sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015



PRESS TV [12m. Pittsburgh PA time]

Bibi using US speech for reelection' Netanyahu is going to use his address to the US Congress as a means to help him get re-elected as Israel’s prime minister, says former congressman Paul Findley.

Anti-NATO rallies held in Berlin, Zurich . Sun Mar 1, 2015 Hundreds of people in Germany and Switzerland stage rallies against NATO over the crisis in Ukraine.

Israel requests more US missile funding . Sun Mar 1, 2015 Israeli officials ask the US Congress for an additional $317 million to be added to President Barack Obama’s budget proposal.
Caracas demands visas for Americans. Sun Mar 1, 2015 The Venezuelan president announces the enforcement of a mandatory visa system for all Americans visiting the country in a bid to "control" US meddling.
Debate: Rise of far-right groups in Europe. Sun Mar 1, 2015 This edition of "The Debate" highlights the rise of far-right groups in Europe.
‘US Congress backs war, rejects peace’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 The US Congress supports violence, killings and wars, but discourages efforts to make peace with other countries, an American journalist says.
Iran: Israel the terrorist one not Hamas. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Iran reacts strongly after a court in Egypt labels Hamas a “terrorist” organization.
Smallest life forms existence proven . Sat Feb 28, 2015 Scientists take the first ever extensive microscopy images of ultra-small bacteria thought to be the smallest forms of life.
Obama to Congress: No anti-Iran bill. Sat Feb 28, 2015 US President Barack Obama has told Congress this is not the time “to pass additional legislation on Iran”.
‘US has no regard for civilian lives’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 A human rights activist says the US terror drone campaign shows no regard for civilian lives.
Putin vows to try Nemtsov killers. Sat Feb 28, 2015 The Russian president vows to bring to justice those behind the murder of opposition figure, Boris Nemtsov.
9/11: Demonize Muslims, justify spying . Sat Feb 28, 2015 9/11 was planned to demonize the Muslim world, attack nations not aligned with the West, and justify US spying, an analyst says.
‘Vote decides Finland NATO accession’, Sat Feb 28, 2015. The Finnish president says the country’s accession to NATO will be decided by referendum.
KRG, Iran to boost energy cooperation. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is working on expansion of energy ties with Iran
Egypt sentences 4 MB members to death. Sat Feb 28, 2015 An Egyptian court sentences four Muslim Brotherhood members to death
[El régimen de Mubarack  fue un regimen pelele controlado por el imperio pero independiente de los Saudis y en parte de los Israelis. Los de la hermandad musulmana lo sacaron del poder a Mubarack  democráticamente y colocaron a Morsi. El imperio tuvo que aceptar a Morsi pues tenía el apoyo de un sector de los sunis: Qatar. El imperio saboteo económicamente a Morsi y dejo que sean los saudis y sus caníbales wajabies quienes se encargasen de el. Mientras tanto Morsi se dedicó a reprimir sangrientamente el mov popular independentista (los de la primavera Arabe) que apuntaban hacia un Estado secular. Fue esta contradicción la que uso el imperio para instalar en el poder a Al-Sisi (con apoyo Saudi). Los nexos de este general  con el imperio y los saudis aún son fuertes, pero se están rompiendo y rápido. Al Sisi tiene ya un grado de independencia  frente al US a raíz del oculto conflicto Egipto-Israel . Israel controla el gas egipcio del Sinai (e Israel es el protegido N1 del imperio). La autonomía de Al-Sisi  se hizo evidente cuando firmo pacto con Putin y peor aun cuando decidió actuar directamente contra la alianza US-NATO y sus mercenarios del ISIL en Libya. Al bombardear al ISIL en Libya destruyo el proyecto USA de controlar ese Estado y el petróleo que va a Europa. El pretexto de Al Sisi para bombardear a los mercenarios del ISIL fue que estos habían asesinado civiles y cristianos, los mismos que antes él y Morsi había asesinado por igual. Esta vez los civiles y cristianos de Libya estaban siendo asesinados por los mercenarios del US-Turquia y Qatar dentro del ISIL. A estos fue a quienes bombardeó Al-Sisi y muy posible sean terroristas Sunis pro-Qatar los 4 condenados a muerte por Al-Sisi. Esto más el pacto de Al-SIsi con Putin, han agravado el caos imperial en la zona. US definitivamente ha perdido control del Middle East y eso no se arregla con USD ni enviando tropas que van a ser fácil blanco de los sunis Qataristas y sus aliados turcos. Simplemente US tiene que quitarse de la zona y no exponer a sus soldados, pero es esto último lo que planea hacer. Mientras tanto la guerra en Syria se avecina y allí el US  también lleva las de perder. Tendrían que bombardear Iran con apoyo de Israel y entonces se voltea la tortilla y bien US sale con la cola entre las piernas o inicia el WW3 lo que de inmediato  implica sacrificar la existencia de Israel. Este es el contexto actual. Lo demás puede leerlo en el Art de Nazanin OBAMA CASTIGA A AL SISI DESDE LA TRAMPA DE LA LIBIA “LIBERADA”]
US to Bibi: No alternative to Iran talks. Sat Feb 28, 2015 White House officials say Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to offer any feasible alternative to nuclear talks with Iran.
[Puro teatro y de pésima calidad. No es cierto que EU este en favor de Iran, OB quizo neutralizarlo para favorecer el avance genocida de Israel y está fracasando. Iran es un aliado de Rusia y China y estos están ya en la zona. Imagino que el corte del flujo petrolero por el golfo pérsico va a ser lo inmediato si US-Israel ataca a Syria. Bien Europa rompe con NATO o se jode. El teatro del bufón Bibi lo financia el USA.  Quieren dar la impresión de que Israel y EU (mas exacto la CIA y el MOSAD) están en conflicto y ese cuentito jamás se lo van a tragar ni los rusos ni Irán. Tampoco creo que todos los jerarcas del Pdo Rep y menos aún los independientes del Pdo Democrata se comerían ese cangrejo. Es un teatro para estúpidos. La prensa dirá que fue una victoria del bufón israelí y querrán presentarlo como víctima. Se auto-engañan pero jamás engañarían al mundo entero. Todos saben las atrocidades de Israel.]
