de plátano .. y que cualquier día cae y muere de un sentanazo
y adiós al difunto en vida ..
mejor adiós al viejo sistema podrían ser las elecciones que vienen el próximo año
.. Me refiero al radical cambio de régimen que plantea Bernie Sanders .. Eso serviría para darle cristiana
sepultura al ya muerto en vida.. Pero las elecciones también la controlan los
potentados de dos familias oligárquicas que
siempre se alternaron en el poder --la de
REP & Democ—.. Estos ya quisieron desembarcar a Sanders de la competencia
electoral, pero sin suerte. Esta visto que lo van a intentar de nuevo –jamas se
podría confiar en la indecencia política de Mrs Clinton.
única opción de Sanders es crear un frente independiente con lo mejor de los
viejos partidos a nivel nacional. Solo armando un FRENTE POPULAR para LA
RECONSTRUCCIÓN DE AMÉRICA se puede avanzar la 3ra opción electoral, la opción
de real democracia en américa y sobre todo,
de ir mas allá de las elecciones.
trata de apuntar hacia el cambio democrático-nacional del sistema político económico. Lo electoral
es solo la posibilidad de tránsito pacifico hacia un nuevo sistema. .. Lo real
y sustantivo es avanzar hacia la revolución popular.. via Referéndums para
cambiar las estructuras pol-econ del país. No será una REV violentista ni anárquica
pero si radical y constructiva.. La energía rev para ese cambio ya existe en el
pueblo, eso ha venido fermentando lentamente desde hace tiempo en el país (El
Mov “ocupar” o las tomas de
instituciones claves del país, desde el evento popular en Seattle a fines del
siglo pasado). Eso hay que re-activarlo y
de abajo para arriba. Su esencia ahora serán los referéndums
revoluciones siempre fueron las parteras de la nueva historia .. asi va a ser
en America otra vez. El partido que
habrá de organizar y liderar este cambio será le FRENTE POPULAR a crearse durante
estas elecciones .. Eso requiere armar las bases político-organizativas para la acción
revolucionaria en cada distrito –antes electoral-
, y en cada municipio, región y Estado. Hay que empezar por crear la autonomía
orgánica frente a los dos partidos que reproducen el cronismo en el país. Resumiendo:
el movimiento popular por la 3ra opción electoral, no tiene solo propósitos electorales.
Se requiere movilizar al pueblo para cambiar de raíz el viejo sistema. Eso
requiere de un programa mínimo para toda la nación y también -en forma paralela
y subordinada- de programas mínimos para cada región y Estado.]
Know Of No One Who Predicted This": Russian Oil Production Hits Record As
Saudi Gambit Fails. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/21/2015
In late October, we noted that
for the second time this year, Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the biggest
exporter of crude to China. Russia also took the top spot in May,
marking the first time in history that Moscow beat out Riyadh when it comes to
crude exports to Beijing.
The takeaway here is that the Saudi gambit failed to wrench
market share away from the Russians and between the conflict in Syria, Moscow’s
closer ties with Beijing, and Riyadh’s move to antagonize The Kremlin by
encroaching on Russia’s eastern European market share, one shouldn’t expect
Putin to back down any time soon. In short, if John Kerry and Riyadh did in
fact plan to bankrupt the Russians by tanking crude prices, the effort was a
miserable failure that resulted not only in a 20% fiscal deficit for the
Saudis, but also in the destruction of American jobs in the oil patch.
We close with a bit of humor from Deputy Energy
Minister Kirill Molodtsov:
“I will tell you when Russian companies are for sure going to
decrease production – when oil costs
$0.” www.zerohedge.com
$1.15 Trillion Spending Bill: Heads They Win, Tails You Lose. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 12/21/2015
“The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, which was
signed into law on Friday, is nearly twice as long. At 887 pages, the bill
allocates $1.15 trillion in war and discretionary spending for fiscal year 2016
which began almost three months ago. (That’s an average of $1.3 billion in
spending PER PAGE of the bill.) In making it public law, President Obama
has effectively signed the death warrant of the US government’s finances.” www.zerohedge.com
Recession And Bear Market Of 2016, In Two Charts. by
John Rubino via DollarCollapse.com,
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/21/2015
Good friend Michael Pollaro just sent a couple of charts
that show the US economy heading for a brick wall. The first illustrates what
happens when business sales (the green line) turn negative. In the previous two boom/bust cycles, when
sales started falling the economy either tipped into recession shortly
thereafter or (it was discovered in retrospect) was already well into a
Meanwhile, junk bond
yields (the blue line) start rising before recession hits and then spike
during the contraction, as falling sales hit the weakest borrowers hardest,
causing a wave of defaults.
