miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019


ND  NOV 13 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Corp are condemned to depend on QEs & Bailout from FED & theyr fake money

Overheard today in Washington and the markets

From the moment the cash markets opened, US equity markets shot higher on a series of pumps, decoupling completely from the bond market...
See Chart:
Dow vs. 30 Y Yield  [[ bye bye self capitalization. They deserve to die too ]]

DIS and AAPL (+80 pts) dominated The Dow's move and one look at AAPL's intraday action shows its clear a VWAP-based buyback program was responsible for the push (and Disney's NFLX-esque surge on the back of comments on users for Disney+ - considering it was given free to Verizon customers is intriguing)...

As the chart below shows, at 1355ET headline shit that trade talks had hit a snag - stocks tumbled. However, algos immediately bid it back on the back of absolutely nothing at all and once it has erased the drop, stocks fell again.....
See Chart:

The market's view of the likelihood of a trade deal has been fading for 7 straight days...
See Chart:
Market Imply odds of US-China Trade Deal

Today's gains were also dominated by defensives with cyclicals ending lower...
See Chart:

And as rates have turned lower, momentum stocks are soaring again...
See Chart:
El temporal beneficio del dia impide ver la tormenta que se avecina

Bonds were bid again today (now that the Abbvie rate-locks from last week have been lifted) with the long-end notably outperforming...
See Chart
Real futuro ya no existe

30Y Yields are down 10bps from Thursday's spike highs...
See Chart:
UST  30y Yield

The dollar levitated in a rather surprisingly linear manner... Somos magos en the art of levitation: el dollar sube pero compramos menos y de peor calidad con el
See Chart:

Gold pushed higher today... se acabó la compra de oro barato.. Que debemos estar felices los peruano? FALSO : la empresa Buenaventura la tienen 1 emp rea Canada-US
See Chart:
Gold pushed higher today

And crude suddenly found a bid at the US cash equity open...
See Chart:

As stocks reach record highs, the SMART Money flow is not following through...
See Chart:
DOW  vs. SMART Money Flow Indicator

And, as Bloomberg reports, extremely low temperatures rivaling the chill of the “Blue Norther” in 1911 sent wholesale electricity prices surging early Wednesday across the eastern U.S. Average prices for power at a major hub in PJM, the grid stretching from New Jersey to Illinois, jumped by more than 1,700%, the biggest gain since 2017.
See Chart:

“Demand just really over-performed,” said Elliot Gordon, an analyst at energy data provider Genscape Inc. Las compras del pueblo nos salvaron del pendulum. A Alan Poe lo enterraron  pero no había muerto aun. De nada le servirá resucitar dentro del ataúd.

El experto en la  OPERA XENOPHOBIA hablo y dijo así::

"We know we are a target for cyber-attacks. We identified suspicious activity relating to certain company systems and investigated the matter."

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said that "the federal budget is on an unsustainable path" that ultimately could limit lawmakers’ ability to support the economy in a downturn.
See Chart:
Cumulative Fiscal Budget deficit ( US Bill)

Buen calculo: sin pedos hediondos:
In the first month of fiscal 2020, income of $246 billion dropped 2.8% from a year earlier, while spending of $380 billion jumped 7.6%. The biggest sources of income were individual income taxes ($126 billion), social insurance and retirement ($90 billion), while the biggest outlays were social security ($89 billion), national defense ($71 billion), medicare ($56 billion) and health ($51) billion, while the US Treasury spent $33 billion on interest on the Federal debt, roughly the same that it spent on veterans' benefits, education, and agriculture combined.
See Chart:

The monthly deficit would have been greater if Trump not imposed tariffs on Chinese goods: in October, customs duties boosted US revenue by $7.8 billion, up from $5.6 billion a year ago, and represents tariffs U.S. companies paid on imports of Chinese merchandise.  

In October, the cumulative 12-month deficit gap hit 4.7% of GDP, the largest since May 2013. The US has not had a full-year budget surplus since 2001.
See Chart:
Budget Deficit as % of GDP

Addressing Congress earlier on Wednesday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said that "the federal budget is on an unsustainable path" that ultimately could limit lawmakers’ ability to support the economy in a downturn. During the question-and-answer period before the Joint Economic Committee, Powell said lawmakers can’t ignore deficits and that it’s important for the economy to grow faster than debt. Alas, one look at the CBO's long term debt forecast suggests that by that definition, the US is probably doomed.

