sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 26 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 26 15 SIT EC y POL

Michael Hudson  Interviewed   Financing Our Own Oppression.   



“Recently, former CIA deputy director Michael Morell told Charlie Rose on PBS that the reason the US had never actually gone after the lifeblood of the ISIS regime, its oil supply chain, infrastructure and products, was because "we didn’t want to do environmental damage, and we didn’t want to destroy that infrastructure." Luckily as the clip below shows, the Russian military has no such qualms. www.zerohedge

[ The official “reason” (in bolt above) is just for stupids..  Do we  have such qualm when we bombed Hiroshima and Nagazaki.. Viet Nam.. or when bombed Iraq & Libia? Or now when our allies destroyed the whole infrastructure in Syria?.. THE REAL REASON why our fighter jets did not destroyed the economic base of ISIS (oil) is because ISIS is our terrorist org (we trained, armed y lead their attack in coordination with the Saudis, Turkey and Israel, plus the support of most  EU-NATO). We use ISIS  to implement  the “regime change”  oriented to plunder the oil not only from Syria, but also from Iran, later on. ]

It’s all here: unilateral Exceptionalistan in action against anyone who dares to defy imperial diktats. From Ukraine to Syria, and all across MENA (Middle East and North Africa), the proxy war between Washington and Moscow, with higher and higher stakes, won’t abate. Imperial despair over the irreversible Chinese ascent also won’t abate. As the New Great Game picks up speed, and Russia supplies Eurasian powers Iran, China and India with missile defense systems beyond anything the West has, get used to the new normal; Cold War 2.0 between Washington and Beijing-Moscow. www.zerohedge.com

The Associated Press finds that just 10% of people believe 2015 was a better year for the world than 2014. That is half the number from 2013 and appears to confirm what we already tongue-in-cheek noted  - that 2015 was perhaps the worst year ever.www.zerohedge.com

"In the media they wrote that we were training in an FSA military camp, but in fact, all 60 of us were members of Daesh. We were Syrian nationals, many of whom in the beginning moved to Turkey to earn some money, and then joined Daesh."


According to a recent contrarian call by  Prerequisite Capital Management, the "US Treasury Bond Market is potentially set up for a substantial move higher over the next year or two." Here are the reasons why.  www.zerohedge.com

We apologize, but 2015 had so many negatives that we’re having trouble seeing the positives. It’s like we’re on the Titanic, and it’s tilting at an 85-degree angle with its propellers way up in the air, and we’re dangling over the cold Atlantic trying to tell ourselves: “At least there’s no waiting for the shuffleboard courts!” Are we saying that 2015 was the worst year ever? Are we saying it was worse than, for example, 1347, the year when the Bubonic Plague killed a large part of humanity? Yes, we are saying that.  www.zerohedge




If We Don’t Change the Way Money Is Created and Distributed, We Change Nothing. Posted on December 26, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith . Many well-intended people want to reform the status quo for all sorts of worthy reasons: to reduce wealth inequality, restore democracy, create good-paying jobs, and so on. All these goals are laudable, but if we don’t change the way money is created and distributed, nothing really changes: wealth inequality will keep rising, governance will remain a bidding process of the wealthy, wages will continue stagnating, etc.





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