domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015






Europe Fractures: France Pivots To Putin,  Cyprus Offers Moscow Military Base, Germany-US Splinter On Ukraine. By Tyler Durden. German Foreign Minister Steinmeier slammed Washington's strategy for being "not just risky but counterproductive."
Europe Wary of US ‘All Options’ Threat to Russia. By Finian Cunningham.  Europeans seem to be waking up to the fact that they stand to lose far more than Washington if the latter’s agenda for escalating violence continues.
The Islamic State Is In Retreat. By Moon Of Alabama. In the last two days the Islamic State gave up some 15 villages in Al-Qamishli district in eastern Syria.
Isis in Iraq: Britain Has No Plan For Tackling The Militants, And No Idea Who's In Charge. By Patrick Cockburn. A Commons report revealed last week that our involvement there is beyond parody.
Truth? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Truth. By Paul Craig Roberts. Pay attention. The likelihood is that you are being conditioned for narrowing the dimensions of your freedom.
Economics Compacted. By Fred Reed. This column contains everything there is to know about economics. Hereafter it will be possible to shut down university deprtments and stop talking about Keynes and the Asutrian School, to the great relief of mankind.

Mogherini no ve alternativas a la diplomacia en la solución del conflicto en Donbás, lo dice la vocera diplomática de la Unión Europea. Aunque .. Mogherini cree que Putin tiene herramientas para resolver la crisis en Ucrania “Está claro que sin el apoyo político militar del Kremlin los separatistas no podrían hacer lo que están haciendo por lo tanto Putin tiene en las manos los instrumentos para resolver el problema”. [lo que también está claro –y se le olvidó decirlo a la vocera del realismo político  europeo- es que no apoyar la Federación Autónoma del Sur habría significado para Rusia abrir la puerta a NATO para su avance posterior. Detener el avance de NATO es capital para la existencia de Rusia y China. Si se envía armas nucleares o semi-nukes a los neo-nazis de Kiev esa sería sin duda una declaración militar de guerra a Rusia y China a la que ellos si van a responder y de inmediato]


Communists want Stalin’s name back on Russian map.


Grecia . Hacia el choque frontal. Stathis Kouvelakis
La Izquierda: fin de una época. François Sabado (Contretemps)
Grecia  Ha empezado el pulso. Michel Husson
China  La contradicción principal. Eli Friedman