Syrian Kurds liberate strategic town. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Kurdish YPG forces retake the strategic town of Tel Hamis in northeast Syria from Takfiri ISIL militants.
Ex-MI6 chief warns of Russia danger. Sat Feb 28, 2015. Former chief of UK intelligence chief warns of “Russia danger”. [el peligro no es Rusia ni China.. venimos desarrollando una Guerra economica contra ellos y estos vienen respondiendo y es seguro que van a responder si militarmente los atacamos.. pero no son ellos la real amenaza a la paz mundial.. somos nosotros, los del imperio USAno los que estamos agrediendo una y otra vez a Rusia.. we are the danger against world peace!]
Egypt labels Hamas as terror group. Sat Feb 28, 2015 An Egyptian court rules Palestine's Hamas resistance movement is a terrorist group. [false flag? .. Al Sisi perdió la brújula  o no durmió bien.. se cayó de la cama y se le cruzaron las pocas y ultimas neuronas .. corto circuito?]
US fails to take Cuba off terrorist list. Sat Feb 28, 2015 The US and Cuba held the second round of talks on Friday to reestablish their diplomatic relations. [El camarada Raul esta como las Viejas que sueñan como teenagers .. quieren casarse a los 80. Raulito, acepta la realidad tal cual es y cierra la embajada USA .. está llena de gitanos .. expertos en sacarle la suerte a los “tiranos” .. y tu si estas en esta lista. Cuando le preguntaron a un Presidente Americano..  por que apoya a los tiranos? El respondio que son sus hijos de puta. Raulito, tu no estas en esta lista. Obama jamas va a decir que tiene especial aprecio por ti y menos por el heroico pueblo que los hizo morder el polvo de la derrota en playa Giron.]
Iran talks reach sensitive point: FM. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Iran’s foreign minister says nuclear talks between Tehran and the P5+1 have reached a sensitive point.
[cut this crab .. do that Israel is doing.. get out from any treaty to inspect nuclear facilities .. and/or  request that they inspect Israel with the same standard .. and do also what Israel I doing regarding chances of war .. get ready to face it.. arm yourself  to defend your sovereignty]
‘Russia not to cancel food embargo’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Russia is to keep its food embargo on countries that imposed bans on Moscow over the Ukraine crisis. [una por otra..]
Sherman: World would hail ‘Iran deal’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 The top US negotiator to the Iran talks says the world would hail a nuclear deal if the two sides manage to hammer it out. [shut your .. lady , you have not right to talk in the name of the world]
‘West behind Hadi resignation in Yemen’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 A political analyst says the resignation of the Yemeni president was encouraged by the western countries to create political limbo. [[is Yemen the next territory to be invaded by US-NATO mercenaries of ISIL??]]
What is Israel Apartheid Week? . Sat Feb 28, 2015 Israeli Apartheid Week is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. [This seems to be a real theater  ... un alternative to bufonny Netanyahu’s poor quality theatre]
N Korea tells army to ‘prepare for war’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 North Korea calls on its army to prepare for a potential war with the US and its allies, ahead of US-South Korea war games. [todos estan preparandose para la Guerra .. incluyendo a mi abuelita que sigue creyendo que “si cae Kolea.. cae pantalón”. Yo ya le dije que mientras mas preparen la guerra mas la evitan .. this is a nasty business that has its theory: avoid MAD, it means, avoid Mutual Assurance Destruction.. pero ella no entiende inglés.. solo habla SpanKor]
‘ISIL product of West spying services’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 A political analyst says the ISIL Takfiri group is the creation of the Israeli and the Western intelligence services. [ah..ah.. I do believe that it was Satan’s  creation.. it is said so in the holy Koran y fue ratificado por otro libro sagrado mas leido que el 1ro “Las mil y una noches” .. nadie podría discutir estas sagradas escrituras. La biblia también lo afirma y el Thora igual. Quien se atreva a discutirlo corre el riesgo de perder la cabeza .. de ser degollado al estilo ISIL]
UAE denies arms sales to Ukraine. Sat Feb 28, 2015 The UAE denies reports of selling military supplies to Ukraine despite earlier confirmation of the arms deal by Kiev. [lying is also condemned with death sentence by the holy Koran.. UAE is not afraid of ISIL? .. OOH ..they are their sponsors.. Is it true?]
‘US, UK meddling in OSCE Ukraine task’. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin says the US and the UK are meddling in OSCE’s peace-monitoring mandate in Ukraine. [.. as usual..]
Turkey arming Tripoli rivals: Libya PM. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Libya’s internationally recognized premier accuses Turkey of sending arms to a rival faction in Tripoli, vowing to halt its dealings with Ankara
Obama renews NSA spying program Sat Feb 28, 2015 US President Barack Obama has once again renewed a controversial NSA surveillance program. [to protect which CO..?.. business is business]
Hillary Clinton criticized for Libya war. Sat Feb 28, 2015 Republican Senator Rand Paul slams former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for her push for war in Libya. [she laughed when Gadaphy  was assassinated.. who is laughing now?.. el que ríe al último, ríe mejor.. dicen los republicanos]


