viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015






Extremely Dangerous Situation In Debaltsevo . By The Saker. This is the PERFECT opportunity for the kind of false flag massacres NATO and the US are so good at.
Merkel Fears Devastating Defeat Of The Ukrainian Army. By German Economic News. To avert fiasco, Merkel must now discuss a truce with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin. This war could end well for the rebels.
Who Are The Powers Behind The Islamic State? Video. Investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed gives specific examples of how Saudi, Qatari, and American interests have supported the group formerly known as ISIS, and what the global community can do now to reign them in.
How Obama is Making the World More Dangerous. By Shamus Cooke. You’re not paranoid if you think the world feels more unstable — it is.
Worse Than Fascism?. By Paul Street. The contemporary U.S. model is some ways worse than classic or real historical fascism in advancing tyrannical imperial and state-capitalist goals.
The Cowardly and Despicable American Presstitutes. By Paul Craig Roberts. A democracy without an honest media cannot exist. In America democracy is a facade behind which operates every evil inclination of mankind.
Miko Peled Debunking Jewish Myths. When Everything You Know Is Not True. Must Watch – Video.
"If Anybody here, came hoping to hear a balanced presentation, then they are going to be sorely disappointed. I say this, because a lot of the things that you are about to hear to night are difficult to hear."
Another Economic Crash is Coming. How Did This Happen?. Video . David Cameron says a second financial crash is imminent. If he's right, it's because the government bailed out the wrong industry.
There Is Only One Way Out. Open Letter to Mr. Tsipras, PM of Greece. By Peter Koenig. There is only one way out for Greece, Mr. Tsipras: You take the first step; you exit the Eurozone at your own initiative, return to your solid currency the drachma, and start anew.


NAZANIN: OBAMA REGRESA A LA INDIA PARA REAVIVAR LA LUCHA CONTRA CHINA  No hay nada que le quite el sueño a Obama como lo hace el ascenso despacio y sin pausa de China a superpotencia. De ahí que en la “Doctrina  Obama” —de contener a China—, no haya país más importante que la India, pieza clave en su estrategia de Regreso a Asia.

VIENTO SUR:   Manifiesto internacional ESTAMOS CON GRECIA Y EUROPA. Colectivo . Llamamos a los gobiernos de Europa, a la Comisión Europea, al Banco Central Europeo y al FMI, a respetar la decisión del pueblo griego de emprender una nueva vía y a entablar negociaciones de buena fe con el nuevo gobierno griego para resolver la cuestión de la deuda.
----  GRECIA, EUROPA Y DEUDA  X. Caño Tamayo . Los bancos alemanes, franceses y holandeses se lucraron con la burbuja financiera que crearon en la eurozona. Pero cuando ésta reventó, socializaron pérdidas”. Para seguir teniendo beneficios ilegítimos, aunque se hundiera el pueblo griego. Se conoció entonces la deuda griega real y la Troika impuso un rescate a altísimo precio para la ciudadanía griega. Pero no se contó toda la verdad.
PRIMERA DERROTA DEL NEOLIBERALISMO EUROPEO. El triunfo de Syriza puede ser el primer paso hacia la disgregación de la Unión, o el pragmatismo. Por Raúl Zibechi 


RT : PUTIN, HOLLANDE, MERKEL TALKS ON UKRAINE ‘CONSTRUCTIVE’, POSSIBLE DOCUMENT IN PROGRESS – Kremlin. [Putin no quiere admitir que su esfuerzo por la paz haya fracasado y que en cambio prospere el guerrerismo del VP Biden quien rechazó el pedido de paises europeos de levantar las sanciones contra Rusia. Biden calls Europeans questioning sanctions against Russia ‘inappropriate and annoying’ – Der Spiegel. Biden es el agente de los lobbies zionistas dentro de los EU. Quieren la guerra a toda costa –sin importarles la vida humana- y saben bien que Russia les va a responder si se atreven a lanzar el 1er proyectil nuclear. El sistema satelital ruso lo detectara y una avalancha nuclear  caerá sobre el USA y sus aliados de NATO]


