sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...To the contrary. The GOP tax bill is of the lobbies, by the PAC,s and for the money. Period.
Accordingly, the net gain in after tax cash flow embedded in the Senate bill amounts to just 5% of profits. Even if American businesses were starved for capital----which is hardly the case---such a modest release of pre-tax earnings is hardly going to incite a tsunami of investment, output, jobs, wages and tax revenues.

At the same time, net investment in real plant, equipment and technology is still35% lower than it was at the turn of the century. Funding has exploded, but investment in real productive assets---after allowing for current year depreciation on the existing stock--- has effectively imploded.

The chart below belies that presumption completely. Wall Street runs a continuous movable feast of equity liquidation, not new capital raising.

US corporations have been incentivized by essentially one-way, central bank supported casinos--- which masquerade as stock markets----to convert their cash flows and balance sheets into massive stock purchases.

Give US companies an additional $900 billion over the next decade and the main result will simply be even longer blue bars in the chart above.

That's exactly what 100 prominent conservative economists recently argued in the flowing missive:

In today’s globalized economy, capital is mobile in its pursuit of lower tax jurisdictions. Yet, in that worldwide race for job-creating investment, America is not economically competitive. Here’s why: Left virtually untouched for the last 31 years, our chart-topping corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrialized world and a full fifteen percentage points above the OECD average. As a result of forfeiting our competitive edge, we forfeited 4,700 companies from 2004 to 2016 to cheaper shores abroad. As a result of sitting idly by while the rest of the world took steps to lower their corporate rates, we lowered our own workers' wages by thousands of dollars a year.

In short, US companies have off-shored their tax books because they can. Thanks to favorable tax rulings over the years this has been made all the easier by blatant but legal sheltering devices----such as having an Irish subsidiary own the technology patents and charge the US tax entity a stiff royalty for using them.

At the end of the day, the GOP tax bill boils down to borrowing more than $1 trillion from the American public in order to pay higher dividends to wealthy private stockholders.

And that's a real con job.
If you want more on the debacle of the US economy OPEN THIS


"You never go broke taking a profit..."

 Janet Yellen was focused on Federal Debt, the real issue is total debt as a percentage of the economy. Every piece of leverage whether it is government debt, personal debt and even leverage requires servicing which detracts “savings” from being applied to more productive uses. Yes, in the short-term debt can be used to supplant consumption required to artificially stimulate growth, but the long-term effect is entirely negative. As shown in the chart below, total system debt how exceeds 370% of GDP and is rising.

Here some reading for this weekend

Trump, Economy & Fed
Research / Interesting Reads

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

The Senate tax bill is headed for a potentially unlimited series of decisions on possible amendments known as “vote-a-rama” - as the full text of the revised bill has just been released.

"...The world is being driven to Armageddon simply because a greedy and corrupt US military/security complex needs an enemy to justify its huge budget, because Hillary and the DNC cannot accept a political defeat, and because the neoconservatives have an ideology of American Supremacy.."

"As we head into 2018, governments around the world will become increasingly insecure about their positions of power and control,which will result in increased paranoia about whether or not they have the consent of the governed...Being a global empire in decline, the U.S. power structure has the most to lose, making it particularly vulnerable to such panic."

" It now seems evident that the Neoliberal Camp of the U.S. Deep State is highly vulnerable on an individual basis..."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Continued US Military Presence in Syria Raises Risk of Wider Regional War  https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201712021059625943-usa-militry-syria-risks-war/
Keiser Report    Episode 1157   Max and Stacy on “bitcoin is paving the way for the reintroduction of gold as global money.” In the 2nd half, Max inter Jameson Lopp about latest with bitcoin markets

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Rebelión/Instituto de Cultura y Comunicación UNLa
ALC        -Honduras: Fraude electoral en computadoras?   Milson Salgado
                -“Las actas dicen el presidente soy yo”, dice Nasralla  G Trucchi
                -Golpe a Nasralla en Honduras  Ilka Oliva Corado
                - Honduras: Se soltó la bestia   Giorgio Trucchi
                -Indignación contra TNE-Fraude? Javier Suazo
                Hipótesis: el policía que por error mato 1 indignado creo el “fraude”
Perú       Déjame que te cuente los cuentos de siempre  I Salas sobre Presupuesto
                -La batalla del chavismo contra la corrupción  Marco Teruggi
                -Jur Especial de Paz que se aprobó, no es la que se acordó  Sandra Santa
                -Esto pinta mal  Juan Manuel López
Ecua       “Guayaquil: una ciudad patéticamente señorial”  Jessica Zambrano
Cult        - Descolonizar A Lat: Interculturalidad antagónica Ileana Almeida
Cuba      -Fidel y la democracia  Ángel Guerra
                -El uso racional del agua sigue siendo prioridad  Jorge Luis Merencio
                -Cuba y la UNESCO a los 70 años  Rolando López
                -Un año recordándolo    Michael Vázquez
Ecol        -Arg: procesados por violar Ley de Glaciares  Un fallo con peso histórico
                - Glifosato:  quien dice que es bueno es quien se enriquece con ello DB
FEM       Núcleo patriarcal  Ilka Oliva Corado       
                -Rev de octubre y actualidad de revol en A Latina  Varios
                -El estado del mundo  Jaime Richart
                -El cambio de estrategia del golpe suave   Cynthia Cisneros
BRA        -commodities ambientales y la métrica del carbono  Amyra El Khalili
                -La alianza destituyente tiene los días contados  Dario Pignotti
                -“dignidad” y la segunda vuelta según Camila Vallejos  J Péfaur
USA       -Cambio de rumbo?  US cerraría la mitad de sus bases militares RZ
                -EEUU y OTAN crean guerra global el 2017-18  Diego Olivera
MX         -
2018: los escenarios posibles   Guillermo Almeyra

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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