DIC 12 15 SIT EC y POL
Releases New Apocalyptic Video Depicting "Final" Battle With
"Crusaders" In Syria. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/12/2015
[ Finally they are going to be wipe out.. GOOD LUCK RUSSIAN..
finish you work!! .. And take they out from Iraq
too.. ISIS is a Saudi’s army and Israel they sisi partners.. US-NATO are they sponsors .. So, be ready to respond to
them, if they dear to interfere. ]
More info: Putin
Orders Military To "Immediately Destroy" Any Threat To Russian Forces
More info: Is
ISIS Simply A "Saudi Army In Disguise"?
ISIS Simply A "Saudi Army In Disguise"?. . Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/12/2015
What stinks in Saudi Arabia ain’t the camel dung.
It’s the monarchy of King Salman and his hot-headed son, Prince Salman. For
decades they have financed terrorism under a fake religious disguise, to
advance their private plutocratic agenda. It has nothing to do with religion
and everything to do with money and oil. Saudi control of that oil wealth
(from Iraq to Syria) via their ISIS agents, along with her clear plan to take
out the US shale oil competition, or so Riyadh reckons, would make the Saudi
monarchy a vastly richer state. www.zerohedge
American Dream "Exposed" In 22 Depressing Datapoints. S-by Tyler
Durden on 12/12/2015
At one time, the United States had the most vibrant middle class the
world had ever seen. We were the envy of the rest of the planet, and people all
over the world wanted to come here and live out “the American Dream”. Unfortunately,
“the American Dream” is now dying, and most Americans don’t seem to care. Politicians
of all stripes are saying the exact
same thing during this election season... Sadly, when we send these
politicians to Washington D.C. they just continue on with business as usual.
No matter who resides in the White House and no matter who controls Congress,
the game remains the same and the middle class just continues to suffer. www.zerohegde
[ There is a kind of pessimism in the conclusion of this nice
art: “Unfortunately, “the American Dream” is now
dying, and most Americans don’t seem to care”... However:
1- The mere fact that people is rioting in streets ..having in
front of them a heavily armed security force.. that means that their soul is
loaded with dynamite.. with power to change the world.. all that they have to
do is preserve their life .. until the time arrive to take control of the State
2- Meanwhile there is a choice.. the ELECTIONS.. the fact that
working classes are financing Sanders with a clear socialist program .. defying
organized mafias of crony party system
(DEMs & REPs) is a very important historical event that opens up many possibilities..
3- One of the possibilities is creating a PEOPLES FRONT to get
out from the bipartisan system .. and set up a third choice.. the choice for real
American democracy..
4- With the PEOPLES FRONT it will be easy to show to the NATION
that Trump & Hillary are the same puppets of the big corporations that
finance their campaign via super-pack (there are evidences that Trump is also
receiving money from them).. then the Nation will be forced to face their own
destiny vs. the fate set up to them by crock
corporations behind the super-packs.
So, our future is in
our hands: let’s start supporting SANDERS and getting
the right people inside the Demo-party and inside the Rep-part. We have to ask
them to get out from those crony organizations to give to AMERICA the chance to
rebuilt this nation in the right way
(Trump & Hillary won’t change nothing. Trump have not experience at all
& Hillary betrayed us when she was in power, besides being war-mogers &
dangerously inefficient –case Lybia).
So, if we wantr to get out from the current economic & political crisis, we
have to create a PEOPLES FRONT, out of the dirty couple parties. ]
HERE SOME EXTRACTS of this article:
The following are 22 cold, hard pieces of evidence that show
that the middle class in America is dying…
#1 This week we learned that for the first time ever
recorded, middle class Americans make up a minority
of the population. But back in 1971, 61 percent of all Americans lived in
middle class households.
#2 According to the Pew Research Center, the median
income of middle class households declined by 4 percent from 2000 to 2014.
#3 The Pew Research Center has also found that median
wealth for middle class households dropped by an
astounding 28 percent between 2001 and 2013.
#4 In 1970, the middle class took home approximately 62 percent of all income. Today, that
number has plummeted to just 43 percent.
#5 There are still 900,000 fewer middle
class jobs in America than there were when the last recession began, but
our population has gotten significantly larger since that time.
#6 According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make
less than $30,000 a year.
#7 For the poorest 20 percent of all Americans,
median household wealth declined from negative 905 dollars in 2000 to negative 6,029 dollars in
#8 A recent nationwide survey discovered that 48 percent of all U.S. adults under the
age of 30 believe that “the American Dream is dead”.
