sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2019


ND  NOV 2 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

On Sunday, November 3, those on Daylight Savings Time need to adjust their clocks. Does this make any sense?

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Private “investors”  gluttony doesn’t stop. They create explosive ineq that W kill them
Q3 Berkshire's cash pile grew to a record $128 billion, pushing past the record set in the second quarter, and surpassing once again both former cash king Apple and the resurgent Google.
The worst: they believe they’re Americans..to be at least must pay 50% taxes
See Chart:
Cash Horde

El punto de equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda  (Pareto) hace tiempo lo rompieron los grandes monopolios y banqueros cuando impusieron las leyes del private-greed..

The weaker the potential growth of demand, the stronger the rationale for the Fed, central banks, and federal governments to delay the inevitable...
La financializacion de la economia no resuelve absolutamente nada. Solo los banqueros se benefician con los altos intereses que cobran y eso solo trajo  deflación: lo que se paga a ellos impide el gasto en bienes y servicios. Debt deflation leads to defaults & foreclosures, while bond holders & Bankers get bailouts at Gvot expense”  (MH:p.29). El monetarismo (fabricar dollars from the thin air) agrava aún más la public debt y eso acelera la caída del dollar en el Mercado internacional. La crisis actual jamás la podrán resolver quienes la crearon. La enfermedad  del sistema no se cura con los medios que la crearon, lo dijo un ultra liberal como F Hayek. El sistema neoliberal ha  llegado a su final y hay que remplazarlo con el socialismo. The public need has to be empowered and the private greed depowered.

Prepare for the coming wealth transfer...

2,000 years ago, in Plutarch’s time, it was already ‘old wisdom’ that unhealthy wealth imbalances ended badly for society:
See Chart:

Money vs Real Wealth
I happen to know a good deal about our current system of money; how it is created, how it functions, its benefits and its darker aspects. I find it critical to remember that it isn’t actually “real”. Rather, it is a concept. Specifically, it’s a social contract.  An agreement. Albeit one enforced at the end of a gun – or, as seen here, an eviction sheriff enforcing the local tax codes:  Open the source below

So while money isn’t “real” in itself, we value it because it is a claim on real things.
Having a lot of it currently entitles you to a great deal of privileges and power, which are a direct outcome of the spending of that money.
Money can be converted into houses. And cars. And massages. Also groceries, electricity, cell phone services and prescription drugs. These and ten billion other things are what money allows you to buy — the things you actually need or want.

So money is the means, but it is not the real wealth.  ‘Real wealth’ is the things that money enables you to acquire.

The Three Types Of Wealth
Going further, we can break real wealth into two discrete forms.  PRIMARY WEALTH is the wealth of the land and its functioning ecosystems.  It is clear air, fresh water, thick ore bodies, and rich soils:  See Graphic in the Source below

SECONDARY WEALTH is a finished form produced from raw materials.  It is primary wealth brought to market.  It is fresh produce on the grocery shelf, cut lumber (or even a fully-constructed building), and rolled steel in giant coils:  See Graphic in the Source below

TERTIARY WEALTH, on the other hand, is not actually “real”. But most people mistake it as a comprehensive representation of “wealth”.
Similar to money, tertiary wealth is merely a claim on primary and/or secondary wealth.  A share of General Electic a stock-based claim on the company’s means of production.
And debt (and bonds) is a future claim on money. And money, as we know, is a claim on real things.

Why is it relevant to parse these distinctions so carefully?
Because there has to be a balance between the claims and the wealth.

Too many claims and we call that INFLATIONEach individual claim is reduced and diluted by every additional new claim brought into being. Beyond a certain amount, each claim becomes increasingly worthless.
DEFLATION is when there’s overproduction, or too much ‘real stuff’ relative to money.  Prices fall, which is a perilous condition for a debt-based money system. There needs to be ever more money to pay off both the principal and interest components of past loans, or else defaults start cascading through the system.

With the near-inevitability of MMT (a.k.a “free money for everybody”) the wealth transfer will kick into a higher and more obvious gear when MMT arrives (as Charles Hugh Smith brilliantly summarized for us recently).

The basic problem is that money is not real wealth. But newly printed money has real purchasing power.  What happens when purchasing power is increased but more real wealth is not auto-magically created at the same time?

Easy: the claims on real stuff become diluted. Every unit of money in circulation has a tiny fragment of purchasing power removed from it when a new unit of purchasing power is created ‘out of nothing.’

With trillions upon trillions in circulation, nobody really notices. Again, that’s both the point and by design.
For the US, this chart explains what’s coming in grotesque detail:

See Chart:
FRED:  Gross Domestic Product  vs. All sectors debt security & loans

This is the total debts of the US, which represent future claims on money — which, remember, itself is a future claim on real wealth.

