miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014



Posted on September 24, 2014 by Eric Zuesse  IN http://www.washingtonsblog.com/

“A majority of U.S. adults, 58%, say a third U.S. political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties ‘do such a poor job’ representing the American people” 

Eric Zuesse suggested that the Vermont’s independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, might actually be able to compete seriously in 2015 and 2016 for the U.S. Presidency, if he runs as an independent (as he has said he might do).  

In my opinion Senator Sander is certainly a very respectable person, his job as Senator is admirable and he is one of the prominent figures as candidate for the Presidency.  However, presenting him as an “independent” is a bad departure in American politics. All “independent” candidates to the presidency were defeated by the bipartisan system.  The current system cannot be defeated by “independent” persons. The old system can be defeated only by a nation united in a common Front. That PEOPLES FRONT requires at least minimum principles and a minimum Program to mobilize all people dissatisfied with the bipartisan ruling parties. This is the debate that we should foster consistently from the very beginning.   

We don’t need more “independents” . That is a trap to legitimize the current bipartisan scum.

What we need is a single PEOPLE NATIONAL FRONT against wars and neoliberal speculators (bankers and Wall Street crooks). We need all colors coalition to adapt a New Deal to our time in order to rebuild America. This task requires convincing people that the old system only exacerbates the explosive inequality  and that is the source of instability, corruption, violence and chaos at national level and worldwide. We need to convince them that the bipartisan system do not represent the interests of the working and middle classes, not the young generation nor the elders. We need to convince people that both democratas and republicans are financed by the same big corporations to serve them, as Bush and Obama did it.

In parallel to the ideological battle we need to contact and organize the honest people inside those parties –those inside grass root org- and demand their public renounce to the bipartisan system.  We need also to prevent an y divisionism among the progressive and radical org who start this movement. Then will come the local and  State assemblies to debate first the minimum program and 2nd nomination of candidates for State Senate and the candidate for the Presidency. The final candidates of the Unitarian Front for senate and house should  be selected in democratic State Assemblies. The same with the single candidate for the Presidency: he should be selected in a National democratic primary.

Before these internal elections, we should publicly debate on a minimum Program based on common principles and people demands:  for instance not wars, not neoliberal policies. For a New Deal with Tobin tax to all financial transaction!. The message and language should be oriented to capture demands of the labor, productive capitalists, young people, new emigrants already installed in America, poor and middle classes, elders and all working classes.

There is a lot of work to be done before the creation of the National Front, and during the process of consolidating this organization.

It will be easy to depart from one single figure and organize all the other work around him, but we already tried that way and we failed. We should start now from the bottom up and by creating first a solid consciousness and strong networks org, and mobilize people with simple emblems. The theoretical debate should be oriented and limited to build common principles and the minimum program. So, the focus -at the beginning- should not be on persons. We should put on 1st our socks, then the shoes; not in reverse.


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