viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 14 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 14 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

High Tax companies underperformed once again...

Sending 2s30s tumbling 5bps back below 90bps... This is the biggest percentage drop in the yield curve since Brexit and the lowest close print for 2s30s since Oct 2007...

The Dollar continue to go down...


Just three charts putting things in perspective...
Economic chaos

Practically the whole of the last ten plus years has been -in one way or another-  each other with each other and then wondering why it never works out that way...
The next art is about employment in America.. NO slave employment if you get jail it

“I have a low-paying job, but I have a paycheck, which I’m happy for..."

Some Ex-Cons Are Finally Finding Jobs: But Does The Fed Care?
Nearly one in five inmates are incarcerated on nonviolent drug charges.
And in 2000, there were 449 white inmates per 100,000 citizens while in 2014, the rate increased slightly with 465 inmates per 100,000.

Many working-class whites struggle to find the types of manufacturing jobs that their parents held, which once provided a home and a better life for many. But manufacturing jobs have been declining for more than 30 years. Over the past two decades, robots are increasingly taking over more of the manufacturing jobs that are left.

Beginning about four or five years ago, the participation rate ticked slightly higher. The marginal gains may not ultimately mean much when measured against the years long decline that began long before the baby boomers began leaving the workforce in droves. Still, trying to nurture better conditions for the workforce’s most marginal members should be a priority for incoming. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, Bloomberg reports.

Setting aside the notion that the Fed’s policies seem to consistently and implicitly favor the wealthy, raising the participation rate – and reducing the ranks of the 20 million working men who have inexplicably left the workforce – would be a major political coup for the incoming Fed chair. It might even help restore of the central bank’s credibility.

Bloomberg also refer the worsening economic inequality in the US and implores the central bank  to do more to combat this troublesome trend.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists say America’s labor market is operating at two speeds. On one hand, employed workers who change jobs do so quickly - at 4.1 percent last month, headline unemployment is tight. On the other, people sidelined by the recession for structural reasons - from felony raps to outdated skills - are only slowly trickling back in.

Job-finding prospects for the non-employed “could improve further in a labor market as tight as in 1999-2000,” they wrote in a research note this fall

“For the Fed, the implications of this divided labor market are double-edged,” the Goldman economists wrote. If the low short-term unemployment rate matters more for inflation, as they suspect, letting the job market run creates the risk of overheating. “The FOMC seems to find this trade-off unappealing and is likely to continue to tighten steadily as a result.”

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"For most of us Americans, resolving our cognitive dissonance would mean either accepting that we’re impotent and living futile (and feudal) lives, or rejecting our lifestyles and actively fighting the rot in the system. If we’re not willing to do either of those, the dissonance stays – and eats at us."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

To understand what the world economy will do in 6-9 months, one only has to follow China's debt creation and housing market today. And right now, both of those are headed straight down.

It’s difficult not to empathize with South Korea right now: The country is preparing to host the Pyeongchang winter games in February – a moment of immense national pride – as the risks of a terrorist attack (not to mention nuclear annihilation) have intensified.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The US equips proxy armies in Syria, Iraq, and Afghan with weapons made in RUand E-Europe
The Middle East in the New World Disorder  By Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr.
Putin’s End-of-year Q&A  Watch  Putin says: "I'm on good terms with Trump..."

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Haley’s Missile Stunt ‘Incredible Distraction’ From US, Saudi Horrors in Yemen
Said US ambass to UN Nikki Haley . She adds Trump administ had proof that Iran violated UN resol  by exporting military-grade weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen.
​Speaking to Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear,  by Medea Benjamin.  She argues:
"The US is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia that it [in turn] uses everyday to bomb civilians and kill so many people [in Yemen]," Benjamin said. "And then she has the gall to take this one fragment of the missile and talk as if this is something totally out of the blue? Of course the Yemenis are going to be trying to get back at the Saudis."

