lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015



[11pm. USA. Pittsburgh PA time]

US, Israel divided or united? . Tue Feb 24, 2015 This edition of "The Debate" discusses the divide in US-Israel ties.[ [1- Israel es el paraíso fiscal para la evasión de impuestos de muchos neocons, lo dejo claro Mit Romny, el ex –candidato de los republicanos, que no pudo desmentir  que en bancos de ese país tenía su capital mal habido. 2- Israel avergüenza al imperio por la brutalidad y el saqueo a mano armada de tierras palestinas y por las agresiones que perpetra contra países vecinos. 3- Netanyahu suele mostrar su cartelito de bomba por estallar como lo muestran las mujeres malas del Pdo republicano que luchan contra el aborto en los EU. La real bomba nuclear por estallar es una de los 200nukes con la que piensan exterminar a los Iranios y apropiarse de su Petroleo. A eso apunta Netanyahu con su ridículo cartelito de mujer anti-abortera. 4-Lo cierto es que si  Israel detona una sola bomba sobre Iran, le va a llover una andanada que no solo hará volar dimona, también otros silos que por reacción en simpatía estallaran. Eso es lo que busca Netanyahu. 5- N, no teme  iniciar la 3ra guerra mundial, cree que los neocons lo apoyaran, que se van a quedar  en el poder cuando ni siquiera tienen candidato para enfrentar y aun si EU los apoya, es Israel quien pierde. Tendra que regresar a los limites que la ONU le senialo en 1948. 6- A Netanyahu no le interesa ni su nación ni la población civil del Middle East. El es una amenaza para la seguridad de toda la región. 7- Si los israelitas no lo sacan del poder, son ellos los que van a sufrir la consecuencia de tener un psicópata como mandatario político. No se necesita una bola de crista para ver ese futuro, solo se necesita revisar la historia de sus agresiones ]  


Israel upped settler construction in 2014. Tue Feb 24, 2015 An anti-settlement NGO reports a record 40-percent climb in new constructions in illegal settlements on Israeli-occupied West Bank in 2014.


Iran not after nuclear arms: Mossad. Mon Feb 23, 2015 A leaked Mossad report shows that Israel has been aware of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. [el Mosad, la CIA Israeli, sabe que el psicopata miente y es farsante, pero no hacen nada por sacarlo.. que seguridad proveen a Israel?]
Russia raps US, West for chaos in world. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov slams the West and the United States for causing chaos and confusion in the world.
States seceding from US: Ron Paul. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Former American presidential candidate Ron Paul says states are breaking away from the United States. [era de esperarse, peor si no permite la 3ra opción. Hay capital productivo al interior de varios Estados, no ligado al capital especulador y mafioso del Wall Street y los banqueros del FED. Ellos han sido excluidos por el capital trasnacional y era de esperarse que lideren la autonomía de sus Estados. Enough is enough han dicho y es de esperarse que digan BASTA luego del informe de la Sec de Econ]
ISIL a ‘vessel’ of US foreign policy. Mon Feb 23, 2015 The ISIL terrorist group is a “vessel” of the failed US foreign policy in the Middle East.
10 dead in fatal shootings in US. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Four people were dead and one woman was in serious condition on Monday after gunfire erupted at two homes in Texas. [ LA creciente violencia en los EUes uno de los efectos de la explosiva desigualdad interna. A mas avance del fraude neo-liberal, mas violencia]
US gas prices up amid expanding strikes. Mon Feb 23, 2015 ​The average price of gasoline rises in the US as the nationwide oil refinery strike gains momentum across the country. [The Saudi dumping of oil was a soot on their feet.. the US partner is getting the effects]
Tobruk parliament shuns Libya talks. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Libya’s House of Representatives boycotts the UN-brokered peace talks.
US in 'systematic war' against blacks. Mon Feb 23, 2015 The vast racial wealth inequality in the United States has its roots in “colonial, imperial slavocracy.”
‘Foreign meddling behind Syria crisis’. Mon Feb 23, 2015 An analyst says the crisis in Syria is the product of foreign meddling in the Arab country’s domestic affairs.
Egypt postpones MB leader’s trial. Mon Feb 23, 2015 An Egyptian military court delays the trial over 2013 clashes of Muslim Brotherhood’s leader.

