martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

While stocks were exuberant overnight,  only Trannies remain positive from the start of the Ross Rout... with Nasdaq getting monkey-hammered... (biggest reversal in the S&P 500 since Feb 2016)


Flattening the yield curve once again to new 10 year cycle lows...

The Dollar Index trod water today after knee-jerking higher at the open last night...

"This escalation proves the supreme importance to the Deep State financial elite of the maintenance of their gold price dictatorship, which is a vital component of their long term, systemic campaign of financial plunder."

In recent weeks, the War on Gold, which is a subset of the broader War on Human Freedom, has sharply intensified, with massive, multi-billion dollar naked short price raids now being launched on a weekly and even daily basis by the criminal, state-sponsored price manipulators. This escalation proves the supreme importance to the Deep State financial elite of the maintenance of their gold price dictatorship, which is a vital component of their long term, systemic campaign of financial plunder.

To date, in order to prevent a surge in physical gold demand from happening, the Deep Statists have created various forms of transparently fake gold, such as electronic gold futures, options and non-auditable ETFs and EFPs. These fake gold products have siphoned funds away from real, physical gold, which cannot be created out of the nothing the way the imposter electronic gold products can be. Increasingly, people are learning that there are no substitutes for physical gold.

More, we find it interesting that while there have been certain highly publicized condemnations of cryptocurrencies, such as J. P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s comment that Bitcoin is a “fraud,” the financial authorities in the west have done little to nothing to shut down the crypto market. They seem to be just fine with $10,500 Bitcoin, but will stop at nothing to prevent $1,300 gold. Today’s (29 November) market action is a case in point.

The reason is that monetary elitists fully approve of cryptocurrencies, because mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is the necessary forerunner to the elimination of cash, a well-known and important agenda for the financial elite.

The cryptocurrency phenomenon, now an international issue, has stunned them into the awareness that people all over the world have a deep, abiding, instinctive desire to own honest money of limited supply that will serve as a reliable store of value, and that cannot be hyper-inflated into oblivion for the private gain of plunderers and profiteers, the chief problem with corrupt, endlessly counterfeited fiat currencies controlled by self-interested, opportunistic, predatory central bankers and their controllers, the Deep State financial elite.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"The US Government, thus, is of a few people (the policymakers), by the billionaires, and for the billionaires. And that’s just an established fact..."

"Do we need a third major political party? 
[[ What if we actually had a third party..."]]

"It is negligence.   I’ve never heard of prosecutors making a major case and not talking to the victim before you made it, especially when he was available to them through the FBI."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Late last week, China for the first time confirmed the deployment of its J-11B jet fighters to the heavily disputed South China Sea islands. Footage was released by Government-run China Central Television (CCTV) in the form of military propaganda directly challenging the United States and its allies in the disputed waters.

"As long as the US Empire can be funded and maintained on the backs of its taxpaying public, the chance of de-escalation of tensions not only on the Korean peninsula, but throughout the world are practically nil. "

Just days after Israel launched a combined air and surface-to-surface missile attack against what it claims is an Iranian military base south of Damascus, Israel has again attacked targets inside Syria, this time striking closer to the Syrian capital in the Jamraya area according to early reports. 

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Duplicitous Superpower  By Ted Galen Carpenter


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report   Episode 1158  Max and Stacy debunk the myths of the top 1%. The fact is that they got there by erecting barriers to entry through government regulations. 2nd half: Max continues int with Jameson Lopp of; the two discuss the latest in bitcoin markets and hyper-bitcoinization

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Chile     El fantasma neoliberal revolotea en Chile  Hedelberto López
BRA        Lula: “El hambre vuelve por irresponsabilidad de golpistas"  Beatriz P
                - Honduras  El “golpe blando preventivo”  Atilio A. Boron
                -Perú, sin queso ni tostada  Crismar Lujano
                -¿Quién USA la dictadura en Honduras?  Ollantay Itzamná
                -VEN: -Claves sobre el Petro, la moneda virtual  Oscar Javier Forero
                -Honduras: A 8 años de dictadura la juventud sigue combativa R Cortés
                - Liderazgos nacionales y auto estima del pueblo   Emir Sader
                -BRA: La importancia de derrotar élites del atraso  Leonardo Boff  
Mund    Nostalgia de la Guerra Fría   Alberto Piris
Ecol        -La metáfora Pascua  Ignacio Ramonet
USA       -Histórico triunfo fiscal reoxigena a Trump  Alfredo Jalife
                - Pocahontas es una inspiración, no un insulto racista   A G y D M
COL        -La inhumanidad de las prisiones colombianas  Ismael Ardila
                - 2018: listos para la contienda Ava Gómez, Bárbara Ester  
BRA        -Cambiar de bando con un solo golpe  Sergio Martín-Carrillo

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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