#9 At this point, the U.S. only ranks 19th in the world when it comes
to median wealth per adult.
#10 Traditionally, entrepreneurship has been one of
the engines that has fueled the growth of the middle class in the United
States, but today the level of entrepreneurship in this country is sitting at an all-time low.
#11 If you can believe it, the 20 wealthiest people
in this country now have more money than
the poorest 152 million Americans combined.
#12 The top 0.1 percent of all American families have
about as much wealth as the
bottom 90 percent of all American families combined.
#13 If you have no debt and you also have ten dollars
in your pocket, that gives you a greater net worth than about 25 percent of all Americans.
#14 The number of Americans that are living in
concentrated areas of high poverty has doubled since the
year 2000.
#15 An astounding 48.8 percent of all 25-year-old
Americans still live at home with their parents.
#16 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans now live in
a home that receives money from the government each month, and nearly 47 million Americans
are living in poverty right now.
#17 In 2007, about one out of every eight children in
America was on food stamps. Today, that number is one out of every five.
#18 According to Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer,
the authors of a new book entitled “$2.00
a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America“, there are 1.5 million
“ultrapoor” households in the United States that live on less than two dollars
a day. That number has doubled since 1996.
#19 46 million Americans use food
banks each year, and lines start forming at some U.S. food banks as early as
6:30 in the morning because people want to get something before the food
supplies run out.
#20 The number of homeless children in the U.S. has
increased by 60 percent over the past six
#21 According to Poverty USA, 1.6 million American
children slept in a homeless shelter or some other form of emergency housing
last year.
#22 The median net worth of families in the United
States was $137, 955 in 2007. Today, it is just $82,756.
That last number really stunned me. According to
Pew Research, the median net worth of U.S. families has fallen by more than
$55,000 since 2007.
That sure doesn’t sound like an “economic recovery”
to me.
I think that everyone can agree that we have a major problem
on our hands.
Unfortunately, “the American Dream” is now dying, and
most Americans don’t seem to care.
What in the world is it going to take for people to finally
wake up and start taking action?
Leaders Just Agreed To A "Historic" Climate Accord... Which Is
Non-Binding And Has No Enforcement Language. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/12/2015
Great news! The "greatest threat to future
generations of the world" has apparently been solved. World leaders
Saturday adopted an historic international climate accord in Paris, the
first-ever agreement to commit almost every country to fight climate change.
However, as
we knew all along and just got confirmation, the 31-page pact does not
have binding language or a mechanism to force countries to live up to the
promises to cut greenhouse gases.
[ Great news ?.. lights
don’t work in Paris anymore ..]
Impression Of Middle-Class America.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/12/2015
The middle class has one foot in the grave and the other
foot on a banana peel, thanks to our corrupt and dysfunctional system of
money. It’s time to end crony capitalism, which is leading us deeper into
fascism. www.zerohedge
he American middle class is getting poorer. Wages
have been stagnant for decades - if jobs can be found to get those wages. Jobs
are exported overseas by big corporations. Small businesses get harassed with
taxes and big government red tape. There are bailouts to central bankers to the
tune of trillions while Main Street businesses go bankrupt. Endless QEs have
propped up ‘their’ stock market, largely owned by the 1 percent. The rich
are getting fabulously richer while a record number of people are on food
I blame the Federal Reserve. It’s the heart of darkness.
They’re a private group of elites who get to print up money for themselves and
their cronies while their mainstream media tells everyone it’s all fine and
dandy. They get richer and more powerful while the middle class gets the debt
and abuse. The middle class has one foot in the grave and the other foot on
a banana peel, thanks to our corrupt and dysfunctional system of money.
It’s time to end audit the Federal Reserve. It’s time to end
the Federal Reserve. It’s time to shut down the IRS. It’s time to end crony
capitalism, which is leading us deeper into fascism.