Ukraine delays arms withdrawal. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Ukraine’s Defense Ministry says the army will not withdraw weapons as long as pro-Russians continue attacks in the east. [The fact is: there will be no-peace in Ukraine until neo-nazis are removed from power & the US-EU continue supporting them]
‘Collusion behind ISIL oil income’ Mon Feb 23, 2015 Eric Draitser says there is collusion involving the CIA behind ISIL’s oil income. [the collusion is crystalline like water and heavy like oil]
Crimea to put Poroshenko on trial. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Crimea says it will prosecute the Ukrainian president for his remarks about bringing the region back under Kiev’s rule.[wasting time.. just help the fight against the US-Poroshenko mercenaries in the South.. the ICC belong to them]  
Greece to offer EU reform plan. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Greece aims to offer a list of proposed reforms to the EU to secure a bailout deal with the bloc. [more important is to make a deal with Russia and China and to be ready to get out from EU.. stopping austerity depend on this move]
To have drones or not to have drones?. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Reza Golzadeh looks into the issue of drones, their benefits and costs. [all depends on who uses & for what purpose.. to kill innocent people as the zar of drones OB used.. that is a crime against humanity ]
Iran, US launch 2nd round of talks Mon Feb 23, 2015 Representatives from Iran and the United States have kicked off the second round of talks on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. [Iran is wasting time in these talkings.. Iran should launch a nuclear missile to space, as I said below..  EL BALANCE NUCLEAR ES EL ÚNICO DETERRENCE MIENTRAS NO HAYA PACTO SERIO POR LA PAZ MUNDIAL. Basta del chantaje nuclear israelí contra Iran!]]
Al-Azhar chief urges education reform. Mon Feb 23, 2015 The head of Egypt’s prominent al-Azhar University calls for education reforms in Muslim nations to control the spread of religious radicalism. [[“The best education for all” es lo que toda Nacion-Estado del mundo necesita si se quiere reforma educativa. Las experiencias son diversas y la China con Mao sigue siendo ejemplo N.1 a nivel mundial. Eliminar a Confucio como símbolo nacional, fue ciertamente uno de ejes del BEST en la reforma educativa China. Separar Estado de Iglesia significo arrojar al tacho de basura el velo de la ignorancia y el dogmatismo al que fue sometida la nación mas grande del mundo. Adorar a Confusio en las escuelas fue clave pues eso solo sirvió para reciclar el dominio de dinastías que impusieron el servilismo esclavista hacia ellos. Habia que tomar el Estado 1ro y Mao lo hizo y su la rev cultural dio base a la reforma educativa, le quito  base al clasismo más perverso de la humanidad. Una educación laica, basada en la ciencia y orientada al servicio de todos no habría sido posible sin una reforma agraria que elimine a los duenios  del feudo y el gamonalismo en China. Ese fue el soporte de la rev cultural que las juventudes de China apoyaron a nivel nacional. El nacionalismo cultural fue el otro componente de la rev, dada la guerra contra el servilismo a potencias extranjeras. Esa guerra no podía ganarse si no se reivindicaba el nacionalismo cultural del país. Esas fueron las bases del “FOR  ALL  de la Ref Educativa en China. Gracias a China tenemos hoy  la meta ideologica, el suenio y utopia de cambio educativo que se resume en el principio  “The best education for all” de toda reforma educativa mundial. Fui maestro y luche por ello gran parte de mi vida y desde mi propio familia, 3 de mis hijos son médicos hoy. La Ref educativa supone educación obligatoria, laica y gratuita para todos, y con maestros preparados para el servicio, y para todas las etapas del desarrollo vital, desde el kindergarten hasta la universidad. COMO HACER POSIBLE UNA REAL REF EDUCATIVA EN EGIPTO, en este país que al igual que China posee una hermosa tradición cultural?. En mi opinión eso jamás se podrá lograr si no se parte de la obligación de seleccionar para la tarea de liderazgo educativo a quienes no son religiosos en el país. Se requiere una ética sin dogmas, una ética secular. Si no hay socialistas en ese país, la real reforma educativa será demasiado lenta. Se requiere seleccionar maestros calificados entre quienes están a favor del cambio económico radical del país: un cambio basado en la alianza entre capital productivo nacional y el Estado laico. Si se tiene amor por el desarrollo nacional, que se seleccione en Egipto a los maestros que no son religiosos para esta tarea revolucionaria, la más imporante en todo país civilizado del mundo. Es mi sugerencia. Solo entonces y desde entonces se habrá dado un paso fuerte en la eliminación de los extremismos religiosos. Hugo Adan]]
Russia offers Iran latest missile system. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Russia offers Iran its latest anti- aircraft missile defense system. [[es una pena tener  que aceptar que estamos frente a la realidad de una posible Guerra mundial. Rusia e Iran sufren directamente ese desafío. Cuando esta realidad está  presente NO BASTA con ofrecer ayuda militar, hay que darla y ya. A la vez hay que luchar por la PAZ  y por un acuerdo de desmontaje de todo el arsenal nuclear. Que no sea el chantaje nuclear la base de la expansión de NATO y sus guerreristas. Si la violencia del contexto acosa: ARMATE lo dice todos los días el país imperial a sus ciudadanos. Hoy los neocons llaman públicamente a usar contra Rusia e Iran el potencial nuclear. No queda a estos otra que armarse y ya. EL BALANCE NUCLEAR ES EL ÚNICO DETERRENCE MIENTRAS NO HAYA PACTO SERIO POR LA PAZ MUNDIAL. Basta del chantaje nuclear israelí contra Iran!]]
