sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 15 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 15 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...buying the bottom..."
"Economic recovery" in America no longer means what it used to mean.  These days, the notion of "economic recovery" has been hijacked by the Fed and bastardized in such a way that they celebrate "asset bubbles" rather than real growth in economic output.

Presented as 'exhibit A', here is the Fed's modern-day definition of "economic recovery" (chart per Bloomberg):

Of course, digging a little deeper you quickly realize that the problem is even worse than what the data in the chart above might suggest.  While overall average wage growth has been anemic since 2009, to say the least, it has been almost nonexistent for those on the bottom end of the income spectrum.

In fact, those in the bottom quintile of wage earners in the U.S. basically haven't experienced wage growth, on a real basis, since the late 1970's whereas those in the top quintile have nearly doubled theirs.

Of course, none of this should be particularly surprising to those who are paying attention as the top quintile of earners are the only ones financially positioned to benefit from Yellen's economic recovery asset bubbles...

Meanwhile, the growing wealth disparity has seemingly put America on a collision course with political chaos as fringe candidates on both the Left and Right increasingly promise to have an 'easy' solution for the seemingly  inescapeable economic plight of the poorest households. 

Unfortunately, the sad truth just might be that there is no solution, absent some transformational technological advancements, and that the U.S. has just reached the maturity phase of it's 'business cycle'...and while the Fed may try to cover up that fact by repeatedly blowing assets bubbles, per the charts above, they're only making the problem worse with each successive iteration.

"I suspect the hysteria won’t out-live the financial hurricane that the nation is blundering into..."

Japan 1989, US 1999, China 2007 are the bubble roadmaps: all saw bull markets mutate into bubbles and higher bond yields. And the first sign of bubble (outside Da Vinci, bitcoin...) should be divergence between credit and equity prices in technology...
Blaming the mailman? .. after the Merrys they brought to them? Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos

The question asked, and answered, by JPMorgan is what event catalyzed this rush to "all in" stocks for everyone from hedge funds to mutual funds, to robots, algos and finally, retail investors. The answer, as shown on the chart below, was the election of Trump.

"Unusual! Must Watch..."

The “tax bill cometh.” According to the press, this is going to be the single biggest factor to jump-starting economic growth since the invention of the wheel... but “ignorance is no excuse.” 

Here the reading for this weekend:

Trump, Economy & Fed
Research / Interesting Reads
Don’t miss interesting graphic in this art
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"They're with her..."  vs  [[ they were with her.. ]]

"Deputy Director McCabe forwarded the draft statement to other senior FBI employees, including Peter Strzok, E.W. Priestap, Jonathan Moffa, and an employee on the Office of General Counsel whose name has been redacted."

It “was a coordinated conspiracy among top FBI brass to decriminalize Clinton's conduct by changing legal terms and phrases, omitting key information, and minimizing the role of the Intelligence Community in the email investigation. Doing so virtually assured that then-candidate Hillary Clinton would not be prosecuted.

[[ They continue doing so –adulterate Info- not this time against the political cadaver Hillary Clinton- but against people who think different from Trump Govt. Para esto sirve el chismerio de ayer. ]]

"Just common sense will do it: if the Russians had wanted to bring Hillary Clinton down, they had far more powerful charges which they could have detonated much earlier. "

[[ This make more sense: the reason why FBI bosses and others start the RU bleff was not only to help H Clinton with distorted INFO, but to avoid our Nation knows a real devastating info the RU may had on such clowns: Hillary & Bill. The real interference of RU on US politics never exist, it was the potential interference that they try to avoid in order the save Hillary. They got it. Y como dice el poeta C Vallejo:  pero.. el cadaver .. hay.. siguio muriendo ]]
RELATED: The uses of the stupid blame on RU paid off: 
Man Says "Russian Mind Control" Forced Him To Kill His Mother:  While being interviewed, Jensen said he was "under Russian mind control" and that he was hearing voices. He said "the voices had told him to kill his mother. ... 'I did what they told me, I killed my own mother'".  [[ Interesting analogy: Political criminals in the US killed their financial mother too ]]

"Rather than blindly believing in a golden age of democracy in order to remain at all costs within the gilded cage of an ideology produced specifically for us by the well-paid spin-doctors of a plutocratic oligarchy, we should unlock the gates of history andmeticulously scrutinize the founding and evolution of the American imperial republic."

"With this bill, the typical family of four earning the median family income of $73,000 will receive a tax cut of $2,059", or so it promises.

Well - for now - that was an anti-climax...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

“My first take on this a week or two ago was that a lot of the stress was just people preparing for the end of the year earlier... But now it does look pretty bad."

Mainstream media in 2013: "Conspiracy Theorists!" 
Mainstream media in 2017: "ISIS Got a Powerful Missile the CIA Bought!"

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

 [[ The same happens when US-RU agree to dismantle nukes:  Naivetés or stupid believers ]]

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Scary Void Inside Russia-gate  By Stephen F. Cohen
[[ Of course .. if design a post-neoliberal econ and polit  system ]]


Vijay Prashad   The October Revolution

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

The Great American Pilgrimage   Rise like a phoenix part deux
Keiser Report  Episode 1163  Max and Stacy discuss a proposal to send Erik Prince’s private army to secure the trillions of dollars-worth of national resources in ... Afghanistan

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Chile     -Iglesias evangélicas: Rezando por un voto  Horacio R Brum
                -Energía limpia logran hundir la factura de luz en Chile  O Milesi
                -Otra vez el mal menor?  P Walder  Vale si no existe 3ra opcion
Econ      Los hondureños rechazan el neoliberalismo  Hedelberto López
Pales     -Trump, Palestina y la paz prohibida  Elson Concepción
USA       Un paso más al precipicio  Rodolfo Bueno  Trump on Jerusalen
ALC        -Denuncia campesina en Guatemala  Marcelo Colussi
Perú       Una batalla de largo aliento  G Espinoza  PPK vs asesinos Fujis y Apra
                Diada que exige apoyar el mal menor. Las medias tintas no valen hoy
                -La «resistencia no violenta» y los derechos humanos  Manuel Hevia
VEN       -Canadá: Intriga y hostilidad contra Venezuela  Mario Fernández
Ecuad    -Judas   Jaime Galarza Zavala
                -Rev Ciudadana es bolivariana y alfarista  Leonardo Vicuña

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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