Things More Likely To Kill You Than Islamic Terror. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 12/12/2015
[ Nice.. laughable .. very ironic . READ IT.. and be careful
with N.3..not the animal.. las gordas! ]
"I am not terrified of the terrorists; i.e.,
I am not, myself, terrorized. Rather, I am terrified of the terrorized;
terrified of the bovine masses who are so easily manipulated by terrorists,
governments, and the terror-amplifying media into allowing our country to slip
toward totalitarianism and total war." – Dan Sanchez. www.zerohedge
Considering Islamic terror killing an average of 3.2
Americans per year (45 deaths divided by 14 years) since late 2001, here are
ten causes of death more worthy of their fear:
1. Television: TV might be linked to earlier deaths among those who watch more than a
few hours a day, but more concretely, the devices themselves kill 176 people a
year. Literally. They fall on people. That’s 55 times more deaths
than Islamic terror claims annually.
2. Fireworks: According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, celebrating the 4th of
July might be more deadly than Islamic terror attacks. The organization reports
an average of 7.1 deaths per year — meaning Americans are more likely to blow themselves
up than be eviscerated by the jihadist bombers they so fear.
3. Cows: Yes, cows. According to the CDC, cattle slay an average of 20
Americans every year. While these deaths occur mostly among farm workers, dogs
kill 28 Americans per year, spiders kill seven, and venomous lizards and snakes
kill six. All of these animals are still more likely to kill an American than
the caliphate and other Islamic boogeymen.
4. Elevators: While the fear of dying as a result of
an elevator malfunction has probably plagued many Americans at one time or
another, such a worry is likely fleeting. However, if Americans are truly
concerned with “common sense,” a virtue Donald Trump frequently touts, they would do well to
readjust their phobias. Elevators kill 27 Americans per year, according to the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
5. Choking: Americans will sooner perish from choking
on food or other objects than from an Islamic terror attack. At least 2,500
people per year are killed by this type of asphyxiation — 781 times more
than from a jihadi assault. Hot dogs are particularly menacing. Perhaps we should ban them in the
same vein as Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims. Then again, killing fewer cows to
grind up for beef dogs might lead to an uptick in cattle-on-human violence.
America is at a perilous crossroads.
6. Lightning: People often quip that one is “more
likely to be struck by lightning” when they want to highlight an event’s
improbability. However, even as the number of deaths from lightning decreases
over the long-term, it is still higher than the number of people
killed by Muslim terror attacks each year. Forty-nine
people per year die from being struck by lightning — more than 15
times the rate of death from Islamic extremist murders.
7. Car accidents: Though most Americans are aware of
the high risk of death by car accident, this knowledge doesn’t mitigate their
extreme Islamophobia. The Association for Safe International Road Travel estimates about 37,000 Americans die each year in vehicular
accidents, over 11,562 times the number killed by Muslim fanatics.
8. Heart Attacks: Heart attacks are one of America’s
leading killers, claiming 190,625 times more American lives than Islamic
terror. 610,000
Americans die from heart attacks per year. Cancer kills 589,430 Americans annually, and diabetes is
the main cause of death for 69,071 Americans per year. They are
responsible for astronomically more fatalities than radical Islamic terror.
9. Police: According to a three-year average of
American police killings logged by killedbypolice.net — a more comprehensive database than the federal government’s
— police killed 998 people on average per year from 2013-2015. That’s roughly
312 times the average annual number of people killed by Islamic extremists
since 9/11. The average number of people killed by Islamic terrorism in the
last three years is 7.7 — including the recent shooting in San Bernardino — and
by that parallel measure, police are still about 130 times deadlier than
10. Prescription Painkillers: The CDC estimates that 44
people die per day from overdosing on pharmaceutical painkillers. Never
mind that that number is almost 14 times the number of Americans killed
by Islamic terrorism each year. Based on the CDC’s figure, about 16,060 Americans
die annually from painkillers — making the Big-Pharma money-makers 5,019 times more deadly than the
Islamic terror that has Americans trembling whilst hiding under their blankies.
Other notable risks of death greater than an Islamic
terror attack include scalding tap water, which kills 100 American per year; bad medical care, estimated to be responsible for at least 100,000
deaths in the U.S. annually; and hypothermia, which kills 1,340 Americans per year. Oh, and don’t forget
Christmas trees. Fires caused by Christmas trees kill roughly
ten people every year. Are Christmas trees conspiring with their lights to
traitorously wage war on Christians via suicidal self-combustion?
While the Washington Post has previously cautioned against making comparisons between events that
inherently cause death (for example, a terror attack) and events that may
cause death (like driving a car or riding in an elevator), it remains that
being caught in the throes of a terror attack is just as coincidental a fate as
choking — or rather, less coincidental, based on the data. One could die
from a terror attack at an office building, but they could also die from an
elevator accident in the same location.