Greek FinMin Warns "Euro Will Collapse If Greece Exits", Says Italy Is Next. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. The time for the final all-in bet has arrived.
Europe Fractures: France Pivots To Putin, Cyprus Offers Moscow Military Base, Germany-US Splinter On Ukraine. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. Following yesterday's summary of the utter farce that the Minsk Summit/Ukraine "peace" deal talks have become, the various parties involved appear to be fracturing even faster today. The headlines are coming thick and fast but most prescient appears to be: Despite John Kerry's denial of any split between Germany and US over arms deliveries to Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Steinmeier slammed Washington's strategy for being "not just risky but counterproductive." But perhaps most significantly is France's continued apparent pivot towards Russia.
If Greece Exits, Here Is What Happens (Redux). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. Now that the possibility of a Greek exit from the euro is back to being topic #1 of discussion, just as it was back in the summer of 2012 and the fall of 2011, and investors are propagandized by groundless speculation posited by journalists who have never used excel in their lives and are merely paid mouthpieces of bigger bank interests, it is time to rewind to a step by step analysis of precisely what will happen in the moments before Greece announces the EMU exit, how the transition from pre- to post- occurs, and the aftermath of what said transition would entail, courtesy of one of the smarter minds out there at the time (before his transition to a more status quo supportive tone), Citi's Willem Buiter, who pontificated precisely on this topic previously. Three words: "not unequivocally good."
"Central Banks Have To Keep Fooling All Of The People All Of The Time". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. Today's obvious mispricing of sovereign bonds is a bonanza for spending politicians and allows over-leveraged banks to build up their capital. This mispricing has gone so far that negative interest rates have become increasingly common. Macroeconomists will probably claim that so long as central banks can continue to manage the quantity of money sloshing about in financial markets they can keep bond prices up. But this is valid only so long as markets believe this to be true. Put another way central banks have to continue fooling all of the people all of the time, which as we all know is impossible.
Over Half Of Young American Adults Live With Their Parents In These 12 States. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. In 12 U.S. states, over half of 25-year-olds lived with their parents in 2012-13.  The states: York are: New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Washington D.C.
Arthur Berman: Why Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. Much of what's been 'sold' to us about the US shale oil revolution is massively over-hyped. The amount of commercially-recoverable shale oil is much less than touted, returns much less net energy than the petroleum our economy was built around, and is extremely unprofitable to extract for most drillers at today's lower oil price. To separate the hype from reality, Arthur Berman explains the recent US oil production boost from shale drilling as short-lived and somewhat desperate; a kind of last hurrah before the lights get turned out...
UK Begins Preparations For Grexit. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. The U.K. government is stepping up contingency planning to prepare for a possible Greek exit from the eurozone and the market instability such a move would create, U.K. Treasury chief George Osborne said on Sunday.  The U.K. government has said the standoff between Greece’s new antiausterity government and the eurozone is increasing the risks to the global and U.K. economy. “That’s why I’m going tomorrow to the G-20 [Group of 20] to encourage our partners to resolve this crisis. It’s why we’re stepping up the contingency planning here at home,” Mr. Osborne told the BBC in an interview. “We have got to make sure we don’t, at this critical time when Britain is also facing a critical choice, add to the instability abroad with instability at home
Tsipras Rejects EU Ultimatum, Demands Bridge Deal: "Greeks Can't Take More Disappointment". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015 Summarizing the key points of Tsipras Sunday speech to parliament:
Greece cannot back down (mandate is clear)
Greece rejects bailout extension (implicit GREXIT unless EU backs down)
Europe cannot afford repeat mistakes - will not humiliate one nation.
Greece's first priority: humanitarian disaster
Varoufakis Warns "Cloud Of Fear Over Europe Becoming Worse Than Former Soviet Union". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. The cracks in the foundation, walls, and ceiling of the European Union are beginning to widen. During an interview with Italian State TV RAI3, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis hinted at Greece's "New Deal for Europe" strategy (to be financed by the EIB) but it was the glimpse behind the curtain of EU solidarity that was most shocking as he explained, "Greeks don't have a monopoly on the truth. What we can do, for the rest of Europe, and for Italy in particular, is to open a small door to the truth," adding rather stunningly, that Italy "stands in solidarity with [Greece] but cannot tell the truth as they fear of possible consequences on behalf of Germany."
Alan Greenspan: "Greece Will Leave The Eurozone" And "There Is No Way That I Can Conceive Of The Euro Continuing". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. "Greece will leave the Eurozone. I don't see that it helps Greece to be in the Euro, and I certainly don't see that it helps the rest of the Eurozone. It's just a matter of time before everyone recognizes that parting is the best strategy.... The problem is that there there is no way that I can conceive of the euro of continuing."
The Bubble Has Been Fully Restored: Goldman Is Selling A Synthetic CDO. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. ...but it's different this time.
How QE Helped Main Street. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2015. This is a chart that truly screams "Recovery!" In fact, it is quite clear that things are far better now than they have ever been before. If your life seems to be at odds with the obvious economic reality, you are clearly not working hard enough (or perhaps not at all).


