jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019



Hugo Adan  Nov 14 2019

This is my reaction to the article:

How does every bear market begin?
Slowly at first, then all of a sudden. 
This article convinces me on the truth of Paul Craig Roberts
When he suggested that  presstitutes  won’t save America,
On the contrary: they will help to destroy our Nation.
See Chart:

My quick reaction:

IN FACT, middle classes are the ones who’re keeping US out of recession (those who live with their parents who pay the property taxes, those who have access to Visa & master card ++ from a Bank (I include here the MILLENNIALS who use their parents card).

The extending family is replacing the nuclear family and that is very positive to our society. These middle classes with educated millennial inside home are providing the invaluable human-capital for their kids: knowledge & ethical communication.

These middle classes not only keep us out of recession they provide the real socialist spirit to our America ..  This people voted for FDR  before  (during the crash of 1930’ ) and they will vote for SOCIALISM again.

They hold the historical  spirit for reconstruction, they keep this spirit in the bottom of the mind , the same way that all people preserve our DNA.

SOCIALISM   is the real spirit of  my  America and your America.

What is clear in this spirit is our orientation to serve the  PUBLIC NEED , the opposite to the voracious  PRIVATE GREED of the 1% or billionaires.

Once this neoliberal system is dismantled we all the Nation will say THIS IS OUR REAL AMERICA, .. THANKS TO YOU MIDDLE CLASSES !

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