Either way, many of the most pervasive forms of death — like
heart attacks, cancer, and painkiller overdoses — are preventable, at least in
part, through lifestyle choices. If Americans were as passionate about
ending these killers as they are about battling ostensible Islamic terror,
millions of lives might be saved.
If Americans’ fear of death were rooted in data and
objectivity, they might drop their calls to ban Muslims. The recent rash of attacks against peaceful Muslims might wane. Eighty-three percent of registered voters might not fear an inevitable terror attack. A majority of Americans
might not call for further military escapades in the Middle East, which will
most assuredly kill countless innocent civilians — all so the ‘free and the
brave’ can do their Christmas shopping sans an irrational fear of being
blown up at the mall (though previous invasions have done little to quell that
Russia Just Suddenly Reemerged as a World
Power While the West Wasn't Looking. By Rostislav Ischenko. How
could Russia in just 20 years, rise from a semi-colony to an acknowledged world
Crippled in Syria, Turkey Goes for a
‘Sunnistan’ in Iraq. By Pepe Escobar.
Turkey’s “incursion” into Iraq is a cold, calculated move. And once again,
the name of the game is – what else? – Divide and Rule?
[ In my view: If they want chess.. get it: block their move
first .. get & arm some Kurds.. then eat the invaders & set a double check..
& take the queen without mercy (nato)..
then set ‘el jaque-mate’ ]
Sistani Orders Turkey Out Of Iraq .
By Moon Of Alabama. If Erdogan were smart he
would now order the Turkish troops stationed near Mosul to leave Iraq.
[ Don’t let them out.. they will come back.. just take it now..
they will learn the lesson.. if not.. invade the invader with their own people:
arm them, Trosky’ chess-game-syle.]
The Courage
from Whistle-blowing. By Ray McGovern. Courage,
like cowardice, can grow when an action by one person influences decisions by
others, either toward bravery or fear.
Historic Climate Deal Reached. By
Andrea Germanos. Climate campaigners are saying that the agreement doesn't
go far enough, and that the real work is just beginning
[ Lo histórico del evento
en Paris es que no se consiguió NADA significativo.. Pero “LA LUCHA CONTINUA” .. Hay energía y eso SI es histórico ]
Many Europeans think of Greece as a country that has lived
beyond its means and is unwilling to reform. “Who is Saving Whom?” reveals how
the expensive, so-called rescue packages actually only rescued the creditors.
With each year, there are fewer and fewer war veterans.
Israel is not an exception, even though more veterans live here than in other
countries who took part in the war. Israeli veterans are true heroes that lived
through all the horrors of the war that took the lives of 6 million Jews.
Keiser Report. Episode
848 In this episode of
the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss that never was a story
of more woe than that of deflation and her Mario. They look at the tragic
figures - central bankers and heads of the OPEC oil cartel
Keiser Report. Episode
846 . In this episode of the
Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how it is that JP Morgan
just happened to hire 222 friends and relatives of Chinese companies and
politicians as the bank took these companies public in Hong Kong.
Keiser Report. Episode
845. in this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert
discuss an economy with winners but no contest and “saving capitalism” as the
Worlds Apart
Armageddon is just 30 minutes away – former US Navy advisor . The Nuclear End of the World never
happened. When the Cold War finally ended, the whole world sighed in relief as
the threat of total annihilation seemingly passed.
The Big Picture
Tonight’s Rumble discusses Bernie’s 13-point plan to fix
income and wealth inequality, Bernie’s electability in the general election.
world RT network has prided
itself on being different and saying what many dare not utter in public....
chessboard . Recent claims
that the US bombed a Syrian military installation may be a telling example of
how Washington and its allies intend to escalate their war on the Syrian regime
and NOT against terrorists.
wheel of fortune . The Syrian Civil War is a place of cruel realities
and western illusions. The only moderate force on the ground is the Syrian Arab
battlefield . The plot dangerously thickens – with the UK voting to officially
join the Syrian conflict, the battlefield and airspace are now precariously
crowded. And since the U.S. and its allies are unwilling to cooperate with the
Syrian-led coalition.
102 . He’s a top climate scientist and one who challenges what Doctor
Johnson called “the grimmest dictatorship of them all: the dictatorship of the
prevailing orthodoxy.”
Tomorrow the next list
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to meet Putin in Moscow on Syria’ Dic 15 in Moscow
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