jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019


ND  NOV 21 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Here real data on the collapse of the American Economy. MUST READ!
Interest rates MUST remain low, and debt MUST grow faster than the economy, just to keep the economy from stalling out... THIS IS THE VERY ESSENCE OF A "LIQUIDITY TRAP"...
See Chart:
Bernanke: Debt will lower Productivity

Like a “frog being boiled in water,” the temperature has been slowly rising for the last 20+ years as deficits grew to support unbridled largesse in Washington.
See Chart:
Bigger deficit dint foster Economic Growth

The current expansion is the weakest in U.S. history.
See Chart:
US: Expansions & Recession s

The problem should be obvious. Since the Federal government began ramping up debt, and running an annual deficit, economic growth has continued to deteriorate. This is not just a coincidence.
See Chart:
Debts, deficits & Economic Growth

According to the Center On Budget & Policy Priorities, roughly 75% of every tax dollar goes to non-productive spending. 
See Chart:

Here is the real kicker. In 2018, the Federal Government spent $4.48 Trillion, which was equivalent to 22% of the nation’s entire nominal GDP. Of that total spending, ONLY $3.5 Trillion was financed by Federal revenues and $986 billion was financed through debt.
In other words, if 75% of all expenditures is social welfare and interest on the debt, those payments required $3.36 Trillion of the $3.5 Trillion (or 96%) of revenue coming in. 
Do you see the problem here? (In the financial markets, when you borrow from others to pay obligations you can’t afford it is known as a “Ponzi-scheme.”)

Debt Is The Cause, Not The Cure
I am not saying that all debt is bad.
Debt, if used for productive investments, can be a solution to stimulating economic growth in the short-term and provide a long-term benefit.
The current surge in unbridled deficit spending only succeeds in providing a temporary illusion of economic growth by “pulling forward” future consumption, leaving a void that must be filled.
Since the bulk of the debt issued by the U.S. has been squandered on increases in social welfare programs and debt service, there is a negative return on investment. Therefore, the larger the balance of debt becomes, the more economically destructive it is by diverting an ever-growing amount of dollars away from productive investments to service payments.

In other words, Powell is hoping for a “fantasy” the economy can grow faster than the debt.
See Chart:
Powell’s Fantasy: Economic Growth faster than debt

The relevance of debt growth versus economic growth is all too evident as shown below. Since 1980, the overall increase in debt has surged to levels that currently usurp the entirety of economic growth. With economic growth rates now at the lowest levels on record, the growth in debt continues to divert more tax dollars away from productive investments into the service of debt and social welfare.
See Chart:
Debt to GDP and Impact to Economic Growth

However, simply looking at Federal debt levels is misleading.
It is the total debt that weighs on the economy.
See Chart:
Total debt  vs. GDP

This is the very essence of a “liquidity trap.”
Debt Doesn’t Create Real Growth
The massive indulgence in debt has simply created a “credit-induced boom” which has now reached its inevitable conclusion. While the Federal Reserve believed that creating a “wealth effect” by suppressing interest rates to allow cheaper debt creation would repair the economic ills of the “Great Recession,” it only succeeded in creating an even bigger “debt bubble” a decade later.

This unsustainable credit-sourced boom led to artificially stimulated borrowing which pushed money into diminishing investment opportunities and widespread mal-investments. In 2007, we clearly saw it play out “real-time” in everything from sub-prime mortgages to derivative instruments which were only for the purpose of milking the system of every potential penny regardless of the apparent underlying risk. Today, we see it again in accelerated stock buybacks, low-quality debt issuance, debt-funded dividends, and speculative investments.

When credit creation can no longer be sustained, the markets must clear the excesses before the next cycle can begin. It is only then, and must be allowed to happen, can resources be reallocated back towards more efficient uses. This is why all the efforts of Keynesian policies to stimulate growth in the economy have ultimately failed. Those fiscal and monetary policies, from TARP and QE, to tax cuts, only delay the clearing process. Ultimately, that delay only deepens the process when it begins.

The biggest risk in the coming recession is the potential depth of that clearing process.
Despite Powell’s wishes that Congress will become adults and begin to reduce the Federal debt burden, the reality is the economy can not sustain itself without the debt.