We know that Israeli and US intelligence do not accuse Iran of pursuing nukes and that only untrustworthy politicians do, and we know that the US does not care if an Islamic or rogue state has nukes (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Israel).  We know that the US is not sorry about having been part of killing and torturing hundreds of thousands of Iranians for their resources and strategic location, that the US will do it again if it feels it can get away with it, and that the US is only sorry that its bloody puppet tyrant was overthrown. The US may currently be again considering and feeling out the “Leave it to Bibi” option that Obama has known about for years.

Also see:





The Kiev Snipers: Everyone Agrees That They Fired On BOTH SIDES. Posted on February 28, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Sniper Attacks As False Flag Terror. Random shootings are a type of false flag terror


BREAKING BAD (DEBT) – EPISODE ONE. Posted on February 28, 2015 by JimQ . “At this juncture, the impact on the broader economy and financial markets of the problems in the subprime market seems likely to be contained.”Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, Congressional testimony, March, 2007

Obama, Netanyahu on collision course 6 years in the making
WASHINGTON (AP) - For six years, President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been on a collision course over how to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions, a high-stakes endeavor both men see as a centerpiece of their legacies. The coming weeks will put the relationship between their countries, which otherwise remain stalwart allies, to one of its toughest tests.
Nemtsov a possible 'sacrificial victim,' investigators say
MOSCOW (AP) - Maybe it was Islamic extremists who killed Boris Nemtsov. Or someone offended by his love life. Or agents of a Western power that will stop at nothing to disfigure President Vladimir Putin's image and drive him from power. Russian investigators, politicians and political commentators on state television on Saturday covered much ground in looking for the reason Nemtsov was gunned down in the heart of Moscow, but they sidestepped one possibility - that he was murdered for his relentless opposition to Putin.




Most Americans Are Slaves And They Don't Even Know It. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Most Americans spend their lives working for others, paying off debts to others and performing tasks that others tell them that they “must” do. These days, we don’t like to think of ourselves as “servants” or “slaves”, but that is what the vast majority of us are. It is just that the mechanisms of our enslavement have become much more sophisticated over time.


