sábado, 27 de abril de 2019


ND APR 26 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

BUT.. Volume continues to collapse...
See Chart:
S&P 500  vs. Volume

VIX ended the week higher despite the S&P green...
See Chart:

Breadth continues to lag...
See Chart:

Stocks and bonds bid on the week...

Despite the strong GDP print, Treasury yields tumbled on the day (and week)...
See Chart:

With 10Y Yield back below 2.50%!!
See Chart:

The Dollar ended higher on the week but lagged in the back half of the week, sliding notably after GDP...
See Chart:
DXY Dollar Index

Finally, we wonder, with the tumble in global money supply, is the bounce over?
See Chart:

This was a low-quality GDP report. All one-offs - lower imports, higher inventories & Pentagon spending. Real final private sales a puny 1.3%. Removing more lipstick from this pig shows cyclically-adjusted GDP contracting at a 2% annual rate; deepest decline in nearly a decade
The proof of the underlying soft underbelly to GDP lies in the price. That 0.9% reading in the GDP price deflator was the lowest since the first quarter of 2016, but back then, oil prices were melting whereas in Q1 they soared.

We can now begin to see how the debt crisis will evolve, leading to the destruction of the dollar...

US Government borrowing is out of control
There are a number of Western governments whose accumulating debt has become so large relative to their economies that their finances are undeniably out of control. For the purpose of this analysis, we shall restrict our attention to that of the US Government, because it is the issuer of the world’s reserve currency.
Despite the Fed’s suppression of interest rates over the long-term, the cost of federal government borrowing has escalated noticeably, as the following chart up to fiscal 2018 clearly shows.
See Chart:
Federal Interest Annual $m

My colleague, James Turk, calculates the US Government’s insolvency ratio (the interest cost as a percentage of government revenue) to be 17.2% for the first six months of fiscal 2019.[i] In other words, for every $100 raised in taxes, $17.20 goes to pay interest. On this measure, federal government finances are already in crisis.
The problem can be viewed from another angle: there has been insufficient growth in nominal GDP to produce the taxes to finance the debt. In the absence of GDP growth, the only way the threat of escalating debt can be addressed is by eliminating the federal deficit. Under current policies, that is not happening, and according to the CBO, budget deficits are set to increase out to 2028 at least.

Since the Lehman crisis in 2008/09 the US Government has been using a singularly bad escape route from the GDP problem by fiddling the inflation figures. To appreciate the full ramifications, we need to understand what GDP represents. GDP is simply a total of recorded qualifying transactions in the economy during a stated period, normally annual or annualised. Growth in the GDP number is not a record of anything else other than monetary inflation applied to those qualifying transactions. In other words, the solution to the lack of inflation in the GDP number is to simply inflate it. This is done through accelerated quantitative easing and by the Federal government increasing its spending in the domestic economy.

One of the oldest clichés in politics is you can fool all of the people for only some of the time. There will come a point where all of the people, collectively the markets, wake up to state-sponsored statistical fraud. With price inflation appearing to accelerate, public apathy over price inflation will be replaced by a substantial and possibly sudden adjustment to money-preferences relative to goods.

The foreign dimension is changing things for the worse
The most inflationary funding mechanism is for one government department (the treasury) to issue bonds to the public and the banks, and another government department (the central bank) to buy them off the public and the banks by issuing raw currency. So as to not raise inflationary suspicions, this overtly inflationary mechanism is called quantitative easing and it is set to return big-time.
So far, QE has covered only part of the US Government’s funding requirement since the Lehman crisis. The full breakdown is shown in the following table, which incorporates both long-term and short-term debt.
See table:
US Government funding 2009-2019 -$bn
How an increasing budget deficit intensifies the slump
Assuming there is no change in the savings ratio, the twin deficit phenomenon suggests that an increasing budget deficit will be matched by an increasing trade deficit. (A fuller explanation of the relationship between the deficits and changes in the level of savings is to be found here.) The source of confusion over what is a simple accounting identity is the Keynesians’ denial of Say’s law, incorrectly described by Keynes himself in his General Theory. The correct interpretation of Say’s law is that socially active humans specialise in their production to acquire the goods and services they don’t produce yet need and desire. Money is no more than the transmission mechanism which turns production into consumer goods. Money saved turns production into future goods. It is why the division of labour works to improve our living standards more effectively than any other form of social cooperation.

The key bit is the role of money. Through their control of currency, governments and their licenced banks inflate its quantity. More currency in circulation acts on demand without it being earned and therefore the extra goods and services being produced. Inevitably, prices tend to rise as that money is absorbed in the existing framework of production and consumption. And when prices rise, demand switches to extra imports.