For Benjamin and Kelly, the world is likely to see the starvation of millions of Yemenis. While the Trump administration tries to create anti-Iran sentiment among Tehran's neighbors and within the US. The US' ultimate goal, adds Benjamin, is regime change in Iran, though she thinks that's likely not an option.

[[ This is a stupid story tell:  The FACT is a contradictory double-speaking of both T-Ts (Trump-Tillerson) to cover up their farce on Peace and friendly intentions with RU.  Their military maneuvers and the encircling of RU-China with missiles & nuke weapons  -plus economic blackmails- said the opposite. ]]

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

FEM       No a la regularización: La dignidad de las mujeres prostituidas  Lidia F
                -Hond: Carta al mundo desde Honduras   Irma Becerra
                -Perú:  Pedro Huilca en la historia  Gustavo Espinoza
                -ALBA-TCP:  Por unidad en defensa de integración de Nuestra América
                Trump dice lo inverso a Tillerson.. Esto podría ser una farsa Oreweliana
                TRUMP: 'Now Is Not the Right Time' for US Talks With North Korea
BRA        -Brasil : Rápidos y furiosos  Emir Sader
                -La definición a la vuelta de la esquina  Taroa Zúñiga
                -Análisis del debate presidencial desde el F A   Silvia y Miguel
                -La humildad de Fidel  Eugenio Suárez
Salv        El Salvador: Defensa de la memoria  Luis Armando González
                -La criptomoneda venezolana: el Petro   Umberto Mazzei  
                La conversión  de Yuan y Rubro al oro esta acordada y Ch incluye  Ven
                El perdedor es el USD que empezó a caer con storm de lluvia inflacion..
Los jodidos: el consumidor USA que cree en el milagro “reduc de imp”
Sociol    -La paradoja de las clases sociales   Jorge Majfud            
No bastan alas para volar: Pensemos en el tren que una Bra-Pe-Bol y N-Chi
Hubo un intento pero el felón de la CIA en Perú –Alan Garcia- lo traicionó.

Si lo hace se dispara a los pies:
1ro porque muchas redes INFO no bajo control USA ni RU y el US pierde
2do porque ni siquiera los neocons del 2001 pudieron hacerlo. Hoy están div
3ro porque solo con el WW3 podrian hacerlo y: A- no hay fe en Gob; B- habría
guerra civil interna de impredecibles efectos. C- el FED sin base. D- Vets en act
como lo hicieron los rusos anti-zar, alentados por bocheviq.. hoy por anarquis

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Corruption involve any Pres under a neolib system, that includes the assassin Fuji’family.
Peruvian voted PPK and all must respect its vote and make Democracy prevail in Peru

Point 1: NK suffered US terrorist war before. So, they have the right to get nukes -as other State Nation have- to defend their N-K Nation today under threat again.

Point 2: The US has not ethical base to demand “de-escalating N-K” : A- US used Nuke
Weapons in Hiroshima & Nagazaki. B- USA continue manufacturing them and profiting
from this nasty business. C- the US is now preparing the first strike for WW3, knowing
that there will be immediate-automatic response. So the US is putting the whole world
under the risk of extinction, if the rest of armed nation do not accept their supreme rule
in the current uni-polar system.  D- The fact is that the neoliberal system that US big-
Corp lead has created an explosive inequality difficult to be controlled  any-longer, even
by financing and arming muslim terrorist org. E-This system benefit only few rich people
of the world and it is now collapsing worldwide.

Point 3: The US demand for “de-escalating N-K” is a demand for disarming N-K. The Key Qt is : disarming N-K to protect whom? In Whose benefit?.  This argument conduce to the opposite response:  We all should support NK right to arm themselves against US threats.

Point 4: the only  condition for N-K to be disarmed is the global dismantle of all nukes in the world
starting by Super-power Nations.

Point 5: If the UN is unable to conduct an Assembly to talk and make an agreement for world dismantle of nukes then they should accept the right of small State-Nations like NK to protect themselves from super-power nations.
Most US voters say Trump must resign over sex claims  sex distract, it is not a strong Argt

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