jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019



Hugo Adan Nov 15


Spending US Money in weapons of mass destruction and wars abroad is the Aquiles’ heel that makes our system very vulnerable, though it is a source of huge money to big Corp and FED State institutions like PENTA, and NATO at world level.

Articulo discutido:

The whole reason the Fed is buying Treasury bonds in this “not QE” program is to allow the spending and borrowing to continue without pushing up interest rates...

Liar: remember that  lie is a felony. Banks lend money because of interest rate (if you said you want to avoid the rise of interest rate , that is a lie. That is not possible in the current  international context . Avoiding new  interest rates is condemning banks to  death. Do you really want to kill banks?  That will be a good intention, but it is not your intention of course, yours is  just the  lie).


It is the Mises Institute  of  economics who said that saving money  and preventing un-necessary  spending will save the nation from debt. . Mises also said that practicing  interest rate determine the amount of savings available to growth the economy. Capital goods come into existence by saving, if you do not save you will create the fake-debt economy like the one we have.

And Mises’ prediction happens : we have trillion of USD  in sovereign debt; and the USD is being  abandoned at world  level..

In the Keynesian economics that now  we practice, we force consumers, the Govt and investors  to spend money,  as much as they can, no to save. If you do not have money to spend they gave you a credit card and convert you into pawn or new slave.

And FED Banks give bailouts & QEs  to investors  and small Banks.  The big  Bank can give money to entire State-Nation at a given interest rate, if they do not pay the Big Bank can take control of their resources (oil, mines, water, litio in Bolivia, though this country don’t owed nothing to US) .


The key of empire-power is lending USD created from the thin air. That is the problem with China trade –they don’t want to say but it is so. The fact is that  China don’t need USD nor US  need yuans. They have to create an intermediate currency based on gold. Then, they will have fair trade deal. Now china can expend all the USD they have & US all the yuans they have , but this won’t last.

The  other fact is that the currency is not the major problem they have. China have SOEs (state owned enterprises) & US have big private Corp  & monopolies that run the market and it is a fact  that our US market is collapsing.


Privatization of the market vs. Public Need & Public rule  is the main problem.  There is not free and honest competition inside our market. En mi art CONTRADICCIONES DE NUESTRO SISTEMA ECONOMICO  Indique que el  mercado capitalista del US no es “libre” . En el EXISTEN: 

a-MONOPOLIOS y Grupos monopólicos: un limitado número de vendedores (oferentes) que pactan acuerdos para influir en el precio del producto.
b-Existen OLIGOPOLIOS: el Mdo controlado por un pequeño  N. de empresarios
c-Aquí una gran empresa monopolista puede controlar un tipo de producto o un servicios, por tanto decide el precio y la calidad del producto o servicio ofertado. Es una situación transitoria (ST) es cierto, pero existe.
d-OLIGOPSONIO: Mercado en el que hay pocos demandantes y gran cantidad de oferentes. Aquí es el demandante o comprador quien decide el precio. Si la oferta sube,  el precio baja y para esto se recurre a la inflation y se generan  los bublles & burst. (es también una ST agravada con alta volatilidad or VIX)
e- MONOPSONIO: Mdo donde hay un solo demandante y un solo comprador.. hasta que vengan nuevos oferentes y nuevos compradores (es también ST:)
f- Lo peor es que en el mercado  internacional es el chantaje militar Imperial el que rompe Ados y leyes del Mdo con su chantaje militar , sanciones y otros pillajes .. justo lo que hoy vemos in  “the trade-war between US-China”.

Todo eso mando al carajo el pretendido mercado liberal donde supuestamente reina la Ley de la Oferta y la Demanda.

Es en ese falso Mercado Libre es donde reina el Keynesianismo. Aquí ellos impusieron el principio “ Spending drives Economic Growth, savings decrease it.“  Fortunately , the Keynesian economics  doesn’t  work anymore.

Big Corp  are going to  bankruptcy right now & this system is going to  be declared obsolete very soon. We have to be ready for such transition.


One Economist said that China  follow the example of FDR in the US. FDR  Program was called NEW DEALS  He never called socialism to his program, but the red  of coops  was  implemented at national level  without saying  that  it was  part of the socialist tradition. FDR mixed capitalism with socialism in that project. He was the first Presid in the US who taxed the billionaire to reconstruct the health, Education and other Public needs. With his coops and other redes de produc the “productive middle class was empowered “and the positive effects of his Economics  lasted for almost 40 years.  

In 1972 FDR Program received his 1st attack. The dollar without gold support was installed and the fake economic started. In 1985 with the Washington Consensus the neoliberal program  with military support was inagurated . At  the end of that century Clinton dismantled the rest of the New Deals, after bombing Yugoslavia , the 1st country in the world who mixed capitalism with socialism successfully with Tito in power.

Mixing capitalism with socialism is nothing new in  the world. The most successful experience is of course China. The SOES  and private comp  (many from US) are working there hand on hand.  


And now the new socialist in America are ready to mix capitalism with socialism too.  If the billionaires don’t want to pay taxes to implement  the Public needs,  is fine, they can declare bankruptcy too, because WS y la bolsa de valores de Chicago are going to be closed or ruled with taxes in any transaction they made.
 It is the Public need the main focus of socialism (education, health, homes, coops and public networks associations).  Can billionaires be able to defeat us? NOT,  no way, we the socialist will defeat them. 

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