While we do have the ability to choose our future path, taking action today would require more economic pain and sacrifice than elected politicians are willing to inflict upon their constituents. This is why throughout the entirety of history, every empire collapsed eventually collapsed under the weight of its own debt.
Eventually, the opportunity to make tough choices for future prosperity will result in those choices being forced upon us.
You can get some more real data here:

Up, down; buy, sell; impeach, don't impeach; deal, no deal... it's enough to make you go full crazy
Amid an avalanche of misdrecting headlines and statements on the trade-deal...
See Chart:

Market- implied odds of US-China Trade Deals reduced..CHI don’t accept interf in H-K
See  Chart:
The ‘vivora’- tongue of Trump poisoned the environment.. is he a real POTUS?

Chinese stocks extended their losses overnight but ChiNext remains green on the week...
See Chart:

More accurate on China: Offshore Yuan also rallied today... like USD
See Chart:

US equities were red on the day led by Small Caps
S&P Futs pinned around 3100 once again as gamma dominates
You want more bad news with charts:  here the last:

Rather notably, the aggregate return of bonds and stocks was negative today...
See Chart:
Bond + Stocks % Return (daily)

Volatility has been collapsing of late but today we saw the VIX term structure notable flatten...
See Chart:
VIX Term Structure (inverted)

Dollar Bloomberg Index managed gains for a second day, reversing overnight weakness during the US session once again...
See Chart:

And just in case you heard someone claiming the equity rally is in tact because credit hasn't shown any signs of cracking... that's not true... the junkiest debt is blowing out drastically...
See Chart:

And then there's the fun-durr-mentals - Bloomberg reports that The Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators has fallen three straight months, the worst streak since 2016.
See Chart:

“The major difference this month is the softening in the labor market, whereas conditions in manufacturing remain weak and show no signs of improvement yet,” Ataman Ozyildirim, senior director of economic research, said in a statement.
Contradict between US Geo-Polit (blackmail + Extortion) vs Geo-Econ (trade deals)
Nothing new here..  market-moving information just hit.
Markets? nothing to do here. IT is just the split-personality disorder of Trump. He think  that blackmail, sanctions, piracy & extortion  is his duty as POTUS. Yo creo que un psiquiatra si podría rehabilitarlo a Trump. Pero él no va a ir a un psiquiatra. Hay que ver como doparlo, ponerle una camisa de fuerza, y en el hospital  abrirle la caja negra, limpiarle la mugre racista ++ y regresarlo a casa. No a la casa blanca, a su casa, para algo puede servir allí, quizá para jugar golf
In short, nothing really new here - all of this has already been noted by China - but the algos of course are very eager to pretend some new piece of market-moving information  just hit him. As a result, two hours after hitting session highs, S&P futures were back to the lows, and below 3,100 once again.
See Chart:
"Both sides are locked in a game of chicken, and the clock is ticking towards Dec. 15th."
See Chart:
Other way of saying the same thing:
To the traders who are following and trading every twist and turn of this non stop ping pong, good luck.
See Chart:
...it appears record-er and record-er highs in the US stock markets is doing nothing to rescue Americans' views of their personal financial outlook...
It seems the impeachment circus is having some effect on Republicans' attitudes as, according to Bloomberg's consumer comfort survey, while Democrats saw a small increase in confidence, Republicans plunged to their least confident since May 2018...
See Chart:
Last Price:  Consumer comfort for REPs vs. Dems

All three of the major pillars rebounded modestly in the last week...
See Chart:
Personal Financial Index vs. Nation Econ Index vs. Buying climate index

Finally, it appears record-er and record-er highs in the US stock markets is doing nothing to rescue Americans' views of their personal financial outlook...
See Chart:
Weekly  Personal Finance Index vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average


Hedge fund managers suffered a record eighth straight month of client redemptions in October, the longest stretch of withdrawals since the 2008 financial crisis.
See Chart:
The struggle is real
"...soon the markets are going to discover that QE is permanent...this is going to end very poorly for people who have been enjoying the paper gains in this stock market bubble."
The solution to all this monetary mayhem is go further than the Framers did: Separate money and the state entirely, in the same way that our ancestors separated church and state...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The ultra-nazis spoke:
So the trade war is about to deepen? 
You know it's bad when... CNN is leaking bombshells ahead of the report...
El zancudo igual le pica a superman o a un niño. No teme  a sus enemigos
We just witnessed one of the most monumental events of the entire decade, and yet most Americans still don’t understand what has happened...