If people saved the inflated money, it would not fuel consumption and therefore a trade deficit would not arise. But Keynesians discourage saving, and as noted earlier in this article, their misplaced policies have virtually destroyed personal savings, except for institutionalised pensions and insurance funds. Allowing for consumer debt, to all intents there are no consumer savings in America. The budget deficit is therefore financed almost entirely by inflationary means, so when an economic slump increases the budget deficit, it must also increase the trade deficit.

Far from maintaining demand levels an increase in the budget deficit, by leading to an increase in the trade deficit, has a catastrophic effect on domestic production. This is because in slump conditions an increasing trade deficit will simply displace domestic production.  .. Therefore, unemployment will rise, and the currency will fall.

Why bond yields will rise, and the dollar will fail
In the great depression, the dollar was convertible into physical gold at $20.67 to the ounce, and then notionally at $35 from January 1934 onwards. This meant that the interest cost to the US Treasury reflected that of lending gold plus a premium for issuer risk. Today, there is no gold backing, and lenders are aware they must take currency risk into account.
So long as lenders believe government finances are reasonably stable and state-issued statistics are credible, a central bank can depress borrowing costs through an expansionary monetary policy. This is the current position; but when it is no longer the case, a central bank faces an impossible task.
If my thesis that a combination of trade protectionism and the top of the credit cycle is leading the global economy into an economic slump is correct, the consequences will dramatically undermine the US Government’s finances for the reasons detailed in this article.
It will soon become obvious that the US Government, along with all other high-spending states, is caught in a debt trap of its own making. The folly of post-Keynesian economic and monetary policies, designed to justify governments’ economic existence, will be fully exposed. And as bond yields and the dollar head towards an Argentinian adjustment, the days of the dollar and dollar-denominated debt will be numbered.
[[ These are extracts.. read the full article ]]

If that sounds terrible to you, that is because it is terrible...

At this moment, we are told that only 6.2 million Americans are officially “unemployed”, and that sounds really, really good.
But that is only half the story.
What the mainstream media rarely mentions is the fact that the number of Americans categorized as “not in the labor force” has absolutely exploded since the last recession.  Right now, that number is sitting at 95.577 million.
SEE Chart:
NOT in Labor Force

When you add 6.2 million “officially unemployed” Americans to 95.577 million Americans that are categorized as “not in the labor force”, you get a grand total of almost 102 million Americans that do not have a job right now.
See Chart:
Unemployed + Not in Labor Force

But overall, the truth is that the level of unemployment in this country is not that much different than it was during the last recession.
Another “honest” indicator that I like to look at is the civilian labor force participation rate.
Just before the last recession, the civilian labor force participation rate was sitting at about 66 percent, and that was pretty good.
But then the recession hit, and the civilian labor force participation rate fell below 63 percent, and it stayed between 62 percent and 63 percent for an extended period of time.
So where are we today?
At this moment, we are sitting at just 63.0 percent.
See Chart:
US Labor Force Participation rate

Does that look like a recovery to you?
Of course not.
And now the U.S. economy is rapidly slowing down again, and most Americans are completely and totally unprepared for what is ahead.
The economy is not going to get any better than it is right now.  As you look forward to the second half of 2019, I would make plans for rough sailing ahead.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

OBSTRUCTIONGATE!   :  CIRCUS “Obstruction” run by political clowns
If the Democrats don’t impeach Donald Trump, that official narrative might fall apart. Liberals might have to face the fact that Americans elected Donald Trump president, not because they were brainwashed by Russians...
NOT time for CIRCUS: We can’t vote REPs & DEMs.. both are deeply evil.. We can’t vote the lesser evil anymore.. THAT IS NOT DEMOCRACY. In a fair.. not fraudulent  election..the socialist will win either as independent FRONT or as DEM-S (democratic socialists) .. but they will be allied in fraud to prevent socialist to register &  win.. Election for socialist is a time to creating people’ Fronts and alliances to take power after elections. Before elections we will march streets with all those who are in favor of 3 demands:  Impeachment of Trump, Peace not war & electoral abstention if not accepted the 3rd option: the socialists. In the eve of election We will promote ABSTENTION at national level. After elections we will demand the recogntion  to only those who got  more than 50% of votes from the total electorate in every region or State. Then we will call REFERNDUMS TO DEPOSE the ones who win with FRAUD and call for new elections. The corrupted alliance-parties (Dems & REPs) either recognize the right for socialist to run as independent Front or as DEM-S with S for socialists, or FACE THE CONSEQUENCES: fake or poor legitimacy (high level of social – political conflicts & violence); Imposible degree of efficacy and total lost of confidence. Meaning : imposible GOBERNABILITY (incapacidad para cumplir las promesas electorales). His-her impeachement will be fast and new election will be called.  SO: No more votes for lesser evils either Dems or Reps. The socialist are prepared to fight and take streets during  the 3 stages of this political process (before, during and after election). WE WILL WIN. Our fight is for SOCIALISM in the  US & we will get it PEACEFULLY.  
Whatever the merits, the real reason they have been opposed by monetary elites is that they are “friends of Trump” and will hold Jay Powell’s feet to the fire to cut interest rates and keep the economic expansion going ahead of the 2020 election.

