miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019


ND  NOV 5 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


While Markit's PMI disappointed and dropped to 3-year lows, ISM's survey of non-manufacturers beat expectations and that was all the market needed to be reassured that everything is about to be awesome again...
See Chart:
US Macro Surprise Index  [[ Nada de bueno aquí ]]

And that "good news" sparked a decidedly hawkish surge in Fed rate-cut expectations (only 1 rate cut priced in by end 2020)...
See Chart: 
Market-implied  number of rate-cuts priced in by  end 2020  [[ worse  ]]

Treasury yields have retraced all the post-Powell drop...   [[ good? In part  ]]
See Chart:

The dollar also retraced all of the post-Powell drop...  [[ tambien regreso a la nada ]]
See Chart:

El gold en caida libre:  a comprar a comprar que el mundo se va a acabar
See Chart:

US Stocks were mixed  but ended in red
See Chart:

Sox Index: trade deal en caida libre
See Chart:

VIX futures Speculative position in record short  [[ big red ]]
See chart:
VIX Specutalive position

Inventing emotions:  the market is gripped by "Extreme Greed" - that hasn't worked out so well in the past...
See Chart:

Finally  the meltup has decoupled stocks from Ed Yardeni's infamous fundamental market indicator...
See Chart: 

The only silver lining: there was still more than 1 million more job opening than unemployed workers.
See Chart:

The middle class has been transformed into the muddle class by a number of forces...

The net result is the muddle class has the signifiers but not the wealth, power, capital or agency that once defined the middle class.

The first use of the phrase The Muddle Class appears to be The rise of the muddle classes (Becky Pugh, telegraph.co.uk) in January 2007. The "muddle" described the complex nature of defining "the middle class," which includes education, class origins, accents, and many other financial, social and cultural signifiers.

Comedian Jason Manford claimed to have coined the term in June 2013"I've invented a new term; 'Muddle Class'. When you find yourself being working class AND middle class at the same time."
I'm using the term to describe the economic class that has the social signifiers of middle class status but little to no ownership of meaningful capital or control of their own financial security. In other words, this class "muddles through" the erosion of their purchasing power and economic security, claiming the social status of "middle class" while their financial status is impoverished when compared to the security of previous generations of "middle class."

Social status signifiers include: college diplomas, advanced degrees, overseas travel, aspirational dining and consumer goods, home ownership, etc. But where previous generations were building meaningful capital and assets that could be passed down to their offspring, the assets of the "muddle class" are either negligible or highly contingent on the speculative bubble du jour (stocks, bonds, housing).

The more meaningful economic metrics for middle class status are:

1. Household indebtedness, i.e. how much of the income is devoted to debt service, and
2. How much of the household spending is funded by debt.
·         If debt overwhelms assets, this financial fragility is not "middle class."
3. The ability of the household to set aside substantial savings / capital investment.
·         If the household is unable to save enough to weather financial crises, this financial fragility is not "middle class."
4. The security of the households' employment.
5. The dependence of the household wealth on speculative asset bubbles inflated by central bank policies.
·         If owner's net equity in a house is 10% to 20% of the value (the rest being mortgage debt), a modest deflation of the housing bubble will wipe out all their equity and leave them underwater, i.e. owing more than the house is worth. This financial fragility is not "middle class."
6. The percentage of the household income that is unearned, i.e. derived not from labor but from productive assets.
If all the household income is earned and there is no accumulation of income from capital (assets), then this is the definition of the working class.
7. The exposure of the households' employment to automation, AI or offshoring.
8. How much of the household income is government transfers: benefits, subsidies, etc.
  • Households that depend on government transfers to get by are not "middle class."

The muddle class is losing ground not just in financial security and agency (control of capital), but in intangible capital, a topic I explore in my new book Will You Be Richer or Poorer? Profit, Power and A.I. in a Traumatized World: the intangible capital of social mobility, positive social roles, employment stability, political power and a host of other forms of capital that define "middle class" as much as a college diploma or home ownership.

The middle class has been transformed into the muddle class by a number of forces:

1. Neoliberal globalization and ideology has eroded employment security by offloading risk onto workers while fragmenting the family structure via turning everything into a global market.
2. The 4th Industrial Revolution (software, robotics, digital technologies) is disrupting previously stable employment, making earned income contingent and prone to disruption.
3. The destruction of interest earned on savings and the rise of central-bank fueled speculation has forced households to either lose ground by holding cash or gamble in the rigged casino of global markets--a gamble most will lose by design.
4. The ceaseless rise of non-discretionary costs has eroded the purchasing power of wages, while the winner take most speculative economy has reduced labor's share of the economy (see chart below).
See Chart:
Workers share of national income

The net result is the muddle class has the signifiers but not the wealth, power, capital or agency that once defined the middle class. Signifiers may have social value, but not the sort of financial value that can be handed down or converted into tangible capital.