Iran nuclear talks all about 'certainty’.  World powers need an "element of certainty" to make sure Tehran's nuclear program "has always been peaceful". [Israel wants Iran be disarmed and keep more than 200 nukes against them.. what about dismantle Israel nukes to please the “world” peace?. Israel is the only country that is disrupting peace in that region. ‘Kerry can’t dictate terms to Iran’]
Israel, S Arabia fuel crisis: Syria FM The Syrian foreign minister lashes out at Israel and Saudi Arabia for supporting terrorist operating fueling the conflict inside the country.
US: No Iran nuclear talks extension. Kerry has apparently ruled out another extension of nuclear talks with Iran if the two sides can't agree on [his] fundamental principles of a deal.
Greece after 'bridge' loan not bailout. Greek Prime Minister rejects any further extension of bailout from international creditors.
Greece warns against euro collapse if Athens is forced out of the eurozone.
‘Push for bans complicates Iran talks’.  US Senate push for more sanctions against Iran would make it more difficult to reach a deal.
‘UK gearing up for possible Greek EU exit’. [la mafia banquera de Londres es uno de los perdedores si Grecia sale del EU] . Shabbir Razvi believes a possible Greek exit from the euro area will impact the British economy, causing the UK’s output to shrink by several percentage points. Shabbir Razvi, a London-based economic commentator, says the British government is concerned about a Greek “contagion” ahead of the UK’s general elections in May. Treasury chief George Osborne said Sunday that his country was preparing for possible market instability that such a move would entail. “That’s why I’m going tomorrow to the G-20 [Group of 20] to encourage our partners to resolve this crisis.” , Osborne told the state-run BBC.
Obama should talk with Putin on Ukraine [Obama is a pawn of Penta-NATO worriers and their plans are already set… They do what big corporation wants.. talkings with Obama won’t solve nothing. What the US has to do is get out of Ukraine asap.. their troops & mercenaries  are going to find their grave there.. and if US-Kiev dear to nuke the South, Kiev will be destroyed & if this continue.. whole Europe allied with America are going to be transformed into huge cemeteries. Everybody knows what will happen then after. The fact is that No one single army has ever succeeded against RU and much less during winters. US invaders know their fate. RU’s military is ready to respond now, they have been humiliated, and enough is enough, they said. They may remove Putin from power and impose a new Stalin there. What Europe should do is to take out the US-NATO from East Europe and now.]

‘Peace bid due to Ukraine losses’. . the only reason there is a peace initiative for Ukraine is because the Kiev forces are losing ground to the pro-Russia forces in the east of the country.
Iran talks extension only with ‘outlines’. Kerry says talks between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries would be extended only when the two sides agree with the basic framework of a deal. [[la bufoneria supremacista de Kerry has not basis.. the blackmail of this puppet of penta-NATO  is ridiculous..]
Yemen’s Hadi must retake power: UN . UN chief Ban Ki-moon says President Hadi must be restored to power in Yemen. [[dime para quien trabajas.. te dire quien eres. The fact: nobody care what this clown said.. starting with his bosses in the US-Israel. He is the exact figure of chaos at world level ]]
Greek PM to address parliament about his anti-austerity policies.
‘UK army cadets threatened with beheading’.  A new report says female British army trainees have received threats of decapitation. [The US-UK control ISIS.. then this threat aims to avoid betray or quit from service… WHAT THESE SOLDIERS ARE FIGHTING FOR?.. easy for them to fed up with xenophobia  & racism.. Their right to life is above any commitment to false flags!]]
India, Pakistan halt trade via Kashmir  India and Pakistan suspend trade across their de facto border in Kashmir. [[Mr Kerry: divide and conquest doesn’t work anymore.. soldier & walls don’t divide people in border towns, they have family & webs of life in between.. your visit to India and false promises put in danger the political life of their master.. He is going to lose the coming elections, said a poll..   Kerry, you adding chaos whatever you go. Why no to quit & get a decent job?.. you already got the money you lose as candidate..  America don’t need you, never needed you. You are a loser!]]
Islamic Revolution: An undeniable reality. Iran's ability to safeguard its independence is the key to the preservation of the Islamic Republic and its ideals, writes Waqar Rizvi.
Western media fuel Islamophobia . In this edition of A Simple Question, we discuss the mainstream western media’s malicious role in spreading hatred against Mulsims.
'Nuclear talks opportunity may be last’. Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif says the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program are an opportunity that may not be repeated.
‘Turkey must stop flow of terrorists’. Iraq urges Turkey to increase border patrols and stop the flow of terrorists into Iraq.
Putin to join 4-way Ukraine peace talks with leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine.
Belgium approves Palestine resolution that recognizes Palestine as an independent sovereign state.
Details on deaths, abuse at US school. Two more bodies were identified as investigation is underway into abuse inflicted on mostly black students at a notorious US school.
‘US gun violence tied to inequality’. Bruce Dixon says inequality is the main reason behind gun-related crimes across the US.
No N-deal better than bad deal: Leader. Ayatollah Khamenei says no Tehran-P5+1 nuclear agreement is better than a deal that contradicts the interests of the Iranian nation.
‘US renews PNAC in new strategy’ . The Obama administration has released its 2015 National Security Strategy, a 29-page document that calls for a stronger US leadership in the world. [stronger?.. with the most weak economic base and the most unhealthy people among developed countries?]
‘US to blame for war crimes in Ukraine’. An analyst says Washington must be held accountable for war crimes in Ukraine.


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