Egypt sentences prominent activist to jail. Mon Feb 23, 2015 A court in Egypt sentences prominent activist Alaa Abdel Fattah to five years in jail. [Si Egipto quiere hace reforma educativa y a la vez da lecciones de intolerancia y anti-democracia.. no hay consistencia ni seriedad en sus propuestas de cambio educativo. Los hechos hablan siempre mejor que las buenas intenciones. Den libertad –al menos provisional y/o condicionada-  este ciudadano, entonces podremos creerles sus deseos de cambio. O hagan lo que hacen naciones civilizadas del mundo: incorpórenlo al cambio, gánenlo, denle un puesto desde el cual pueda mostrar su real amor por la unidad nacional]
‘Iran’s nuclear activities transparent’. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Iran’ president dismisses as a “big lie” allegations that Tehran is pursuing a secret nuclear program. [Iran no tiene que mostrar ninguna transparencia verbal a los Israelís. La honestidad es un delito con bribones y asesinos como Netanyahu. Lo que tiene que mostrar es el lanzamiento de un cohete nuclear al espacio.. entonces y solo entonces  Israel respetara a Iran … en el mismo plano de igualdad. Solo asi tendremos un adiós definitivo al estúpido show de los fingidos pacifistas de America y NATO]
Britain, business and human rights. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Britain has been accused by rights campaigners of putting its financial interests before respect for human rights. [aqui la imagen habla mejor que el texto.. muestra el miserable servilismo de un camaron a los reyes Saudis.. como le gusta olerles el pedo hediondo a los panzones.. es la vieja tradición servil a reyes, dirían algunos.. yo no creo que la  bufonería  del  “político ingles” divierte al mundo, como muchos dicen.. da asco]
UK luring Arab states into business. UK luring Arab states into business. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Britain lures Middle Eastern Arab countries into business deals big enough to pump billions of pounds into London. [ni para payasos sirven.. lo que los árabes quieren es el total control de la banca de Londres]
McCain ‘behind anti-govt. protests in Kiev’. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Ron Paul says Senator McCain should not have encouraged protesters in his several visits to Kiev last year. [sin duda McCain es el payaso político  neocon mas pestilente de America.. Es del mismo partido de Ron Paul pero este Sr. es quizá uno de los pocos sujetos honorables de ese partido.. el dia que salgan de ese estercolero y se unan al FRENTE POPULAR por la reconstrucción de America.. habrán hecho algo significativo por el país]
‘Israel seeks to derail Iran N-talks’ Mon Feb 23, 2015 An analyst says Israel is forging faked documents to mislead Western countries on Iran's nuclear energy program and derail Iran-P5+1 negotiations. [as usual..]
Wealth gap among races widens in US. Mon Feb 23, 2015 A report says wealth inequality has sharply increased in the United States with the minorities being affected mostly. [pero para OB la economia es deslunbrante.. sin duda vive en el otro planeta.. la vida junto a jefes de las grandes corporacions]
'Iran to quit talks if wills imposed'  Mon Feb 23, 2015 A senior Iranian nuclear negotiator says Iran will quit the nuclear negotiations if other parties try to impose their will on the Islamic Republic. [hace tiempo debió quitarse]
‘Israeli officials must be tried by ICC’ Mon Feb 23, 2015 A former US Marine says Israeli officials must be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for committing crimes against Palestinians. [is the whole international community who is demanding so.. but the ICC judges are deaf.. too old?..o muy serviles: con alma de lacayos. If so, hay que cambiarlos]
E Ukraine seeing removal of heavy arms. Mon Feb 23, 2015 Ukrainian troops and pro-Russia forces announce immediate steps to withdraw heavy arms from the frontlines following a successful prisoner exchange bid. [finally a good news!!]
US urged to ‘withhold any aid to Israel’ Mon Feb 23, 2015 The US should freeze its aid to Israel over Tel Aviv’s decision to withhold tax revenues of the Palestinians, an analyst says. [very good proposal.. but I do like better the idea of sabotaging Israeli companies worldwide]
N Korea leader urges combat readiness. Mon Feb 23, 2015 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says the country’s army should increase its combat readiness. [mambru se va a la Guerra ..turu run..turu run..tun-tu.. bis.. y no se si volveraa.. ah ah ah.. no se si volverá. Asi dice una vieja canción  Hicieron bien en ajustarse las correas los de Korea.. porque “si cae colea.. cae pantalon” decia mi abuela]   
US arming Israel with 14 warplanes. Mon Feb 23, 2015 The United States is set to arm Israel with more fighter jets in a three-billion-dollar agreement. [tambien se van a la Guerra..cual?.. Se les olvido decir que parte de estos aviones estan siendo fabricados en Londres.. the big partners in war & genocides]


