jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 28 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 28 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Apparently the Econ growth (sales & prices are up) but not the benefits in terms of Yields: real rate of return to the investor

The bond market's message to stocks..  The S&P 500 is up for 13 straight months (including a "perfect year" of 12 monthly positive returns - which has never happened before) and just reached its most overbought level since 1959...

Check these subtitles in the art https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-28/stocks-surge-most-overbought-58-years-yield-curve-collapse-continues  though the graphics have been blocked to me:

- Santa delivered a little gain for stock investors today...
- For the 4th day in a row, Nasdaq was smacked lower around the open...

- And while stocks are soaring, breaking records never seen in the history of stocktopia, the US Treasury yield curve is screaming weakness and looming recession... SEE THIS IMAGE HERE: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/20171228_EOD7.jpg

- UST 5s30s dropped to 51bps today - the lowest since 2007!  SEE THIS IMAGE HERE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/20171228_EOD2.jpg

Dollar index went down as rate of Trump approval start collapsing : “And while President Trump's approval rating has bounced back like a tech stock's dip, the lagged correlation suggestion the dollar weakness may extend through the new year...”  SEE IMAGE HERE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/20171228_EOD1.jpg

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average forecast is based upon the “natural 20-year cycle” that Gann identified..."
See image here: 

In 4 out of 5 historical 20-year cycles, 80% of the sample, the cumulative percentage returns from the peak price level is negative in every month of the first 12 months following the peak.
In 5 out of 5 historical 20-year cycles, 100% of the sample, the cumulative percentage returns from the peak price level is negative 30 months following the peak.
The power of technical analysis is in its ability to reduce multi-dimensional markets into a filtered two-dimensional space of price and time.  Our methodology applies a consistent framework that identifies key measures of trend, distinct levels of support and resistance, and identification of potential trading ranges.  Our methodology can be applied to any security or index, across markets, for which we can attain a reliable price history.  We look forward to bringing you our unique brand of technical analysis and insight to many different markets.  If you are a professional market participant, and are open to discovering more, please connect with us.
We are not asking for a subscription, we are asking you to listen. 

The ECB tapped the Fed’s FX swap line for $11.9b for 21 days at 1.89%, the most since December 2012... and BOJ tapped the line for $101m for eight days at 1.91%...

As is usually the case, there is a sudden and desperate scramble for liquidity to window-dress balance sheets and it has sent China 7-day repo-rates (the premium for locking in liquidity across the calendar new year) to 6.00% - the highest since year-end 2013.

There is more than a little tightness in Chinese money markets ahead of the calendar new year.
This was also very evident in JPY, EUR, and GBP  liquidity markets... until today... 
See image at:

That is no longer the case in Japan, Europe, or UK as miraculously basis swaps exploded higher (less penalizing) today as The ECB tapped the Fed’s FX swap line for $11.9b for 21 days at 1.89%, the most since December 2012, and BOJ tapped the line for $101m for eight days at 1.91%, most since Oct. 4.
*  *  *
If everything is so freaking awesome out there in the global economy - why are these extreme measures being taken by The Fed, The PBOC, The ECB, and The Bank of Japan?

Americans who are lucky enough to own their own little slice of the 'American Dream' are about $2 trillion wealthier this year courtesy of Janet Yellen's efforts to recreate all the same asset bubbles that Alan Greenspan first blew in the early 2000's. 
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo


A bombshell leaked email reveals that the Senate committee has deemed anyone "of Russian nationality or Russian descent" relevant to its investigation, which means the Russiagate conspiracy theory  and accompanying congressional investigation has officially jumped straight from neo-McCarthyism and into xenophobia.

Today's Rasmussen daily Presidential Tracking Poll puts Trump at the exact same numbers for the end of his first year in office as that of Obama during the same period and on the same day.
[[ It stand to reason:  fueron cortados por la misma tijera.. OR  “son harina del mismo costal”  .. solo que Trump es muy difícil que sea re-electo si la Econ sigue cayendo y peor si inicia el WW3 ]]

"The years ahead will be characterized by a historic clash between the old, dying paradigm and what lies ahead. I’m optimistic that we have both the tools and desire to decentralize the planet and evolve as a species."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US and Israeli officials said the joint understandings were reached in "a secret meeting" between senior Israeli and US delegations at the White House on December 12th.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report  Episode 1168  Max and Stacy discuss the “taxphoria” causing a stock-buying panic at the end of Trump’s first year in office. In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

USA       -Estados Unidos, modelo racial de la Alemania nazi  David Mikics
                -Trump:  La seguridad USA empieza con la economía  A López
PAL        -Estado Islámico mantiene a Gaza como rehén  Hamza A Eltarabesh
                -El imperio y Oriente Medio en la era de Trump  Alan Maass
Econ      El petro y la batalla financiera venezolana  Hedelberto López
Mund    -Al filo de la catástrofe  Jónatham F. Moriche
                -La peste de la guerra  Jordi Joan Baños
                -OMC: Orden Mundial Conservador  Javier Calderón Castillo
Ecol        Nada que hacer: El Ártico ya nunca volverá a congelarse E Holthaus
                -El calentamiento y sus responsables  Pablo Esteban
Opin      educación:   ¿Qué es lo que está en juego?  Betiana Vargas
Polit       Amores de temporada  Carolina Vásquez
ARG       Ref Trib: Benef extranjeros, la Bolsa y gran empresario  Fabiana
MX         -Trabajo precario e informalidad laboral en México  Adrián Sotelo
                -Luis Posada: terrorista cubano anda suelto en EEUU  Manuel Yepe
COL        -18 Km en 15 años pavimentando: Negligencia estatal   Mabel C

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences



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