"Under my administration we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone...
Una cosa es nuestro derecho constitucional a defender nuestra vida con armas (nada que ver con la ONU) y otra dstinta es el desmentaje del Ado para preservar la PAZ contrando el ensamble nuclear y su venta.. esto si correponde a la ONU y Trump burlo ese principio y Ado internacional.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Once you see the whole thing, you can’t unsee it...
China tiene el derecho soberano a no usar USD en sus transaciones comerciales internacionales y nosotros tenemos el derecho soberano a NO usar Yuans. Ni nosotros podemos imponerles el USD ni ellos el Yuan.. a menos que haya un acuerdo firmado entre ambos paises.. Existio eso? Quien lo violo? Lo mismo con Europa y otras naciones. Quien es violador de Acdos?
This article instead leaves you with the impression of a triviality, a mere interesting if odd aside amongst far more central conversations driven by important men and women of high office. A footnote, perhaps. Those Economics shadows on the wall do command the bulk of each prisoner’s attention and consideration.
Having briefly described “what”, it is never asked “why.” Why? How can it be that China’s most important banks are increasingly short of US dollars?
See Chart:

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that China’s banks are running short of dollars. Shocking, I know.
China’s major commercial banks have a funding issue outside Beijing’s control: They’re running low on the U.S. dollars they need for activities both at home and abroad.
Regular, longtime readers here will wonder what took the Journal so long to write something like this. The article would’ve been slightly helpful had it been written in 2014 when China’s dollar problem first turned deadly serious.
See Chart:  Both charts has been changed .. it doesn’t describe our relac with China

Next chart is important: it gives a glimpse of US trade balance from 2007-14 & on..
See chart:
Fed Reserve assets, Central Bank Liquidity swaps

For once, at least, they can’t blame “rate hikes” and QT [[QTs create the chaos with China. They worse our trade with them ]] China’s growing dollar problem, even what the Journal can make of it (chart included), predates both by many years. Even if you are chained in Plato’s cave, it is enough of a different sort of shadow to make you think there is so much more going on out there in the real world. In our shadows.
[[ FACT: China did not create our problem .. blame them is mere xenophobia. We can’t compete with them.. They’ve a huge domestic-Region market to sell-bay their products.. Us can’t sell polluter cars to them.. China is the best seller of electric cars.. We can’t force them to buy our garbage anymore ]]
"We call [the design] the double wave rider." 
"Waiting 19 hours for gas in a lifeless city"...
The cause of such a war - the stated point of contention between India and Pakistan - is Kashmir. They both want to have Kashmir. And, just to complicate things, some Kashmiris want full independence...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

Opin      Populismo, anexionismo, mesianismo  Moshé Machover
                Mi voto  Guillem Martínez 
                ¡Socorro!  Jaime Richart
                Amor por la palabra “Revolución…”  José Yorg
                Dos realidades vivo yo: la oficial y la mía... José Benítez
ALC        Imposible gobernabilidad de las derechas Raúl Zibechi
                Demanda millon a empresa minera USA en Guatemala
OEA       Quien paga manda  Hedelberto López
ARG       Turbulencias en medio de la crisis  Eduardo Lucita
Géne      Género y poder judicial  Redacción Tribuna 
Boliv      Un amnésico como presidente? No gracias  A Condarco
COL       Jornada de paro nacional y movilizaciones  Ignacio Díaz
Mex       Ante hechos tozudos, un poco de realismo  Gmo Almeyra
               AMLO ,  CNTE y  sindicalismo en México  Pedro Echeverría
               Provocaciones de Trump   Eduardo Ibarra Aguirre
               Meterse en los charcos  Gregorio Morán
               Reformismo electoralista, de tragedia a farsa A Apilánez
Siria       Cómo apoyó LA CIA a los yihadistas en Siria  Manuel Yepe
Ecua       Por qué está preso Ola Bini?  Byron Guerra 
               Los Escarbadores   Salvador Capote
               Por qué no se concreta ley de protección animal?  JA M

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

- Washington Has Destroyed Western Liberty  By Paul Craig Roberts

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Peter Linebaugh   The Earth for Their Possession  
Conn Hallinan   Turkey: Revenge of the Kurds 

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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