Ex-Plunge Protection Team Whistleblower: "Governments Control Markets; There Is No Price Discovery Anymore". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. Conspiracy 'Theory' becomes Conspiracy 'Fact. "There's no price discovery anymore by the market... governments impose prices on the market." - Pippa Malmgren, former member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. [que hay de Nuevo y de malo en esto?. Lo malo: La mano “oculta” del gran capital siempre ahogo al mediano y pequeño capital a ojos-vista del mundo entero. Hoy estamos frente a la rebelión del K local que quiere separar Estados de la Union Federal, tras ellos se ocultan nacientes intereses capitalistas que reciclaran el modelo monopólico. De nuevo no hay nada en esto: el modelo de FDR permitió la mano estatal, había que corregir los errores del mercado. La Eco Keynesiana de Obama se funda en el principio de que hay que expandir el crecimiento a partir de incentivar el consumismo. Eso también requiere la mano del Estado y sus QE, esos  que temporalmente salvaron al imperio de una nueva recesión. Con los keynesianos en el poder tenemos una espiral deflacionaria, con booms y busts que se alternan con mayor rapidez y cuya volatilidad frena la inversión y el crecimiento del capital productivo. Hemos sacrificado al K productivo a favor del gran K trasnacional y del status quo actual. Es decir, tenemos una decadencia progresiva que puede estallar en recesión mundial cualquier día. Basta que los chinos regalen los bonos del Tesoro para que el mercado financiero del USD se vaya al diablo. Hoy en dia todos los Estado del mundo meten sus manos en la falsa Ec libre y no para controlar sino suavizar efectos del nunca “libre”mercado Smithsoniano, que siempre fue monopolico y seguirá siéndolo. No hay ningún complot ni conflicto teoría vs. fact en esto. Eso siempre fue asi, desde los tiempos de Marx. Lo nuevo podría ser que la rebelión del mediano k productivo se alié con el pueblo para el control democ del Estado y se cree asi SOES americanas similares a las Ruso-Chinas. Solo entonces el nuevo K americano crecería más rápido que el de los rusos. Pero tendrían que oponerse a la 3ra guerra mundial y allí si hay conflicto de intereses pues es justo el GOP el que quiere impulsar el separatismo. Con ellos jamás habrá nuevo capitalismo productivo, solo destrucción. Creo que se debe invitar a M-Hudson, R-Wolff, a David De Graw y al senador de Vermont a un diálogo sobre este tópico. Hugo Adan]      


