domingo, 28 de abril de 2019


ND APR 27 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Both new households and new businesses are in secular decline. Goosing the stock market and GDP doesn't change this reality...

As for the stock market: a blow-off top based on the misplaced confidence that strong growth is starting up again is also classic late-cycle action. The first doubts triggered the decline from October to December, and the sharp rebound this year once the Federal Reserve signaled "we'll do whatever it takes" is very typical of the late-cycle topping process: price sags as doubts emerge about the aging expansion, then notches a nominal new high to assuage everyone that the long-in-tooth Bull is starting another multi-year expansion.

See Chart:

In short, economic winter is here...
See Chart:

Below, dropping out the FFR and dropping in the Wilshire 5000 (representing all publicly traded US equities, green line).  Typically, permits are in decline and the party is over before equities realize everyone has already taken off.

See Chart:

And 1987 through 2018, inverted claims versus permits, with shaded boxes showing rate hike cycles.
See Chart:

People love their big paychecks, but they also value their sanity...

The number of small businesses that will shut down in the coming recession will astound governments counting on higher revenues from the Tax Donkeys.The number of highly productive and highly paid workers who quit or retire early will be equally astounding to Corporate America, which blissfully assumes the Productive Class will take every increase in workload and responsibility that's shoved on them because they love the big paychecks so much.

People love their big paychecks, but they also value their sanity; and after years or decades of corporate servitude, an unexpectedly large number will regain their long-lost agency, which they will express by quitting and bailing on their high-cost lifestyle.

See Chart:
State n Local Spending  vs Private GDP

When the Productive Class has been pushed hard enough, they will opt out, and the corporations and governments that have counted on their servitude will find that all of their systems no longer function well, if at all, once their most productive peons toss their servitude in the nearest dumpster and opt for a much lower cost and lower-key life.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

A fish rots from the head. In the Western world rot is accelerating. The rot in Washington is swiftly spreading to state and local governments and abroad to the Empire’s vassal governments...

It’s patently unfair when more than half of income-earning Americans pay less than half of their fair share of federal taxes. Yet few elected officials care to rectify it... a majority can easily freeload on a minority.
“There’s no good reason in ethics, logic, or economics why some people should pay two or three times the rate others pay; the graduated tax-rate schedule violates not only the precepts of fundamental fairness but also the equal-protection clause in the U.S. Constitution.”
See Chart:

The unfair graduation in U.S. income tax rates isn’t mitigated in other parts of the tax code. The rich as much as the non-rich also pay sales taxes, estate taxes, property taxes, and taxes for Social Security and Medicare. Considering all federal taxes, the rich in America unfairly pay far more than their fair share, which implies that the real inequity that now requires a remedy is the fact that most non-rich Americans pay far less than their fair share of taxes.
See Chart:

"...there's only one way to deal with this problem, whether we impeach him or not, and that is to vote his ass out of office."

New DOJ letter reveals extent of US investigation...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"US, UK and French forces also launched thousands of air strikes into civilian neighborhoods, scores of which resulted in mass civilian casualties" — Amnesty, Airwars joint report

"The President has understood our claims, but he hasn't provided the answers to them.

Trump reportedly embraced Putin's efforts at finding a way forward.

In less than six months, the foundations of international relations have been 'rebooted'... The war that Hillary Clinton promised to start has been declared, but not only by military force...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

- Por un ecosocialismo de combate   Daniel Tanuro
- Elecciones y juicio por rebelión   Martí Caussa
- Zazi Sadou   "Nuestro corazón palpita de nuevo"  Naïma Yachir
- Las luces de un agujero negro   Hubert Krivine

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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