US won’t send warship to China  The US has decided not to send an aircraft carrier to China this year due to concerns over Beijing’s actions in the Pacific. [[USA firma un contrato, reciben el pago adelantado y luego dicen que por razones políticas sancionan a China con el no envío del aircraft carrier. Eso no solo es fraude, es pirataje a mano armada, simple bribonada de maleantes de baja monta. Increible!. La lección es clara: la guerra no es solo contra Rusia, es sobre todo contra China]]
‘Kremlin talks on Ukraine constructive’. Russia says trilateral negotiations in Moscow on the crisis in Ukraine have been "constructive". [lo que debe hacer Russia es publicar la propuesta que presentaron y el transcript del debate al respect. Esto es, denunciar a los guerreristas como lo que son]
German minister warns against arming Kiev . The German defense minister warns that arming Ukrainian soldiers to fight pro-Russians will backfire. [Los del Sur de Ukrania tienen derecho a una republica Federal autónoma, como ocurrió en Kosovo. Los del sur tienen ya su gobierno propio. El Gbno de Kiev no los representa, los excluyo al prohibirles el uso de su idioma nativo, el ruso. Ademas Kiev es un Gbno ilegitimo, nacido de un asalto neo-nazi a la democracia. El ejercito de Kiev es un ejército impostor, invasor y genocida.  El mundo entero está a favor de la autonomía del Sur de Ukrania. Armar a Kiev es un atentado al derecho internacional: el derecho a la libre auto-determinación  de los pueblos. Los europeos lo saben, no solo el Ministro Aleman. Solo USA insiste en montarse las mulas de Kiev para avanzar el plan de destruir Russia y China. Sueños de opio afgano. Si leyeran a Clausewitz sabrían que les espera un horrible Waterloo del que no se van a levantar por siglos]
Cowardly, despicable US presstitutes. Every statement of the US government and its presstitute media is a blatant lie designed to serve a secret agenda
Germany's Siemens to cut 1000s of jobs. Germany’s Siemens says it will slash 7,800 jobs worldwide as part of a restructuring plan. [tic-tac, tic-tac la recession mundial avanza. La política del avestruz no tiene cabida.. mejor enfrentar la realidad que esconder la cabeza en un hueco]
Biden warns EU over Ukraine crisis US Vice President Joe Biden says the United States and Europe must stand together over Ukraine. [many people said here that Biden represent the Zionist lobbies inside the Government. If so, Biden warn has nothing to do with peace, he is the voice of Zionist-NATO  pro-war interest]
Ukraine talks begin in Moscow  The leaders of Germany, France and Russia start Moscow talks over crisis in eastern Ukraine.
NATO backs German-French proposal. NATO voices full support for the efforts by Berlin and Paris to end clashes in eastern Ukraine.
Rand Paul aide working for Netanyahu. A top aide for US Senator Rand Paul is working on the reelection effort for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [[Does this man cannot clean the garbage in his room.. or is he getting dirty money too?.. remember: your Dad is an honorable man, a very honest one.. just follow his path!]]
‘Poroshenko has West’s blank check’ he has been given a blank check by Washington and Brussels over the conflict in east. [[a butcher got a blank check? .. it only means “do your job or we won’t pay you”.. so his NATO master will be clean from the genocides Poroshenko is committing in the South]]
EU vows 1bn euros for anti-ISIL fight. [[this is not for anti-ISIL fight!. US and EUare parterners in NATO plans.. and their plan is to use ISIL mercenaries in South-Ukraine. The EU 1bn serves this purpose. The international community is demanding: Don’t fund, Don’t arm them. US-EU are doing the reverse]]
Egypt army kills 25 militants in Sinai during airborne attacks in the volatile Sinai Peninsula. [[Al-Sisi –the pawn of Saudis, Israel and US can continue killing Egypt citizens, but his rule if getting more and more illegitimate.. he is destined to be defeated and/or replaced. ., what a clown!]]
‘Ukraine peace is Europe peace’  Angela Merkel says a German-French proposal for peace in eastern Ukraine aims to maintain European peace. [[bla..bla. We don’t trust your words Ms. Merkel. Just don’t fund nor arm the neo-nazis in Kiev, nor the ISIL mercenaries transferred to the South. Just make sure that the EU vows 1bn euros for anti-ISIL fight doesn’t go to the hands of NATO bosses]]
Sanctions increase inequality: in the targeted countries. [US loves inequality.. their aim is to make it perennial. If the explosive inequality explode, they plan to use the army, if arming police is not enough. They forgot what happened in Oklahoma.. ya han creado sus sepultureros, dijo un analista]
Truce agreed around key Ukraine town.  [[tanto ruido.. y las montañas y volcanes parieron solo un ratón. Algo es algo, hay que salvar el pueblo de Debaltseve. Pero muchos creyeron que realmente se planeaba desmontar la guerra.. false flags.. lo que hizo Europa fue dar 1 Blln a NATO: EU vows 1bn euros for anti-ISIL fight y no hay modo de desmontar esa ayuda ni chequear a que manos va]
'US, allies failed to topple Syria gov’t’. Syria's deputy foreign minister says the US and its allies sought but failed to topple the Syrian government due to resistance by the Syrian nation. [[y gracias también a la ayuda de Iran, Rusia, China y los guerrilleros Kurdos y de Hamas. Si se arman guerrillas similares en Kiev, la derrota de NATO sería más rápida]
China slams Obama-Dalai Lama meeting  Beijing slams Washington for receiving the Dalai Lama at a prayer breakfast in Washington. [[el plan de la CIA es desestabilizar China y a eso ayudaría el pedo de la bufonería medieval de los tibetanos en un “deayuno de plegarias”.  Para mi lo que china debe hacer es invertir masivamente en becas a toda la juventud tibetana que desee estudiar en Univ seculares o laicas de China, convertirlos en pequeños empresarios y avanzar el circuito vial a esa zona. Entonces los pedos de la naranja podrida -el Dalai Lama- serian menos poluter y desestabilizadores]]
Debating ways to defeat ISIL. In this edition of Comment, we ask how the Takfiri ISIL terrorist group be defeated. [[the point of departure is “not funds, not arms to them”.  Anything that feeds violence and war should be avoided. The next point is how the create future for today’s young people?  How to avoid that they enroll the mercenary forces of either side? . That requires closing the gap of hate between sunis and chias and other minority groups. If we start debating these issues we are in the right track]]


