sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2019


ND  NOV 16 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

In a very real way, MMT is already here...

The Federal Reserve is now directly monetizing US federal debt.
But it’s not terribly difficult to predict what’s going to happen next: the Federal Reserve will drop the secrecy and start buying US debt openly.
At a time, mind you, when US fiscal deficits are exploding and foreign buyers are heading for the exits.


Here’s how it’s supposed to work when the US government issues new debt:
  1. If the US Treasury needs to raise new funds, it announces an upcoming auction of US Treasury bills/notes/bonds.
  2. A date for the auction is set.
  3. Various participants bid for those bills/notes/bonds (including ‘regular folks’ like you and me if we’re using the government’s Treasury Direct program).
  4. At a later date, the Fed can buy those US Treasury bills/notes/bonds. The various holders of that debt submit offers to sell, and the Fed (presumably) selects the best offers on the best terms.
The Federal Reserve, under no conditions, buys Treasury paper directly.  The Federal Reserve’s own website still maintains that this is the case:
See Chart:
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

There are two important claims plus one assertion I’ve highlighted in there, each in a different color:
  1. Yellow: Treasury securities may “only be bought and sold in the open market.”
  2. Blue: doing otherwise might compromise the independence of the Fed.
  3. Purple: the Fed mostly buys “old” securities.

So according to the Fed: it’s independent, it follows the rules set forth in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and it mostly buys “old” Treasury paper that the market has already properly priced in a free and fair system.
But that’s not really what’s going on…


It’s now clear that something spooked the Fed badly in September.
We still don’t know what exactly went on, but the Repo market blew up. While this was a clear sign that something big was amiss, the Fed has not yet explained what the cause was, who needed to be bailed out, or why.

And it’s not going to anytime soon. It recently announced that its records on the matter are going to be sealed for at least two years.

While the Fed is ostensibly a public institution, and yes transparency should be extremely important — at least to maintain the appearance that it’s being careful with public monies — the Fed is prioritizing secrecy here.

Whatever’s going on has been serious enough for the Fed to openly lie. And not just in regards to the repo market.
“It’s not QE!” Fed chair Jerome Powell recently declared upon relaunching an asset purchase program that has already expanded the Fed’s balance sheet by hundreds of billion of dollars.

Given all the secrecy, obfuscation and lies, the Fed is now in clear violation of the spirit of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Recall from above that the Fed “only buys Treasury securities in the open market”, meaning from other banks and financial institutions.  That’s how the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is written:
See Memo:

Let’s walk through an example that connects the dots here.
Just know that this is but a single example out of many.
[[ Open the source below to read the example ]]


Each and every Treasury offering comes with an identifying number called a “CUSIP” number (referring to the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures).

On October 31st, 2019 the Treasury Department held an auction for a series of 8-week T-bills with the CUSIP number 912796WL9.

November 5th, 2019 those T-bills were “issued”, meaning that was the actual date that they were to become active.  Before that date, nobody had possession of them and nobody was earning interest on them:
See Table:

From the Treasury Offering Announcement above, on November 5, 2019, $40 billion of CUSIP number 912796WL9 were issued to the market.

It’s worth pointing out that no money changes hands on auction day (Oct 31 in this instance). It only does when the bills are issued (Nov 5 in this case).


Looking at the Federal Reserve’s website, we can see what they bought and when (but not for how much).

There we find that very same T-bill with the CUSIP 912796WL9 showing up as having been purchased by the Fed Nov 5, 2019 — the very date of its issuance:
See Table :

The Fed bought more than $4 billion of this CUSIP.  If these T-bills were out in the “open market” they weren’t there for long. At most, less than a day before the Fed scooped them up.

Does it really matter if a big bank sits ever-so-briefly between the Fed and the Treasury debt it buys?
The summary here is this: the Fed is buying US government paper on the day it’s issued.
The Fed is directly monetizing US debt.
Which means…


The debate over whether or not MMT (“Modern Monetary Theory” see here for background and discussion) should or should not happen is now moot.
It’s already here.

Over the past year, the US government has spent ~ $1.3 trillion more than it took in.  To cover the shortfall, it had to raid the Social Security piggy bank for (another) $276 billion and tap the “markets” for another $1.1 trillion.
See Chart:


This is a very serious and extremely important conversation to have. But it’s not being had at all.
During Jay Powell’s last news conference, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (and defender and champion of the largest wealth transfer to the rich in world history) was not asked a single question on this topic.

Nobody asked anything about the extreme and accelerating wealth and income gaps, both direct outcomes of the Fed’s policies.

Nobody expressed concern about the Fed’s secretive actions, its direct debt monetization, or its violation of the Federal Reserve Act.

The US media is toothless. I assume today’s journalists are simply too afraid of losing their jobs to speak truth to power, and have slipped into quiet acceptance of a mere stenographer’s role.

“Yes, Mr. Powell, you’ve reversed course and have started lowering interest rates again, and have resumed growing the Fed’s balance sheet via new QE. Oh yes, you’re right, it’s ‘not QE’. How silly of me. But despite those emergency measures, the economy is ‘in a good place’ and we all should be super optimistic? Got it. Yes, sir — very inspiring. Anything else?”