Meet Linebarger - The Government's Biggest Private Debt Collector. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Collecting debt is a dirty business which is why The Federal Government turns it over to the private sector. Meet one of the biggest players in the industry, law firm Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson. It has worked for small-town school districts, the city of New York and at one point, the largest tax collector in the country: the Internal Revenue Service. As CNN reports, based in Texas, Linebarger works for 2,300 clients nationwide and collects $1 billion for its clients each year. But the collection system is far from perfect, leading to some nightmare scenarios. Despite decades of scandals over the way the firm gets business (and even jail time for one of its top executives) Linebarger still lands lucrative government contracts...


Breaking Bad (Debt) - Episode One. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. The average American benefited in no way from the government/banker bailout. Their wages have deteriorated, their daily living expenses have risen, Obamacare has resulted in higher healthcare premiums, higher co-pays, more part-time jobs, less full-time jobs, and less healthcare choices for the working class, while Wall Street generates billions in risk free profits, bankers and corporate executives reap massive million dollar bonuses, and the .1% parties like its 1999. Rising wealth inequality has been systematically programmed into our economic system by bankers and their bought off puppet politicians in Washington D.C. – Corporate fascism at its finest.


1987 Or 2015? The Gap Between Growth Expectations & Valuations Is "Ridiculous". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. While the divergence between macro data 'dismalness' and equity price exuberance is by now well known, there is a greater threat looming to the rampapalooza that is underway. As forward Price-to-Earnings ratios have soared in the last year (aided and abetted - as Alan Greenspan explained - solely by The Fed's largesse) so bottom-up earnings growth expectations have cratered. So much so that veteran stock market investors and traders now see the divergence between multiple 'hope' and growth 'reality' as "ridiculous." Just how ridiculous? Worse than 1987, 2002, and 2011, when stocks fell over 20% upon realization of reality.


WSJ Praises "Waiter, Bartender Recovery" While 74% Of Americans Believe They Will Work Until They Die. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. The lines bethween the New Normal and the New Paranormal, between the real and the surreal are increasingly getting blurred when, having nothing else to praise about the US economy, the WSJ focuses on the "wage gains" of burger flippers... meanwhile 75% of Americans are confident they will work until their death.


As Greece Scrambles To End Its Bank Run, JPM Throws A Wrench: Says Deposit Outflows Continued After "Deal". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Just when Greece thought it had bought itself some breathing room in its desperate attempt to rebuild confidence in its financial system, here comes JPM and effectively calls Yanis Varoufakis a liar, suggesting that Greek deposit outflows have continued at a brisk pace despite the bailout extension "deal."


Putin Spokesman Says Nemtsov Murder Was "100% Provocation". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Just a few short hours after the terrible murder of Russian opposition politician and outspoken Putin critic Boris Nemtsov, US' John Kerry was quick to condemn the actions of the "reformer" and demand Russia's "expeditious investigation," and President Obama has since issued a statement "admiring [Nemtsov's] struggle against corruption" Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the Nemtsov murder was "100% provocation... It looks like a contract killing."

Caught On Tape: The Moment Boris Nemtsov Was Assassinated. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. As the world contemplates the various 'provocation' scenarios - a Russian act, a CIA act meant to look like a Russian act, or a Russian act meant to look like a CIA act? - the following clip suggests this was anything but an ad hoc shooting... Questions remain, but Soviet ex-President Mikail Gorbachev is sure, the assassination of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov as an attempt to destabilize Russia.
Fed Independence Is A Joke, So Why Not Audit? .Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Nothing says limited government and separation of powers like a bureaucracy unaccountable to the voice of the people! Then again, Yellen doesn’t care much for democratic oversight. She’s a caricature of Randian libertarianism: someone who wants to do whatever, whenever, without rulers. The problem is Yellen isn’t operating a private railroad company. She’s the figurehead for a government institution created by Congress. If democracy means anything, it’s that voters have some measure of control over political bureaucracies.
When Centralization Scales Beyond Our Control. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/28/2015. Who controls NATO, or the IMF? I’m sure you understand it’s not you. Still, when an organization exhibits aggressive behavior in your name, or lends out your money in your name, you should at all times feel that you are in control, through those you elect to represent you. Well, do you? Or are you merely thinking: that’s too far away from me? Organizations, like so many things in life, don’t scale up well, if at all. Beyond a certain critical mass, they become counterproductive, as Illich states. They become predators on their own creators. That goes as much for NATO, IMF and EU as it does for schools and hospitals.

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