sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015

DIC 19 15 SIT EC y POL

DIC 19 15 SIT EC y POL


[ Hillary can buy votes with her super-pack.. but the millennia are not for sell. They are with Sanders.]

“The manifesto for the micro-aggressives has been unleashed on an unknowing "safe-space"-seeking, politically-corrected, American public. Students at no lesser liberalist college than Oberlin, Ohio, have released 14 pages of full social-justice-warrior-tard warning that they are "not polite requests, but concrete and unmalleable demands." If Oberlin doesn’t capitulate, the document warns of a “full and forceful response" which however remains entirely undefined.”  www.zedrohedge

“The BDI is a leading indicator pointing to worse trade conditions. Just as the 2014 collapse in the BDI reflected a collapse in global trade, the recent erosion in the BDI signals further trade weakness to come. Here's a snapshot of the meltdown.. and the pain is getting worse”. www.zerohedge.com
US export headline figures are bad...
  • YTD (-$87B) Y/Y
  • For 2015, likely to contract (-$100B) Y/Y
  • Cuts GDP by -0.7% 
...But concentrates on commodities
Of the (-$87B drop), most is materials and commodity (i.e. price drops are the big issue)
  • Food/Petroleum/Steel: 70% or (-$61B)
  • Related equipment: 8% or (-$7B).  
US Exports (ex Food, Autos & Oil) are shrinking Faster
Strip out Food, Petroleum & even Auto exports.  Food & Petroleum because price collapses distort the value of trade.  Autos because auto exports are mostly sub-assemblies shipped to Canada and Mexico and re-imported to the US as cars and trucks.  What remains is a true view of demand by US trading partners. 



And so Wall Street has set its sights on the next junk bond fund casualty, a name which is well-known to most equity market participants: none other than Waddell and Reed (WDR), the fund which rose to infamy in the aftermath of the May 2010 Flash Crash, after it was initially blamed by the SEC as the culprit behind the Dow's 1000 point crash...


“Europe didn’t let us fly; Turkey didn’t let us fly, but we showed that even is such conditions we’re capable of coping with the task using airfields on the Russian territory." www.zerohedge.com

[ LOS “ACCIDENTES” DE LA GUERRA CONTRA EL TERRORISMO. Este accidente es diferente al que ocurrió con el bombardeo USA a los Shias de Irak. Aquí los neonazis del EU se sacan la máscara y operan abiertamente.  Esto es, los beneficiarios del petróleo que roban de Siria los mercenarios del ISIS .. no quieren que Russia les malogre su negocio de comprar petróleo robado.. Sueños de opio! .  RU acaba de anunciar que está  multiplicando sus ataques contra el ISIS.  Russia hit Daesh with 1,500 bombs . Sería suicida que vuelen más aviones RU.. Arriesgarían la existencia de varias estaciones NATO y muchos aviones. Ese si sería un jaque a la dama, y sin patear las reglas del MAD. ]

[ “Frienly Fire? FF .. asesinaron solo Chias y es FF.. Con estos amigos.. para que se necesitan enemigos” .. Hay que tratarlos como lo que son .. Irak debe empezar por pedir el apoyo de RU.. instalar los misiles supersónicos .. y devolver  el saludo amistoso al USA .. Solo así aprenderán a respetar .. de lo contrario tendremos  mas FF anti-shias. Estamos seguros de que cuando caigan un par de aviones americanos .. ellos van a entender que estos errores ocurren en toda guerra. Guerra?? .. pero si oficialmente no hay guerra.. Entonces se dirá que .. cayeron por invadir espacio aéreo ajeno. ]

“"I hope Iraqis will understand that this is a reflection of things that happen in combat. But it's also a reflection of how closely we are working with the government." www.zerohedge.com

“Ahmet Davutoglu said the UN's stance "lacks realistic perspective." He also said Turkish troops will remain in Iraq until Mosul is "freed" from ISIS. Translation: Turkish boots will be on Iraqi ground for the foreseeable future.”  www.zerohedge

[ One thing is using the language of Obama “we are fighting terrorism”.. other thing is mocking on those phrases.. In Obama that is a certified strategy for regimen change.. the winning one –at least rhetorically-.. In the mouth of the Turkish clown Erdogan.. that is an insult to our commander in chief . . We demand a martial court to this insolent Turkey.. Regarding the soldiers that invade others’  territory,  a click on a friendly  gift  will do the job. ]


The IMF Changes its Rules to Isolate China and Russia By Michael Hudson, The nightmare scenario of U.S. geopolitical strategists seems to be coming true: foreign economic independence from U.S. control.


Historic New Harpers Article Exposes Who Controls America. By Eric Zuesse . The fundamentalist-Sunni royal family of the Sauds have bought the highest levels of the U.S. government in order to control U.S. foreign policies.
Syrian Refugee Mystified by Hostility. By Tom Dart. “My very small children are in prison,” said Samer, “I had no idea that the political climate was so against Syrian refugees. If I had known that it was so terrible here I wouldn’t have brought my family.”
Sanders: Clinton Helped Rise of Isis. By Dan Roberts. Bernie Sanders has accused Hillary Clinton of encouraging Islamic extremism in Libya. 
Why Germany Can and Should Open an Investigation into US Torture. By Géraldine Mattioli-Zeltner. Grave crimes under international law were committed. The US government has a legal obligation to investigate and prosecute those responsible.


Peru. EDUCACION Y DERECHOS  HUMANOS. Libro comentado por Mauricio Quiroz T.

China, el objetivo actual de la OTAN en Afganistán. Nazanin Armanian.  Publico.es
ALC.  El regreso de las derechas. ¡Alerta que camina!. Claudia Korol
. cómo asumir los desbalances externos.  ¡Cuidado con timbrar en puerta equivocada!


[ Hillary does not want Sanders to compete in election. The power of money doesn’t care for democracy and much less for ethics.]  “The Sanders campaign said it had notified the DNC of a glitch which allowed campaigns to access rival candidates’ voter data two months ago, adding that they fired the staffer responsible for the breach.  On Friday, Sanders’ campaign filed a lawsuit against the Democratic Party after the DNC blocked the campaign’s access to sensitive voter information. However, later in the day both sides came to an agreement that restored Sanders’ access to the datawww.Presstv.com  Check this VIDEO: http://cdn3.videos.bloomberg.com/m/NjYyNjQ4MA/LyEq1zJtrAG6OAJ2dEBxrJiYISjKf3gJQPpZ3EKDpoEwMzlk/dmddebapology1219_150.mp4

[ She knows that Sanders is going to lead a NATIONAL FRONT TO REBUILT AMERICA against neoliberal corruption (including the buying of elections, as Hillary is doing it with a Super-pack). This system is obsolete, is based on financial frauds & military aggression that is bringing the world to a nuclear catastrophe. This system needs to be changed radically. Not only democratic leader are joining Sander initiative to rebuilt America, but also some progressive Republican leaders who fed up with Hillary war mongerism & dishonesty. Even Donald Trump (the leading Republican candidate) consider Hillary an immoral candidate. He said “See, Sanders backed Hillary on E-mails at the debate, hurting himself, and then she threw him under the bus (but failed), Trump tweeted on Saturday. She is a “Disloyal person!” ]

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