sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 16 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 16 17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It is not China nor RU: we’re killing our USD with crypto-currency venture like ICO

ICO= Legal Fraud. It is sucking dollars from US NATION via neoliberal market:

Perhaps more surprising than the fundraising total is the trend over time. The ICO market is not dying down, as many have reported. It's still growing.

Perhaps more surprising than the fundraising total is the trend over time. The ICO market is not dying down, as many have reported. It's still growing.



ICO market definition: ICO= Initial Coin Offering

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is an unregulated means by which funds are raised for a new crypto-currency venture. ... The central bank said tokens cannot be used as currency on the market and banks cannot offer services relating to ICOs [ but it happens ]. As a result, both bitcoin and ethereum tumbled, and it was viewed as a sign fraud and as sign that regulations of cryptocurrencies are coming. The ban may penalizes offerings already completed. 

The FACT is that in the UK, the ICO is legaly operating since 2013 on a draft “Privacy Notices code of practice”, which it has drafted with the GDPR in mind (see ICO Legal update: Direct marketing: a quick guide | Practical Law : https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/4-385-3476 ), and we Americans follow that example.

“In an ICO campaign, a percentage of the cryptocurrency is sold to early backers of the project in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies, but usually for Bitcoin.

ICO is also called an Initial Public Coin Offering (IPCO). During the ICO campaign, enthusiasts and supporters of the firm’s initiative buy some of the distributed cryptocoins with fiat or virtual currency. These coins are referred to as TOKENS and are similar to shares of a company sold to investors in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) transaction.
Read more at:  Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Definition | Investopedia

How big is the ICO (aka token sale) market really?

It seems like this should be an easy question to answer. After all, blockchains are open data layers that contain a complete record of every transaction ever made. However, we've found the answer to this question to be surprisingly elusive.

We surveyed the web for data on token sales and turned up over 100 ICO listing sites. Estimates on the total dollar amount that has been raised via ICOs to date range from about $3.5 billion to $4.5 billion.

This graphic shows every token sale that successfully raised at least $100k, from the beginning of 2014 through the end of last month, November 2017. The bar chart at the bottom displays the total dollar amount raised in each month (details below).

Contrary to the commonly heard narrative that the ICO party is coming to an end, ICO fundraising in November was only slightly off its high point the month before.

The current run rate of over $1.3bn per month surpasses traditional early stage fundraising by a multiple. Angel and seed-stage VC investments were running at less than $300 million per month as of July (Goldman Sachs via CNBC).

The trend is even more stark when you look at the total count of ICOs that closed each month (minimum raise of $100k).

By this measure, the token sale market is not only still going strong. It's accelerating!  November set a new record for number of closed token sales with 148, an increase of 36 compared to the month before.

To play around with the graphic yourself, click here to view the interactive bubble chart.


  • ICOs have closed over $6.3bn of fundraising to date.
  • Contrary to widespread perception, the ICO market is still growing.
  • Total fundraising in November was down slightly from its high point in October ($1.38bn vs $1.39bn).
  • November set the record for number of ICOs that closed with 148.




Few people know financial markets’ biggest secret...



All the above happens with the complicity of both crook Political Parties: GOPs & Dems


Wealth has always been a part of American politics, but, recently, political wealth crossed a new milestone (most Congress people are millionaires). This map from HowMuch.net shows the richest politician in every state, and reveals just how rich they really are...



Imagine the TITANIC going to sunk into a huge oil pit.. It’s going to happen if continue pump oil

Imagínese el TITANIC hundiéndose en un inmenso pozo petrolero .. A eso va el imperio hoy!

... is leading us to destruction.








La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Is a police state in the US possible? Absolutely.




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

When you think of a war against North Korea, don’t think “Hunt for Red October” or “Top Gun”.  THINK TOTAL, ABJECT AND BLOODY CHAOS.  Think instant full-scale WW3 ..FUBAR.

First, the bragging dummies

Trump and Haley are still at it.  They want to force China to take action against the DPRK by threatening to take North Korea “into their hands” if China refuses to comply.  Haley said,

“But to be clear, China can do more, (…) and we’re putting as much pressure on them as we can. The last time China completely cut off the oil, North Korea came to the table. And so we’ve told China they’ve got to do more. If they don’t do more, we’re going to take it into our own hands and then we’ll start to deal with secondary sanctions.”

First, let’s reset this scene in a kindergarten and replay it.

Just imagine the reaction in South Korea and Japan if some crazy US strike on the DPRK results in Seoul and Tokyo being hit by missiles!  The South Koreans have already made their position unambiguously clear, by the way. As for the Japanese, they are officially  placing their hopes in missiles (as if technology could mitigate the consequences of insanity!).  So yeah, the DPRK is plenty dangerous and pushing them into their last resort is totally irresponsible indeed, nukes or no nukes.

Yet, for some reason, the western media rarely mentions Japan or the possible global economic consequences on a strike against Japan.  Besides, very few people know for sure whether the North Koreans truly have developed a usable nuclear weapon (warhead and missile) or whether the North Korean ballistic missile truly can reach Guam or the USA.  

Continue reading this Art: one of the best on current crisis between US- China & N-Korea

Source:  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-16/debunking-myths-about-attack-north-korea


La vieja tonada regresa: mambru se va a la Guerra.. tururun-tururun-tun-tun .. y no sé si volverá

Just a few short days after Chinese regulators gave the greenlight to petro-yuan futures trading, signaling an escalation in the war against dollar hegemony, President Trump is reportedly  set to accuse China of "economic aggression" in efforts to "undermine international order" during his national security strategy speech on Monday.

[[ Entonces es cierto: nos hundirán el TIT en pozos petroleros o quiza volar el Yellowstone Volc .. El  pretexto: China y RU quieren vender su oil en moneda propia. WW3 no es idiotez, es BARBARIE! ]]




Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen








The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..














The World According to Jesse  FCC, Death of Real News & Jimmy Dore





Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives


Polon    - fascistas fotogénicos no son el problema   Katarzyna Bielinska, et.al


Catal      -21D: zozobras pre (y post) electorales  Josep Maria Antentas

                - Cómo podemos entender el independentismo? Catalan   J Stratós


Clima    COP23: de la brecha al precipicio   Daniel Tanuro



ARG       - condenadas del juicio ESMA: paradojas del dolor  Andrea Benites









Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


US anti-Iran claim aimed at whitewashing war crimes in Mideast: Zarif  http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2017/12/16/545821/Zarif-Nikki-Haley-Yemen-missile














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