Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 09/15/2014 - 13:35
There are plenty of
things to worry about these days. However, with enough intelligence, political
will, common-sense and perseverance, most challenges we face as a species can
be overcome. So why worry? Well, what
will happen if we start losing those qualities and values as a global society?
Which is why we believe that the following graphs are the scariest in the world
Yes, There are plenty of things to worry about these
days. A cursory look through today’s (13 Sep 14) sets
the tone: the Pope says WWIII is underway; a senior Democrat accuses the
Republicans of endangering civilization; drones are invading the privacy of
citizens; militias are blocking traffic in the Mexican border; Feds run a
US$589 billion budget deficit; the UK might fall apart; the Ebola epidemic is
getting serious in Africa; a mystery virus spreads to NY and CT.
With all of this in our minds it is easy to forget, or at
least put in proper context, the extraordinary progress that mankind has
achieved over the centuries against remarkable odds. World population has
steadily increased, proving Malthus wrong. Serious diseases like polio and
smallpox, which affected even monarchs and presidents over the centuries, have
been eradicated. We can crisscross the planet in less than 24 hours and put
satellites in deep space. The baby boomers and their offspring are the most
prosperous generations the world has ever seen.
This shows that with enough
intelligence, political will, common sense and perseverance most challenges we
face as a species can be overcome. This should provide a decent amount
of hope that we can tackle whatever we are facing right now.
So why worry?
Well, what will happen if we
start losing those qualities and values as a global society?
Which is why we believe that the following graphs are the
scariest in the world today.
Check these images:

Source: MailOnline University
of Hartford
INDEX OF MILITARY EXPENDITURE OVERTIME (1950=100%) (a) Image location at:

Source: SIPRI (a) Based on NATO expenditures (in
2011 constant US$), the longest data series publicly available.
The average world citizen is
getting dumber while our means of doing harm are increasing. This trend is clearly not our friend.
Consider the following.
Countries around the
world today spend over US$1.7 trillion on weaponry - more than the total
global investment in energy supply. Beyond the manufacturers and suppliers
downstream, this produces zero economic benefits (weapons become obsolete very
quickly and do not generate any returns; on the contrary as, well, they blow
stuff up) and the associated costs add to already bloated government debt
levels. And that’s US$1.7 trillion less
available each year to improve world education, food and fuel availability, the
environment and shifting global demographics, all critical issues of the 21st
Also concerning is the fact that control over these weapons
can be quickly lost, creating the prospect of blowbacks, never ending conflicts
and major tragedies.
Note: accidents can happen as well, adding
to the unease of handling this type of firepower. For instance, in 1961, a B-52
carrying two nuclear bombs broke up in mid-air, dropping its nuclear payload
very close to Goldsboro in North Carolina. Five of the six fuses designed to prevent
a detonation failed in one of the bombs, with only the last one averting a
nuclear explosion. That was an unbelievable close call.
And now turmoil is spreading across the Middle East yet again.
With all the conflict going on, anyone showing up and volunteering to fight for one of the sides will
be given free food and weapons, courtesy of the associated regional and
international powers. Will those
weapons stay there, concerning as that might already be for local populations,
or will they be used elsewhere, even if the conflict is contained or resolved?
As we all know fundamentalists – probably the most idiotic of the bunch – are
ready to do anything.
Humanity cannot risk its future
falling into the hands of increasingly lethal buffoons. [[those who manufacture the war machinery, and those who use
them, he forgot to say ]] The stakes are just too high now.
Hopefully our leaders are paying attention, but this should concern us all.
Let’s try to be smart about it – while the smart is still going.
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