sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Gold tumbled 2.5% this week (biggest weekly drop in 7 months) as Bitcoin soared 40% (its best weekly gain since Dec 2013)

And the yield curve ended flatter on the week...

Finally as Bitcoin slipped today, Ethereum outperformed...
But Litecoin was today's big crypto winner...

What we sell?.. only weapons and wars. The glorious days of Fordism are gone

U.S. auto sales have hovered well north of replacement rates for several years now on the back of an improving labor environment and more importantly an extremely accommodating financing market...but has the bubble nearly run its course?

But, according to data presented in Experian's Q3 2017 auto financing market update slides, the auto market may finally be on the brink of running right off the other side of Ford's proverbial "Plateau."
First, as we've warned numerous times, inflated auto sales continue to come solely from an unprecedented expansion in consumer credit...

...an expansion which has thrived by targeting lower and lower credit quality borrowers.
See more charts at:
More on GLOBAL Context:

Protesters, who packed the Al-Azhar mosque in the Egyptian capital Cairo, chanted “Jerusalem is Arab! Oh, Trump, you madman, the Arab people are everywhere!”
The USD is been replaced fast.. neoliberal order is now a rein of chaos & collapse

"This is a system with no justice, no order, no rules, and no predictability. Anyone within it is at grave and total risk. And yet before Bitcoin it was the only system we had,"

All that changed after WWII. Banks rose in proportion to the rest of the economy, passing the average, then the previous high, then when that level reached “Irrational Exuberance”, Greenspan started the printing presses, free money was created, and Senators and Presidents whose bank records were visible suddenly repealed Glass-Steagall. An economy stretched to breaking with free, centrally-allocated and misallocated money crashed and shrank, yet the banks– now known as the FIRE stocks:  Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate – kept growing. How can banks and finance keep growing with a shrinking economy? By selling their only product: debt.

What does this have to do with Bitcoin? Simple. They’re charging too much.They’re making too much both personally and as a group. They’re overpriced. And anything that’s overpriced is ripe for competition. And the higher the markup, the more incentive, the more pressure, the more profit there is to join the upstart. Bitcoin can economize banking because what does banking do? It saves money safely, which Bitcoin can do. It transfers money on demand, which Bitcoin can do. It pays you interest, which mining or appreciation can do.

MONEY and that brainpower could be much better allocated elsewhere, but so long as the Finance sector can print free money and buy free influence, they will never stop on their own. Only an upstart to their monopoly can cure the cancer and bring them back to a healthy size and purpose. Bitcoin can do this only because they charge too much and do too little. Of course, they could go back to paying 4% and charging 8% with a CEO:employee pay ratio of 20:1 but history says it will never happen. Only a conflict, a collapse, or competition can reform them, and however long it takes, competition is by far the best option.

The man who predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie, and Freddie says the next big bankruptcy is going to catch everyone by surprise. Learn more here. Read More

“As contrarians, the only thing to fear is the lack of fear itself.

First check this graph: Real GDP vs Potential GDP

While the Trump administration, and congressional Republicans, suggest their tax changes will stimulate years of economic growth and more than pay for themselves, the reality is likely quite the opposite.

What investors are missing is that while tax reform could well provide for a modest bump to GDP growth, that growth bump is being offset by the Federal Reserve tightening monetary policy by lifting interest rates. Don’t forget, the reason the Fed lifts interest rates is to SLOW economic growth to quell inflationary pressures.

THE FACT IS:  a trillion-dollar deficit would require further debt growth in order to fund the revenue gap. As the debt levels continue to expand, estimated to hit $30 trillion over the next 8-years, the impact to economic growth will continue to be negative


Trump, Economy & Fed
Research / Interesting Reads
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Regardless of whether you think these are smart investments or wasted dollars, it’s a good idea to know where and why the government spends this much on the other side of the planet...

"...what price will the American people and the rest of the world pay for the constraints the military/security complex has placed on Trump’s ability to normalize relations with Russia?"
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Bitcoin is now 20 times more volatile than the US Dollar...

“I think there are a few hundred guys... they all probably can call each other, and they probably have..."

RELATED 2: Central Banks has to accepted too.. otherwise they will die soon

John McAfee's dick grows safer by the day.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report  Episode 1160  Max and Stacy discuss the rising cost of ‘manufact homes’ 

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

            Se rebalsa la letrina imperialista sobre todo el Oriente Medio
            -“Netanyahu necesita guerra con Irán. Y  pronto”  James North
Ecol     -Se le acaba al mundo la era de los antibióticos  Lisandra Fariñas
            -¿Media vuelta a la izquierda? En Am Lat:  Guillermo Almeyra
            -Hond: elecciones y la sangre inocente derramada  Giorgio Trucchi
            -Honduras  El horror después del fraude  Juan Manuel Karg
VEN     -Programa de Precios :   Una política productiva  Guillermo Oglietti
Opin    -La gran crisis del siglo XXI  Jorge Majfud
Cuba   --Dos hombres vs, el modelo económico  Carlos M. García
            OMC, APEC y TLCAN: multilateralismo y protecioni  Alicia Girón         

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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