Despite US/Israel Demands, 'Isolated' Russia Offers Iran Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missiles. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. With proxy wars mounting and "isolated" Russia ratifying The BRICS Bank this week, we are sure Washington is preparing to double-down on 'costs' (to Europeans) as Reuters reports, Russia has offered Iran its latest Antey-2500 missiles (ironically after a deal to supply less powerful S-300 missiles was dropped under Western pressure in 2010). While the United States and Israel lobbied Russia to block the missile sale, the head of Russian state defense conglomerate, Sergei Chemezov, says, "as far as Iran is concerned, we offered Antey-2500 instead of S-300. They are thinking. No decision has been made yet."


Ron Paul: "Interventionism Kills" Post-Coup Ukraine One Year Later. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. It was one year ago last weekend that a violent coup overthrew the legally elected government of Ukraine. More than 5,000 have been killed and many of those were civilians bombed in their cities by Kiev. What if John McCain had stayed home and worried about his constituents in Arizona instead of non-constituents 6,000 miles away? What if V-Nuland and US Ambassador G-Pyatt had focused on actual diplomacy instead of regime change? If they had done so, there is a good chance many if not all of those who have been killed be alive today. Interventionism kills.
Yellen's "Humphrey-Hawkins" Testimony Preview: "Don't Rock The Boat". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. The testimony will probably not be a major market mover. Nonetheless, to the extent there are risks to our "don't rock the boat" expectation, Goldman thinks they are skewed toward a slightly more dovish tilt.
Israel's Netanyahu Lied About Iran With Infamous "Clear Red Line" Threat, Mossad Leak RevealsSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. Because when in doubt how to best start a war, lie.
The Chart That The Eurogroup Is Really Worried About. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. The Eurogroup's apparent 'non-negotiation' stance with Greece reflects one main worry we suspect - conceding to Greece would increase rather than reduce political risk, emboldening the resurgent anti-austerity and anti-euor extremist parties across Europe. With Spain and France seeing 'extremist' parties in the lead, the following chart is likely the one that keeps Dijsselbloem up at night...
Markets Vs Economy - The Great Disconnect. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. So, while the markets have surged to "all-time highs," the majority of Americans who have little, or no, vested interest in the financial markets have a markedly different view. Eventually, the current disconnect between the economy and the markets will merge. Our bet is that such a convergence is not likely to be a pleasant one.
Syriza MP Asks $330bn Question: "How Will 4-Month Extension Improve Our Negotiating Position?" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. the rhetoric of Costas Lapavitsas (newly-elected Syriza MP) blog post is clearly questioning the decision-making of his party's leadership. He begins, detailing five major questions, perhaps most importantly, "What exactly will change in the next four months? What will prevent the deterioration of the political, economic and social situation of the country?"

This Is The Biggest Problem Facing The World Today: 9 Countries Have Debt-To-GDP Over 300% Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. This is the biggest problem facing the world today, namely that at least 9 countries have debt/GDP above 300%, and that a whopping 39% countries have debt-to-GDP of over 100%!

We have written on this topic on countless occasions in the past, so we will be brief: either the Fed inflates this debt away, or one can kiss any hope of economic growth goodbye, even if that means even more central bank rate cuts, more QEs everywhere, and stock markets trading at +? while the middle class around the globe disappears and only the 0.001% is left standing.

Finally, those curious just how the world got to this unprecedented and sorry state, this full breakdown courtesy of McKinsey should answer all questions.


