miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014



AN INTRODUCTION to this topic was written by Jeff Thomas.

Here an extract:

BABSON’S WARNING  By Jeff Thomas  http://www.internationalman.com/articles/babsons-warning   [A] crash is coming, and it may be terrific. .... The vicious circle will get in full swing and the result will be a serious business depression. There may be a stampede for selling which will exceed anything that the Stock Exchange has ever witnessed. Wise are those investors who now get out of debt.”  The statements  were made by investor Roger Babson at a speech at the Annual Business Conference in Massachusetts on 5th September, 1929. News of his speech reached Wall Street by mid-afternoon, causing the market to retreat about 3%. The sudden decline was named the “Babson Break.”

FOR AMERICAN ECONOMISTS THE COLLAPSE IS INEVITABLE: result of deregulation, bailouts to financial speculation fraud, untenable huge debt,  and feudal-parasitic-rentism,  plus QEs, those are the formula for implosion. The days of this economy are counted.  To Michael Hudson:  “The Game is Over for Our Post-Feudalistic Economy”.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bNujtooZos    To him we are trapped in a web of debt and derivatives, that is a time bomb ready to explode.  There Will Be No Economic Recovery.  Prepare Yourself Accordingly,  said Stefan Molyneux.  Winter 2014, will be the last Economic crash, said Peter Shift, from London.   Check this interview from Max Kaiser to Michael Hudson:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRzJ8rMP-WY . Check also this debate” Peter "Socialist" Schiff _ Exposed by MMT's Michael Hudson”  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjY5Y-eQZTw  and this one “Michael Hudson: Situation worse than Piketty describes by kjr63 1”.  


FOR FOREIGN ECONOMISTS LIKE MATHIAS CHANG  in http://futurefastforward.com/financial-analysis.html , the collapse of the US economy is real and is coming soon because is based on Fraud and Abuse,  as  Phoenix Capital Research (12/9/14)  stated clearly in It's Official: The Financial System Is Built On Fraud And Abuse - By Phoenix Capital Research (12/9/14) 

 FOR DMITRY ORLOV in “How the Ongoing U.S. Economic Collapse Compares to the U.S.S.R. Experience  http://www.munknee.com/how-the-ongoing-u-s-economic-collapse-compares-to-the-u-s-s-r-experience-dmitry-orlov/  there are symmetries between the Soviet Union collapse an the US today, similarities that justify reasoning  by analogy. Check slide 3.  Orlov also said that US faces many of the same problems that contribute to the Soviet collapse. Check  slide 5. Here is stated that many of the problems that sunk the Soviet Union are now endangering the United States as well such as:
  1. unwinnable wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria –added)
  2. a huge, well-equipped, very expensive military, with no clear mission, bogged down in fighting Muslim insurgents, and creating an out of control military budget
  3. declining  in production due to energy shortfalls linked to peaking oil production,
  4. a persistently unfavorable trade balance, resulting in runaway foreign debt and
  5. a delusional self-image, an inflexible ideology, and an unresponsive political system.

Slide 6: An economic collapse is amazing to observe, and very interesting if described accurately and in detail. Economies are susceptible to “cascaded failure”

An economic arrangement can continue for quite some time after it becomes untenable, through sheer inertia but at some point a tide of broken promises and invalidated assumptions sweeps it all out to sea.
One such untenable arrangement rests on the notion that it is possible to perpetually borrow more and more money from abroad, to pay for more and more energy imports, while the price of these imports continues to double every few years.

Free money with which to buy energy equals free energy, and free energy does not occur in nature. This must therefore be a transient condition. When the flow of energy snaps back toward equilibrium, much of the US economy will be forced to shut down.

According to SRSrocco in 

http://silvergoldsilver.blogspot.com/2011/08/collapse-of-us-economy-is-closer-than.html  I believe we are much closer to a collapse of the U.S. economy than most are led to believe. To understand just how fragile the situation has become, presented below are the 5 stages of collapse from a slide by Dmitry Orlov:   

The U.S. financial system died in 2008 when Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and AIG went bankrupt. As Jim Willie stated in one of his articles, “Pumping blood into dead corpses will not revive the system.” That is not an exact quote…but you get the point. The big banks are basically dead. This is the full description of a STAGE 1: per Orlov:

STAGE 1: FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. Faith in "business as usual" is lost. The future is no longer assumed resemble the past in any way that allows risk to be assessed and financial assets to be guaranteed. Financial institutions become insolvent; savings are wiped out, and access to capital is lost.

If we read the whole description we find that just about everything listed above has occurred except the part where savings are wiped out. The FDIC moving the insured $100,000 amount up to unlimited postponed the inevitable. Risk cannot be assessed correctly anymore as the FASB has allowed the banks to MARK TO MODEL their assets. Thus, if the banks did MARK TO MARKET their assets, they would indeed be insolvent. And lastly, banks are not lending which proves the point that access to capital is for the most part…lost.