After Saudi Arabia Crushes The US Shale Industry, This Is Who It Will Go After Next. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. What neither the Saudis, nor the US shale companies, and certainly not their investors, who lately seem to get their investment advice from the Cartoon Network, know is even if every last US shale company is Friendo'ed, there is an even more insidious group of drillers and oil extractors waiting behind them, backed by an even greater monetary bubble and an even more clueless group of sources of cash, just waiting to step in and become the next marginal oil producer. China.

Yanis Varoufakis Sums Up Europe In One Sentence. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. "A clueless political personnel, in denial of the systemic nature of the crisis, is pursuing policies akin to carpet-bombing the economy of proud European nations in order to save them."
America, We Have A (Drug) Problem. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. Prescription drug abuse and addiction is becoming a more common form of substance abuse due to the easy availability of pharmaceuticals from physicians. In most cases of prescription drug abuse, the user was prescribed medication for a temporary or long-term medical condition. Occasionally, individuals begin to use a family member or friend’s medication, leading to steadily needing more of the drug to keep feeling its physical and mental effects.
THE BIG LIE: Only 44% Of U.S. Adults Are Employed For 30-Or-More Hours Per Week. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton step forward and tell the truth. Don’t be fooled by all the happy talk from the mainstream media and from politicians like Barack Obama. The truth is that the percentage of U.S. adults that do have “good jobs” is actually far lower than 44 percent.
Saudis Re-Unleash Oil Weapon, Slash Asia Prices By Most In 14 Years. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. Saudi Aramco slashes its official selling price for Arab Light crude by 90 cents to $2.30 a barrel less than Middle East benchmarks - the biggest discount in 14 years. As Bloomberg reports, the desert kingdom is continuing to fight for market share, and using the oil weapon by "trying to stay competitive in what is the biggest area of growth," as Middle Eastern producers are increasingly competing with cargoes from Latin America, Africa and Russia for buyers in Asia.
Greece Exposes The Global Economy's Achilles Heel. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. The new Greek political party, known as Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical Left, has done the unthinkable: they've dared to speak the truth.