...but that doesn’t mean MMT won’t be tried, as the three engines of “growth” over the past 20 years - soaring debt, financialization and globalization - all falter.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio


"The hard reality is, it is going to be a stretch too far for the Democrat candidate." 

"I’m not convinced that if [President] Trump loses and a Democrat wins that it necessarily implies a bear market and a recession..."

La sombra del nazismo nos persigue a todo lado..  por que ocurre eso?

...the current financial system is on the verge of a 1923-Weimar style hyperinflation driven by Fed bailouts trying desperately to support a deleveraging of the $1200 trillion derivatives bubble that has taken over the western banking system...

Y ahora también son las ‘MULAS’ las que nos invaden: INVASORES INVADIDOS?

Before you know it, these artificially intelligent machines will be making war decessions without any or limited input from humans. 
De estos si es facil zafarnos: solo se necesita convertir el edificio del PENTA EN UN MUSEO  DE CALAMIDADES HSITORICAS.. Y que hacer con los que allí ‘trabajan’.. Ahora tendrán real trabajo: a barrer el edificio que ayer ensuciaron

Si la ciencia de los brujos lo dice así.. puede ser cierto:

This set of circumstances is unsustainable ... the world is approaching a big paradigm shift...

El de-railer T no solo puede destruir Stat & Econ puede además dar Gravy-bailouts to?
The simple fact is that they desperately want Trump out so they can return to the good old days of winks, nods, and payoffs...

PANIC about Hillary running elections?  Ella puede pagar pools e inventar RU-phobia again, pero el monstruo de la pedofilia ya no asusta a nadie.. da risa en cambio.

Let the fear-mongering begin...
Este cree que las elecciones equivalen a hallowing .. quizá tiene razón

Se puso los zapatos al revés: Los REPs dependen de la ignorancia y mentira de Trump
It's the most un-American legal process one could ever have envisioned...

Un avión lleno de Saudis salió del US Sep/12 con aval Presid. Fallaron en su plan crimin 
The deadline of yet another, and perhaps the most insidious, element of the post-9/11 initiatives is less than one year from coming to fruition...

...puts all Americans at risk of losing their liberty due to their political views or a few social media posts. All those who value liberty must oppose this dangerous program...
El arte de  la manipulacion mediatica: la POST VERDAD
“PROPAGANDA y Post –truth”  By Thierry Meysan
In Spanish:
...extremely powerful people are pouring massive amounts of money and resources into manipulating your understanding of the world will necessarily result in a distorted worldview...

Los robot-humanos  si son peligrosos: their mind has been set up by ‘Deep-State’
It's no longer a question of "if" we're going to all eventually be replaced with robot overlords in the workplace, it's a question of "when".

Twitter and the New York Times are joining Adobe in trying to create a method for making clear who makes photos or videos, and what changes have been made to them along the way...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

La amenaza  del WW3 inunda el ambiente .. el fascismo está detrás de ello
It "must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity." [[ US advise ]]
El dia 3 de enero se supo que un  US B-52 BOMBER MADE UNEXPECTED APPROACH OF RUSSIAN AIRBASE IN SYRIA BOMBER MADE UNEXPECTED APPROACH OF RUSSIAN AIRBASE IN SYRIA  se aproximaba a la base militar RU en Syria..’Uds sueltan una bomba  y nosotros soltamos 100  y directamente al poder militar del US, su Penta y Nato + nukes a-silos N-US donde el oil-fracking destruyo placas tectónicas: el efecto simpatía puede hacer estallar volcanes muy peligrosos para el US. Así tendrán idea de lo que significó el bombardeo a Hiroshima y Nagasaki’.  El US B-52 se suponía atacaría a los Turcos en Syria –acusados de haber disparado contra soldados USA allí,  pero se apuntó  contra la estación RU. Sus radares captaron la intención  y se dio esa respuesta. La orden del ataque USA se canceló y la humanidad se salvó del WW3. Oficialmente solo se supo de una respuesta  RU: “no estuvimos preparados para vuestro posible ataque  nuclear. Solo sabíamos que habría respuesta automática.  Gracias por el aviso. De ahora en adelante estaremos bien alertas”. Así de peligroso está el ambiente WAR WORLD 3 hoy en día.

Tenemos competidores y al parecer no es mera fobia-anti CHINA
...beginning in mid-2015, the hackers "moved toward strategic intelligence collection and establishing access and away from direct intellectual property theft..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Opin: Neoliberalis o  econ social  Estalla la confrontación  JJ P y MC
ECOL:  Amianto, durmiendo con su enemigo  Carmen Diego
Opin:  Por gobierno estable y de progreso  Carmen Lizárraga y J Torres
US:  5 MIL 460  David Brooks



Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

- We Are All Palestinians  By Philip Giraldi 
- The Imperial Propaganda Machine:  By Caitlin Johnstone
- Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?  By Patrick J. Buchanan 

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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