See Chart:
Federal Debt held by the Public  Compra, compra le dicen todos los días y a/cada hora en la TV

El pueblo necesita bail-out y lotería para todos los que compren 1-solo un- ticket

"We have very good currency, and it's stable. Why not use it for global transactions?"
WHY? First, because we don’t have a stable currency; 2nd  because we do not have a currency based on gold and 3rd  because we used for imperialist and expansionist purposes: production of weapons, wars abroad & WW3 included.

We can add Cisco to the list of tech companies that will be aggressively buying back its stock to deflect attention from deterioration fundamentals.
CISCO DESERVES TO DIE. Acccording to Investopedia  CISCO is a giant tech Corp composed of 5 private Comp. This Center  of Information & security Comp (CISC)  ACTS  as a kind of insurance COMP  that sells tech info  and can buy Comp at risk of collapse and then sell them in the market. “Cisco used the acquisition to expand its Security Everywhere “.  Cisco is a monster of tech speculation.  Bye Bye CISCO

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Schiff claimed he "does not know the identity of the whistleblower."

"The disclosure of details of loans made under discount window programs are published on an approximately two-year lag."

Adam Schiff is not going to be happy...

We are witnessing “unprecedented” crop failures all across the United States, but the big mainstream news networks are not talking too much about this yet...
Fracking & poison waters + war drills and nuke gas emisions  from our silos , + climate changes explain the disaster of our agriculture.  The worse is that we blame the landowner. Our system doesn’t serve the public need  but the private greed.  The neoliberal system  is the final cause of agricultural disaster.
Americans who live in rural areas are “BAD PEOPLE” WHO DESERVE “UNCOMFORTABLE LIVES”...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Esta dama busca novio militar que le de el “contra-golpe” y un grupo de Corls se lo dará

Ousted Evo Morales speaking from Mexico condemned "the sneakiest, most nefarious coup in history" as his socialist supporters flood Bolivia's streets.

...cross-border conflicts are just the beginning. Water-related tensions are on the rise within countries as well, between rural and urban communities, and among agricultural, industrial, and household consumers...

Trump: "Turkey is a great NATO ally and a strategic partner of the US. Economic relations continue to grow."
Syria was right: Turks must leave the country. They repreent the interest of NATO-US and their own interest  on Syrian’ oil. Besides, they got the complicity of RU via arm-sells.  SHAME of RU, for a fist of USD they sold their dignity. We expect RU retracts and continue be the leader of anti-US imperialism.

There simply is not going to be lasting peace in the region as long as the status quo exists... Whether it happens today, tomorrow or at some future time, the truth is that a major war is coming to the Middle East.
Estamos listos dijeron los aliados de Iran y Siria. Los misiles apuntan a Dimona, otros a los bunkers de Jerusalen  y 6 a Tel Aviv. Podra ISR detenerlos?  Si no lo puede hacer mejor pacta la PAZ con ellos, de lo contrario borran ISR del Mapa.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- People Are Going to Die’: Violent US-Backed Coup Could Split Bolivia in Two    Bolivia jamás será dividida: 4 brigadas guevaristas ya ingresaron a Boliv en apoyo al cotragolpe de los Coroneles y al parecer también los marigelas de BRA. Si los coroneles se unen no habrá necesidad del tit for tat contra los golpistas ni su pepele que usurpo la Presidenc. Solo el ejército puede garantizar paz, orden y antiviolencia en favor de Elec sin fraude.
- Morales Hints He Might Run for Bolivian Presidency Again in Next Election  Eso equivale a hechar gasolina al fuego. Es A Garcia Linera su VP quien debe liderar la lista Presidencial  y el deberá elegir a su VP (que podría ser EVO –la formula Rusa- aunque yo sugiero otro líder indígena  y que Evo se guarde para las elecciones subsiguientes.
- Trump: US, Turkish National Security Teams Will 'Immediately' Work to Solve S-400 Issue - Video  Cualquiera sea el pacto NATO ambos US-Turrk salen de Siria y ahora.

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Mundo  Cachemira  Tres meses después  Feroz Medhi
ECON:  Sobreproducción o infraconsumo  Juan Ramón Capella
ARG:  Si ladra y tiene cola… es golpe de Estado  Carlos A. Villalba
BRA:   Lula libre   Isaac Bigio
MX:  Juarez   Militarización, maquilas y antiinmigración  Nina Ebner
US:  Plutocracia "a la americana"  David Brooks
COL:  Lo que La Pulla calla sobre Arauca  Andrés Hernández


Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

- US Hand in Bolivia Coup  By Finian Cunningham
 See Image:
- The Impeachment Pantomime  By Patrick Lawrence
- There Is No Such Thing as a Free Press  By Paul Craig Roberts

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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