GDP represents, imperfectly, the ‘real stuff’ in this story.  As you can plainly see, the claims (red line) are compunding at a far faster pace than GDP (blue line).

It gets even worse — far, far worse — when we include America’s unfunded liabilities into the mix, seen here expressed as a percentage of GDP:
See Chart:

What possible ways are there to resolve that chart with people’s expectations, hopes and dreams?
Well, we could grow GDP really, really fast for a very long time.  Like 75 or even 100 more years.
By which point the US economy alone will be 5x larger than the entire global economy currently is.  Now remember that already the Earth is screaming “enough!”  We can only imagine what happens if the US alone becomes 5x larger than today’s entire world economy

The end of money approaches.
To quote the famous Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises:
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.
The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”

How many people reading this think that given the choice between dealing with unpleasant consequences now  vs. printing up more money (via MMT, more QE, etc.) and facing the music at a later date that there’s even any contest at all?

Further you will know that the beneficiaries of that wealth transfer will almost certainly be – surprise! – the banks and other financial elites that the Fed has so carefully enabled and protected.  The winners have been pre-selected, as have the losers.

The danger in that, of course, is if the financial elites haven’t thought their cunning plan all the way through.  They may not like what follows next as an enraged populace finally wakes up to the enormous fraud that has been perpetrated upon it.

We shall see.
More and more people in the US and in other countries are waking up to the ways in which the financial and political elites have gamed and rigged the system in their favor. Angry protestors are increasingly taking to the streets to voice their displeasure.
We predict more of that.  A lot more  In Part 2: Time Is Growing Scarce

Every day the official press said that Cryptos a down.. Now.. it predict our collapse

...today’s technocrats are hungry for a new fascist solution to the problem of sovereign nation states...We know what almost happened in Germany when the last project funded by the Bank of England failed in 1945...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Shamelessness !  All Reps will be blame when Trump start WW3..they W be burned in their own inferno.  Only the current impeachment will save them + the ugly monster T
...the “greatest danger” that the decision to move forward with impeachment will “be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties than the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.”

Only Democratic socialism will save Amer from both pests (Dems & Rep) of our time

"The speaker’s concerns reflect those of many Democratic leaders and donors who believe that left-wing policies will alienate swing voters and lead to defeat."
Which party is more corrupted than the other?.  They act as one party when war is at stake. They are accomplices of the worst human crime:  Promote Govt expending in weapons & wars worldwide. They are not only wasting US money… they are killing millennial + next generat taked out from the market

GOLDMAN is doing too much damage to USA … soon they  will be put in a trash  can
Here is what they should know.

Deepfakes paranoia is the dumbest worry in the world..

... the chaotic explosion in quotes was caused by a standoff between two firms whose algorithms entered a loop, racing each other to be the market’s biggest player...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"While the first wave of globalisation ground to a halt during World War One, it was definitively ended by the protectionism of the 1930s" 
See Chart:
World Export of good & services (As % of GDP)

The agreement signed between Russia and Turkey for a new security plan in northeast Syria was certainly historic and a much welcome potential path towards stability and peace...   See MAP

"Since discovery of oil in the Mid-East, many in the region said: the U.S. is only here to steal our oil. U.S. denied it, and claimed it's about democracy, human rights, women etc."

En realidad T es una bestia como Potus: Quiero tu oil, fue lo que dijo Trump y aceptar esa verdad no es ningún homenaje a él, al contrario, lo pinta tal cual es: una bestia el ladron de petroleo ajeno.

“All American presidents commit crimes and end up taking the Nobel Prize and appear as a defender of human rights... Trump speaks with the transparency to say ‘We want your oil’.”

"Americans ‘eliminated’ someone for whose emergence they themselves were responsible..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- Prince Charles Sends Back £105m Monet, Picasso and Dali Paintings After Counterfeit Art Scandal  El escandalo es que esos hijos d P .. se apropien de bienes de la Humanidad
- Judge Rules Against Trump's Requirement for Possible Immigrants to Have Health Insurance  Con el meñique quiere tapar el golpe del puño. Un dedo para tapar luz solar?  
-A puerta cerrada la corrupción no cuenta  Pelosi Says House’s Closed-Door Witnesses Hearings Will Continue as Long as They Are ‘Productive’  y quiza el negociado es suculento.
- Trump Says Could Invite Ukrainian President to White House, Vows to Release More Info on Vidman La verdad no creo que le importe.. ademas J-Assange es la verdad  y Trump debio pedir su liberación y no lo hizo. Quiere otra vez cubrir la luz del sol con 1 dedo?
- Russian Mishina and Galyamov Win Pairs Figure Skating Gold at Gran Prix Stage in Grenoble  El arte de volar sobre el hielo, solo las rusas lo dominan y bien

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos



Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..
FASCISM in AMERICA STOP IT  El fascism en America lo cerró

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