Now compare the
previous two busts with today (far right of the chart). Business sales
turned negative a year ago and are now heading south fast. Junk yields bottomed
in 2014 and are now spiking. If history is a reliable guide, the US is either
in recession right now or will be within a quarter or two.
There is one
difference, however. Heading into both previous financial crises short-term
interest rates (represented here by the Fed Funds rate, red line) were above 5%,
giving the central bank some leeway to cut rates and thus stimulate new
borrowing. But not this time. Instead, short-term rates are zero or thereabouts
and the Fed has just begun a tightening cycle.
Here’s Michael’s
What is the Junk Market getting that broad equities are not
getting? Oh yeah, the economy is decelerating and liquidity is being withdrawn.
Basic starting point, learned from my years on the sell side: Pay
attention to the junk market. That market is much smarter than the equity
The next chart shows the causal relationship between new
factory orders and industrial production, i.e., the amount of real things being
produced by US factories. Again, the trend is ominous.
Car sales have joined student loans as the credit bubble du
jour and will have to pop soon, given the combination of record-high sales and
soaring subprime lending. If used
car sales are an indicator of the future of new car sales, then overall
business sales and industrial production will “surprise analysts” by plunging
next year.
Real "Death Cross" Of Oil Markets. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/21/2015
The 'death cross' of these two energy market indicators
is all one needs to know about the oil market...

As Bloomberg notes, total industry oil stocks reported by
the International Energy Agency rose for a third month, increasing by 0.5
percent to the highest on record at 2.99 billion barrels.
China’s Beige Book, released last week, showed further
economic deterioration in one of the world’s largest commodity-consuming
nations in the fourth quarter.
* * *
Until these two indicators change direction, lower-er for
longer-er will remain.
Military to Military. US Intelligence Sharing
in the Syrian War. By Seymour M. Hersh. Fall of Assad
Would Lead to Chaos and, to Syria’s takeover by Jihadi Extremists
Of Hersh's New Piece Fails To Understand What Really Happened. By Moon
Of Alabama. Throughout his career Hersh's reporting was proven right more often
than his critics criticism of it.
Most Syrian
Rebels Sympathise with Isis, Says Thinktank . By Staff and agencies. fforts
to wipe out Isis in Syria and Iraq would not end the global threat from jihadi
groups because extremist views were common among Syrian fighters of all stripes
Syria: The
Break For The Border. By Pepe Escobar. Erdogan’s pretext is to block by
any means the attempt by YPG Syrian Kurds to unite their three cantons in
northern Syria.
US Friendly
Fire… With Friends Like That Who Needs Enemies?. By Finian Cunningham. Iraqis
will see the latest American “mistake” as further evidence that the US military
is in reality working covertly in Iraq to support the terror group known as
Islamic State.
US Plotting
to Disintegrate Iraq, Syria into 8 New States. By FARS News. Washington
plans to disintegrate regional states into smaller countries to make them weak
and guarantee Israel's security.
European Powers Prepare New Air And Ground Operations Against Libya. By
Thomas Gaist. The new government has been cobbled together to fabricate a legal
fig leaf for another military onslaught against Libya.
John Pilger
on Wars of the Future and Past . Video. John Pilger talks about media
silence on Yemen, media attacks on Corbyn and the importance of the Spanish
Creeping Villainy of American Politics. By Chris Hedges. The worst
nightmare for ISIS, like the demagogues in the West, is that we reject their
call to create a wedge between religious communities
The Logic
of the Police State . By Matthew Harwood. People Are Waking Up to the
Darkness in American Policing, and the Police Don’t Like It One Bit
With The Devil. By Jim Hightower. Blatant lies, PR cover-ups, and a
culture of total impunity are now central to the corporate business model.
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