Why was the surveillance bill steamrollered through the House – and could Trump become the next civil liberties champion?
There was a quid pro quo.. only Trump don’t admit his corrupt, money and blackmail.. it might be healthy to deny reality.. prevent depress & heart attack
"The case is a massive pay-for-play multimillion-dollar scheme, and it is an absolute travesty of justice."
You can’t simply go into business to provide value to customers, employees, and shareholders anymore... Now there has to be some woke purpose that involves diversity, the environment, and whatever else...
...impeachment hearings exposed an interesting facet of the current battle between Trump and the deep state: namely, that many government bureaucrats now fancy themselves as superior to the elected civilian government...
Orwell didn’t create the Thought Police out of thin air...
"Ultimately, it is the voters who must decide..."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"Biden received money that did not come from the company’s successful operation but rather from money stolen from citizens"
Seoul angered after 400% price hike demanded to cover its share of the costs of housing American troops.
Don’t  pay,  bring your ambassador home, close US Embassy, & call world to take out all American Troops from their countries. Check fault they were involve
It is unclear how Turkey will exploit potential gas discoveries when Western energy companies are not allowed to share technological know-how. Ankara could turn to Russia's state-owned energy companies...
GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

-‘Too Many Loopholes’: Netanyahu May Avoid Quick Trial Thanks to Political Instabilities  Woops.. I guess this is anti-semitism .. or bolshit .. same thing
-WH Senior Officials, GOP Lawmakers Agree on Full US Senate Trial If House Impeaches Trump  IF the HOUSE win.. he lost the Presid in election= work done
--Porn Star Teanna Trump Claims Oklahoma Thunder Player Owes Her Money Hey Tromp.. pay the hookers..they wk for money like you & they paid taxes =+Am-t-yu
-US Navy Conducts South China Sea 'Freedom of Navigation' Ops, Beijing Urges US to Stop Provocations  That is Ti for Ta.. they put undetected N-submarine in our waters
-Graham Urges Pompeo to Release Biden Talks With Ukraine Leader on Burisma Probe Bravo! Graham es un hombre de cojones bien puestos.. Que done? Pregúntenle a él.
-License Granted to Microsoft to Export 'Mass-Market Software' to Huawei  Bravo! Este es el Trump que todos queriamos ver. Now put caps on the milit, tied your tonge.. and don’t run for the Presid.. you gona lose .. if win=double lose.. unless yu inm resign  ..IF so, be careful when you select you VP..with him as VP yu-r- the Presi for 2 rounds +
-US Recognizes Transition Government, Calls on Bolivian Officials to ‘Step Aside' - Pompeo. The best transition is Pompeo out of our political system. He is a shame t US
-US ‘Undercounted’ Number of Military Bases With Cancer-Linked Contaminated Water  the worse is the psychological damage they suffer during service.
-With Daesh Gone, Taliban Once Again Tops List of Deadliest Terrorist Groups Daesh gone?  You’re eating the rotten lie from Trump’ media..they r working with him now

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

Mund: En el alumbramiento del mundo multipolar  Rafael Poch de Feliu Either la putana neolib esta pariendo un sujeto similar OR la REV socialista esta por llegar
Cuba  -Dos eventos trascendentes  Gustavo Espinoza
Evo Morales a Correa: "El litio jugó un factor importante en el golpe de Estado"   https://actualidad.rt.com/programas/conversando-correa/334355-entrevista-evo-morales-litio-elites-golpe-bolivia
Disturbios y represión policial durante la jornada de paro nacional en Colombia   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/334486-policia-dispersar-gases-manifestantes-paro-colombia
Gobierno de facto de Bolivia acusa a México de violar política de asilo por un supuesto video de Morales que "incita a la violencia" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/334502-gobierno-bolivia-acusar-mexico-violar-asilo
Policía reprime con gas lacrimógeno la protesta en La Paz donde llevaban los féretros de víctimas de Senkata https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/334470-policia-reprimir-gas-lacrimogeno-protesta-paz  

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-What does this tell us about our culture?
The U.S. has wasted $6.4 trillion on wars since 2001, study says:   ICH & Agencies
-U.S. Imperialism and the Rule of Law  Must Read - By Donald Monaco
-The impeachment crisis and American imperialism By Patrick Martin Guilty now Trial

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

-Steven Gorelick  Thinking Outside the Grid

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Middle East n world news


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