This brings us to the next stage which it looks like we are getting ready to enter in very soon. Stage 2 per Orlov:

STAGE 2: COMMERCIAL COLLAPSE. Faith that "the market shall provide" is lost. Money is devalued and/or becomes scarce, commodities are hoarded, import and retail chains break down, and widespread shortages of survival necessities become the norm.

With the recent S&P downgrade of U.S. debt, the move into stage 2 has been set. Watching the markets in the past few days, there is a sense that “ALL IS NOT RIGHT”. If we look around the world there is this almost frantic effort to pump up banks, stock & bond markets. This is causing extreme volatility as markets act schizophrenically down one day, then up the next.

How close are we into entering stage 2? That’s a good question, but if you just take a good whiff of the air around you…it seems very close. Good barometers of the event are the actions of gold and silver.  You can read more about the 5 stages of collapse Click here ... 


For WSJ and Zerohedge.com  the crash  coming could be certain since our economy have similar symptoms  as those studied by Babson in 1931, a prediction called today  "The Babson Break" warning. 

The symptoms referred at that time, applied to our time are (a) the cozy relation between the Federal and certain Banks + big companies,  and (b) the nasty business on sovereign debt by speculators “vulture capital” in poor and developing countries like Argentina, and (c), (d), among others.

The WSJ of Sept 2014 refers the "The Babson Break" under their light of  “The Federal Reserve's too cozy relations with Banks”   

Here the WSJ article:

Working at the Fed shouldn't be an audition for a Wall Street job. Waiting periods and other reforms are needed. 

By Stephen Haber And  Ross Levine. Sept. 9, 2014

 “One would assume that if the financial media became aware that the Fed was leaking information to certain key investors, that this would make major headlines.
After all, the Fed is supposed to be both independent and transparent. And leaking information to certain individuals ahead of release would border on abetting insider trading. That would be truly outrageous.”

Of course, perhaps we are assuming too much that anyone would do anything about the clear evidence that there are leaks. After all, Ben Bernanke openly lied to Congress about monetizing the debt and nothing happened to him. So what difference would it make if the Fed was leaking information to certain well connected groups?

Well, from a market perspective, it would make a HUGE difference. Markets might be right about the value of close relations with the Fed. A paper recently presented at the NBER by Anna Cieslak, Adair Morse and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen —titled "Stock Returns over the FOMC Cycle"—finds evidence suggesting that the Fed has been leaking information. 

Although the information from these lesser-known meetings is not released to the public until weeks later, the authors found that stock prices respond immediately after the meetings, suggesting that people and financial institutions are trading and possibly profiting on information contained in those meetings.  Source:  It's Official: THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS BUILT ON FRAUD AND ABUSE By Phoenix Capital Research –Zero Hedge http://online.wsj.com/articles/stephen-haber and-ross-levine-the-federal-reserves-too-cozy-relations-with-banks-1410304778  

Of course, it could be coincidence that the markets react as soon as the Fed finishes its FOMC meetings (several weeks before the contents of the meetings released to the public).

It could, of course, also be coincidence that the stocks for various financial firms rally when an individual with close relationships to those firms is announced as Treasury Secretary.

A growing body of academic research indicates that the stock market values these bank-Fed connections. A 2013 National Bureau of Economic Research paper by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, Amir Kermani, James Kwak and Todd Mitton, "The Value of Connections in Turbulent Times: Evidence from the United States," provides a case in point.

 In November 2008, when it was announced that then-New York Fed President Timothy Geithner would be nominated for Treasury secretary, the stock prices of financial firms with which he had close personal connections soared relative to those of other financial firms. Those same stock prices plummeted when his nomination briefly ran into problems over his taxes.  http://online.wsj.com/articles/stephen-haber-and-ross-levine-the-federal-reserves-too-cozy-relations-with-banks-1410304778

This is why Capitalism is failing in the US: because not only is it now clear that the US economy is, for the most part, a rigged game… but that NO ONE involved in the rigging is punished.

You cannot build a financial system on fraud and cheating, anymore than you can build a house on a faulty foundation. The structure might hold up for a while, but eventually it will all come crashing down. 




THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS BUILT ON FRAUD AND ABUSE By Phoenix Capital Research –Zero Hedge http://online.wsj.com/articles/stephen-haber and-ross-levine-the-federal-reserves-too-cozy-relations-with-banks-1410304778
The Great Depression | Prepare and Prosper  Jul 22, 2011 - Babson was responsible for the “Babson Break”, a three percent market drop that followed his September 1929 warning. www.prepareandprosper.net    How Did The Crisis Happen?
Babson's Warning | Zero Hedge   September 15, 2014
prudent investor newsletters  September 17, 2014


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