You’d think, given the enormous troubles that tend to follow central bank debt monetization that there’d be some curiosity on the topic, but no.  No pushback from the media or Congress, direct or tangential.

Meanwhile the Fed has tossed a mind-boggling $285 billion of permanent new money into the “markets” over the past couple of months, and is conducting daily operations that put additional tens of billions of dollars of short-term money into the markets as well.

All while claiming everything is fine.
Sure doesn’t feel that way, does it?
In Part 2: Why The Risk Of A Correction Is So High Right Now, we demonstrate why the faith today’s investors are placing in the Fed’s ability to push prices ever-higher is dangerously overextended.
Stock gains have already zoomed way ahead of the Fed’s recent excess liquidity measures, and it will not take much to topple them.

Click here to read Part 2  [[ Don’t charge: send a free copy to the Nation. I don’t charge]]

According to the Fed and the deep-state on Wall Street, all is completely normal...

Recently, there has been a parade of central bankers along with their lackeys on Wall Street coming on the financial news networks and desperately trying to convince investors that there are no bubbles extant in the world today. Indeed, the Fed sees no economic or market imbalances anywhere that should give perma-bulls cause for concern. You can listen to Jerome Powell’s upbeat assessment of the situation in his own words during the latest FOMC press conference here.

Global central banks have abrogated the free market and are in the practice of repealing the business cycle and ensuring stocks are in a permanent bull market. Massive and unrelenting money printing is the “tool” that they use. The good old USA had its central bank cut rates to 0 percent by the end of 2008 to combat the Great Recession; and that paved the way for the EU to join the free-money parade by 2016.

And now central banks actually want you to believe that multiple years' worth of global ZIRP has somehow left asset prices devoid of any significant distortions. All is normal here, or so we are told. So, I thought it would be prudent to shed some light on a few of those glaring imbalances that should be obvious to all except a debased central banker. To be blind to them screams of incompetence or mendacity--or both.

  • Forty percent of Europe's investment grade corporate debt offers a negative yield and there are at this time $15 trillion worth of sovereign debt globally with a negative yield as well.
  • The valuation of equities in the U.S. is now for the first time ever 1.5 times its phony and free-money-goosed GDP.
  • Yet, at the same time S&P 500 margins and earnings are shrinking.
  • The U.S. has increased its business debt by 60 percent since the Great Recession--it now totals $16 trillion, which is an all-time high in nominal terms and as a percent of GDP.
  • Much of this debt has been used to buy back stock and reduce share counts to boost EPS. Corporate buybacks, which were illegal in the U.S. before 1982, will breach $1 trillion this year. As far as the Fed is concerned, issuing a record amount of debt to buy back stocks at record high valuations is just fine.
According to the BIS, 12 percent of businesses in the developed world have become zombies--having to issue new debt just to pay the interest on existing debt—this figure is also at a record. The average interest rate on the U.S. 10-year Treasury Note prior to the Great Recession was about 7 percent. Today, this rate is a lowly 1.8 percent.

It appears central banks are completely oblivious to the global bond bubble even though they are its very progenitor.
Continue reading at:

THE PROFITEERS OF NEOLIBERALISM don’t have shame for the explosive inequality they create in our country..  Taxing them to limits of decency is a national demand

And that's just the start: the Fed and the ECB will buy $420 billion in assets over the next 6 months

With the S&P closing above 3,100 and the Dow sprinting higher in the last seconds of Friday trading to close above 28,000 for the first time ever, one can argue that the long awaited melt-up has finally arrived. What happens next?

See Chart:
Risk Appetite Momentum is at historical highs 

See other interesting charts  like this:
See Chart:

See Chart

See more at

The farm deal is likely fake news according to these analysts.

Lithium is the Bolivian natural resource that caused the military Coup against Evo M

“How can we talk about clean energy if we’re using a chemistry that is fundamentally hazardous and toxic?”
If this Comp explode some Bolivians will say “it is GOD punishment”.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"...people need to get out of the fiat currencies in general and seek a real safe haven – and that’s gold..."

"The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it."

The world will change drastically between 2020 and 2024...The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to decipher the ambiguity of how he is is doing it...

"We will still be paying the bill for these wars on terror into the 22nd century..."
Our complicity with terrorism became worse since Hillary made ‘business’  with one Saudi group of jihadists in Lybia while other Saudi group  was killing our people in the embassy of Bengazi. Our later complicity with Daesh genocide in Syria you can read it in  The Insoluble Contradictions of Daesh and the PKK/YPG  by Thierry Meyssan

Baltimore’ Police is accused of ‘homicide’..  se foto-graphic  in the source

If you have plans on going to Baltimore for the holidays -- cancel them immediately -- that's because the city is imploding on itself...

GOLD COIN  can solve the ‘trade deal’ problem between US-China

"... the possibility for a stablecoin payment network to quickly achieve global scale introduces important challenges and risks related to financial stability... "
We don’t want yuans and they don’t want USD..  SO, the solution is gold-coin

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"US Dollar will collapse soon."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos



Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Informativo del Middle East


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