A Modest Proposal To Save The World.  by Charles Gave via Gavekal Dragonomics,  submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. [MORE ELITISM? Check this “modest proposal”]  “the solution must be not only to confiscate their return on capital through ZIRP, which is a tax on the poor since for the most part the poor have no assets, but also to confiscate the actual savings.
As such, it seems that the ultimate aim of policy must be to transfer the nation’s entire wealth to an ever smaller number of rich people, most of who work in finance. Perhaps this is as it should be, since as already noted, money and only money can create value. Hence, the final mission of any truly modern government must be to redirect the inventory of savings for the benefit of the rich (while, of course, claiming it is acting for the poor). Interestingly, Europe’s socialists and the Democrats in the US have the ideal political cover to carry out this important exercise”.
Eurogroup Gives Greece A 10 Day Ultimatum. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. GREECE MUST APPLY FOR BAILOUT EXTENSION ON FEB 16 AT THE LATEST TO KEEP EURO ZONE FINANCIAL BACKING -EUROGROUP CHAIRMAN DIJSSELBLOEM . This means that Greece now has 10 days, or until the Monday after next to decide whether it will stay in the Eurozone or Grexit.
President Obama Explains How "The Crisis Has Passed" If The Unemployment Rate Is Rising - Live Feed Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. Mission Accomplished? The "shadow of crisis has passed" but the unemployment rose... but The White House says you can ignore that because wages are growing (but Goldman says ignore that)... President Obama explains.
All Aboard - "There Is No Alternative". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015 Presented with no comment... but a picture on the TITANIC  sank.
US Attorney General Has A Message For The American Markets: Beware Of Foreign Spies. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. [[MORE PARANOIA AND FEAR IN THIS APPROACH: "they want what you have." The "they" are multiple foreign nations spying on the US financial markets and the "what you have" is, according to Carlin, financial markets that are "the envy of the world.".. In my opinion this is  a kind of psychopathic statement that could foster  any type of xenophobic and racist attitude in the US, starting in Wall Street. Yo que tengo cara y apellido de mulsulman –Al  Ferez- decidi no invertir mis millones -de pulgas- en ese chiquero]]   [Just in case, le llamo “pulgas” a mis BILLETES de a mil USD.  NOTA:  En realidad no tengo ningun billete de mil -estoy mas cagado que palo de gallinero viejo- pero esa seria la forma como iria en un cuentito corto y al estilo de George Carlin]
Stocks Give Up "Good News" Gains As Grexit & Crude Fears Trump Jobs Cheers. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. As the jobs' "good news" sinks in and the realization that this is "bad news" for free-money-a-holics hits, US equity markets have stumbled off the exuberant knee-jerk highs and given up the jobs bounce (for now)... as they are reminded that GREXIT is a real risk and oil's price collapse has yet to play out in the real economy...  [American reality is a chain of short story-telling that I die to publish asap, in both Spanish & English or in a mixed language: spanglish]
Asset Managers Or Asset Gatherers?  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. here’s a fairly easy way to tell if a firm is a marketing firm or an investment firm. Do you see its advertising on buses, cabs and posters? Do they have a practically limitless range of funds? This is not to denigrate marketing firms entirely. But as the financial markets lurch between unprecedented bouts of bad policy, and achieve valuations that we strongly suspect are unlikely to persist, it may be worthwhile to consider the motives of the people charged with managing your money. Are they asset managers, or asset gatherers?
Difference Between US Manufacturing Workers And Waiters Drops To A Record Low. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. The difference between America's manufacturing workers and waiters has dropped to a record low of just 1.387 million.
Greece: Are You Finally Ready To Do The Right Thing And Leave The Euro?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. The era of living off borrowed money is over in Greece, and the Greek people now have a choice: they can continue down the path of poverty by leaving their culture of corruption unchanged, or they can grasp the nettle and support a new culture based on transparency, fiscal prudence and strict adherence to the basic rules of monetary management.
Where The Jobs Were In January: Education, Health And Retail Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015   The Bureau of Labor Services may have failed to notice the collapse of the highest-paying US jobs (after Wall Street of course), it determined that over 250K jobs were created in other sectors. Where were they?
Turkish Lira Crashes To New Record Lows, Erdogan Slams "New York Times Owners". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015  [[golpean al nuevo aliado de RU y la mistad con este pais sigue creciendo. Al parecer los próximos son los griegos y tras ellos una cadena de amigos]]
January Payrolls Smash Expectations Rising By 257,000 As Hourly Earnings Surge Most Since November 2008. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015. [[me pregunto si este no es un promedio en el que se mescla el salario de un trabajador en MacDonald con el ingreso del corredor de bolsa en Wall Street.. si esto es asi, la “exuberancia” solo hablaría del enriquecimiento mayor de los mas ricos. Check this other one: What Wall Street Expects From The January Payrolls Number]]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015 - 07:40
  • RadioShack files for bankruptcy; Sprint to take over some stores (Reuters)
  • Kansas To Issue Bonds and Invest Proceeds to Boost Pension Returns (WSJ)
  • Merkel to Make Last Push With Putin as Pessimism Prevails (BBG)
  • Islamic State in Syria seen under strain but far from collapse (Reuters)
  • Texas Swagger Fades Fast as Oil Town Squeezed Hard by OPEC (BBG)
  • SEC probes Blackberry options trading ahead of Reuters report about Samsung talks (Reuters)
  • Spanish Bonds Underperform Italy’s as Podemos Gains Popularity (BBG)
  • Steelworkers Union Rejects Offer From Refiners (WSJ)
  • Brazil January Inflation at Fastest Pace in Nearly 12 Years (BBG)

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