lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 28 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 28 15 SIT EC y POL


The Odds Are Never In Your Favor. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/28/2015

Even though the odds are never in our favor, there is still hope. Not everyone has to make the extreme sacrifice in order to contribute to the revolution. There are thousands of small acts which will weaken the establishment: "Don’t be a slave to debt. Live beneath your means and accumulate some physical silver and gold. Don’t vote for candidates selected by the vested interests. Spread the message of liberty and freedom to anyone who will listen. Think critically. Do not trust your government. Prepare for the inevitable collapse of this rotten, fetid, corrupt paradigm."

[ The title contains a deterministic view on reality and the content of this art contains a skewed personalization of heroes whose contribution to revolution.. is yet to be seen .. though I do admire Snowden. A Rev requires individual with such a courage, but it doesn’t depend on individuals. Rev is a sinergia of masses organized to put down the neoliberal system and to create a new socialist power.]

Each year more than one trillion dollars goes up in smoke. More accurately, it is stolen from the middle and working classes and shipped off to the one percent. We are talking about the massive yearly bill to maintain the US empire. What can we do to work for peace in 2016? First we must tune out the lying propaganda served up by the US mainstream media.
[ The chances for peace depends on disassemble the power for war: armies, arms & war-mongerism ]

WSJ reports today, "some bank customers won’t have to wait much longer to reap benefits from the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates." Some, such as clients of J.P. Morgan, which will begin raising deposit rates for some of its "biggest clients" in January. "Biggest" clients, of course, is a universal euphemism for "wealthiest." [Here an image of the real trickle down ]

7 Investment Lessons From Mom. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/28/2015
Extracts in spanglish
1-"Don't run with sharp objects" ... There is a huge difference between investing and speculating, and knowing the difference is critical to overall success. Speculation is gambling. La suerte puede brindar confianza, pero esa confianza siempre brinda ignorancia. Invertir es calcular, no especular.

2- Look Both Ways Before You Cross The Street. The smart investor doesn’t pick one side; he analyzes both sides to determine what the best course of action is in the current market environment.

3-Always Wear Clean Underwear In Case You’re In An Accident. The first rule of investing is: “You are only wrong – if you stay wrong”. Si te cagaste por un mal pedo, cambiate rapido el calzon (cillo).

4- If Everyone Jumped Off The Cliff – Would You Do It Too? buying high and selling low is not business is “herd mentality” .. evita el servilismo y sal del grupo antes de que te coja su inercia suicida.

5- Don’t Talk To Strangers. “the greater full theory”  es creer que siempre hay un tonto dispuesto a pagar más, cuida que no seas tú aquel tonto.

6- You Either Need To “Do It” Or Get Off The Pot! Nadie usa el water para descansar ni pensar.. si hay stock a buen precio, compra, no te quedes mirándolo. Si pierdes la oportunidad .. no la busques.. ven  otro los precios mejoran, compra .. si no, don’t chase it. Leave it alone & come back other day.

7- Don’t Play With It – You’ll Go Blind.  Ir al Mercado por mero deseo y amor a las luces y lo que brilla conduce a la ceguera.  Once inside the market is easy to lose sight of what your intentions were in the first place. Getting caught up in the hype, getting sucked in by emotions of fear and greed causes you to lose your small pile of money. Get a goal before you get in & don’t get blinded by continually playing. El mero deseo y el amor sin precauciones siempre conducen a la ceguera y la ruina.
The Death Of Decoupling. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/28/2015

Between The Fed's liquidity withdrawal and the deflationary tsunami from an emerging world buried in credit-fueled mal-investment, it is increasingly clear that central banks have lost control and everything is now going down together. As Citi's Willem Buiter recently noted, "everything's failed" so how long before we see the money drop?

In a bid to shore up its finances in the face of self-inflicted oil wounds, Saudi Arabia is shaking up the welfare state by raising prices on everything from domestic fuel to water. Apparently, persisting in the war of attrition against the US shale complex is paramount - even if it means making life harder for everyday Saudis so the monarchy can buy itself some budget breathing room.

[ Esa mierda no puede quedar allí por más tiempo.. el problema es quien jala la cadena (who flash the toilet) .. si lo hacen los rusos, los americanos alegarían que hubo anti-muslim attitudes .. y si lo hacen los americanos .. los rusos dirían que jamás hicieron nada bien por querer comer a doble cachete.]
4- US Economy - A Year-End Overview. It becomes ever more tempting to conclude that the timing of the Fed’s rate hike was really quite odd, even from the perspective of the planners...
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/28/2015 - 07:42
  • The Year Nothing Worked: Stocks, Bonds, Cash Go Nowhere (BBG)
  • Oil falls toward $37, near 11-year low, as excess supply weighs (Reuters)
  • End of easy money for mini-refiners splitting U.S. shale? (Reuters)
  • Shale's Running Out of Survival Tricks as OPEC Ramps Up Pressure (Reuters)
  • 'Safe’ Puerto Rican Debt Stirs Worries (WSJ)
  • These Will Be Wall Street's Most In-Demand Jobs Next Year (BBG)




Mundo. Perdedores electorales. Immanuel Wallerstein
Francia: peligro fascista.  ¿Qué hay detrás del Frente Nacional?



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