Greece Misses 1st Commitment: Delays Reform List Delivery Until Tuesday. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. Well that didn't take long...
So we are less than 3 days into the 'new deal' and Greece has missed its first deadline. We can't help but wonder if the initial draft, just as we warned, was thrown up all over by the Germans.
To Obama, From Russia With Love... And 20 Megatons. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. As Russia celebrates 'Defender Of The Fatherland' Day, they had an interesting message on the side of the parade's missiles: "To be personally delivered to Obama." As Russia celebrates 'Defender Of The Fatherland' Day, they had an interesting message on the side of the parade's missiles: "To be personally delivered to Obama." [I’m gona miss this party.. I already book my flight ..]
The Math Doesn't Add Up Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. Oh, you didn’t notice that World War Three is underway, actually has been for more than year? Well, that’s because most of it has been taking place in the banking sector, which many people either miss or don’t care about,… is that [why] the math doesn’t add up?.
Why Germany Will Throw Up On The Greek "Reform Proposals": Wage Hikes, Foreclosure Protection, "Red Lines". submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. [[if Germans “throw Up” it will be one more evidence that they have it very deep in, in, in, iiinnn..]  
The Long Road To Avoiding Grexit. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015 [they don’t need loongg.. ... But just in case, read this one…] there are numerous hurdles left in the next few months that could derail this process and bring about the RE-INTROduction of the Drachma. As Deutsche Bank concludes, Greece’s (reluctant) request for a bailout extension is the first step in what is likely to be a difficult path to compromise... [yo creo que el rec-intro of the drachmon ya está en curso]
The Annotated Timeline Of A 6 Year (And Counting) Greek Tragedy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015 [well… where some people see tragedy -–those in the cuchi-bank-- others see quirky comedy.. no way to reconcile these opposite views.. one sees only money, the other human lifes]
Existing Home Sales Plunge (and Don't Blame The Weather). Existing Home Sales Plunge (and Don't Blame The Weather). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015.  [so we have to get out from THE SIBERIAN EXPRESS? .. I was planning to make business.. I already separate two big wagons to bring special ice-cream for spring]
"You Don't Buy Home Insurance After The Roof Catches Fire". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015 [avoid them at all..3 years ago a twist blow out most shingles in my roof.. I was expecting some help from the home insurance to which I paid religiously my quote.. It was my fault to be religious.. the manager  from the insurance told me that they don’t cover acts of god. F..k your god I said, this has nothing to do with zombies in your mind… WHAT? He said… your extra-terrestrial Gods.. This is an act of nature and it is covered in this insurance. NOUP? We can prove that this is an act of God.. They got it… then after our talking came a heavy rain.. the God water start filtering inside my house and I have to get a loan to get a new roof & welcome the zombie-Gods in my house. It cost me: money, time and a good lawyer to get some money back from the insurer. It cover only 1/3 of the loan. Some neighbors who are really religious believers, didn’t got anything from other insurers. They are legal thiefs,  so, if you have to get this service, delay payments until you prove they are not the type of crooks we got here, in the free America.. not even free from extraterrestrial zombies. God bless America?  Here Gods are used for frauds & war plunder, so F..k these gods too]
20 Central Banks Have Cut Rates In 2015 After "Surprise" Rate Cut By Israel To Record Low 0.1%. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. [entre ladrones.. el buen robo es siempre buen ejemplo]
Key Events In The Coming Week: All Eye On Yellen's Testimony To Congress. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. Testimony before the Senate Banking Committee tomorrow night and the House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday, which the market will be paying very close attention to for the reconciliation of how the Fed plans to continue on its rate-hiking path despite rapidly deteriorating US macro data that has started 2015 at the worst pace (in terms of downside surprises) since Lehman.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015 - 07:34
  • Tsipras Tamed as Economists Declare Greece Loses Austerity Fight (BBG)
  • Greece readies reform plans to first sign of leftist unrest (Reuters)
  • Yellen Faces Congress Amid Direst Threat to Fed Since Dodd-Frank (BBG)
  • The war must go on: Kiev says cannot withdraw heavy weapons as attacks persist (Reuters)
  • Ukraine fears spread of war after blast in eastern city (Reuters)
  • Denmark Dismisses Report It Could Consider Capital Controls (BBG)
  • Deadline Nears on Homeland Security Funding Impasse (WSJ)
  • Gross Fund Hurt by Oil’s Plunge Amid Bets on Energy Bonds (BBG)
Initial "Greek Euphoria" Ends As Market Digests Road Ahead For Europe. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2015. If you thought the Greek tragicomedy is over, you ain't seen nothing yet, because despite the so-called Friday agreement, the immediate next step is for Greece to submit its list of reform measures to the Troika, which will almost certainly result in an immediate revulsion in Germany's finance ministry, and lead to another protracted back and forth between the Troika and Greece, which may once again well end with a Grexit. [yo lo que veo es que los griegos estan amarrando a los dioses de la troika europea a una roca.. como ayer.. para que se los devoren los buitres.. del US y NATO. Solo les queda unirse al pueblo, disolver la Union y mandar al diablo  al USA su NATO y sus guerras]

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