domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 23 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 23 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

La realidad no va a desaparecer porque alguien la niegue o la oculte.
Lo cierto es nuestra debacle económica y política. Todos lo sabemos
Estamos caminado al precipicio y es hora de pensar y cambiar rumbo
Aceptemos la realidad: estamos destruyendo el mundo y nuestro Fut
Dejemos de vender WMD: Iniciemos el desmontaje nuclear global ya
Nuestra supremacía está mal fundada. Allí el  MAD tiene primacía.
La tecnología destructiva llego a su punto final. No habrá victoria.
El WW3 solo traerá muerte y polución radioactiva difícil de limpiar.
Estamos liderando ese proyecto y lo que quiere el mundo es PAZ.
Si no lo aceptamos, seremos destruidos por la idiotez que lideramos
Hoy más vale una retirada honrosa que una derrota desastrosa.
Dejemos que RU y China desarrollen su tesis “mundo multipolar”  
Aceptemos ese desafío con la clara convicción de poder superarlos.
Tenemos los recursos humanos y tecnológicos para lograrlo.
En la guerra no habrá victoria pero en la competencia pacifica
Si tenemos la victoria asegurada si y solo si desde hoy la lideramos.
Hugo adan.  Dic.24

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It was quite a week...
·         Dow, S&P up 5th week in a row
·         VIX up
·         Long Bond's worst week since the election
·         HY Bond down 4th week in a row
·         Bitcoin's worst week since Dec 2013
·         Gold's best week in 2 months
·         Copper's best 2 weeks since election

But cryptocurrencies made all the headlines this week...
With Bitcoin crashing 43% from its highs before stabilizing around $13,000...

On the week, Gold gained 1.6%, Bitcoin dropped 28% (the first time that's happened since the first week of September) and is the worst week for Bitcoin since Dec 2013...

Financials ended the week higher but were a mess...

The Dollar Index slipped lower on the week but was very rangebound...


"...once the Empire over-stretches militarily or financially (or both) the search for the exit door begins..."

Will you be paying US taxes in 2018? If so, this interactive model created by JPM is for you.

Yesterday's triple-legged panic-selling across the crypto-space, which saw Bitcoin and Ethereum down 30 and 40% respectively at their worst ended around 10amET and while the mainstrea media was happy to declare (once again) the death of Bitcoin et al., the entire crypto world has soared since - almost erasing the entire day's losses.
[ Another title for same art above.. it proves manipulation of data placed across America ]
Thanks to some serious dip-buying, the landcape across cryptocurrencies is not as completely devastating as it appeared this morning...
Then things started getting downright weird...
You are given a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you are given a front row seat, and some of us get to sit there with notebooks.”
~George Carlin, comedian
Part 1
Part 2

As we pointed out yesterday, the mainstream media made another glaring error in its coverage of President Trump earlier this month when Handlesblatt, a German newspaper, reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed Deutsche Bank – the country’s largest lender – for records pertaining to Trump’s finances...
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Pointing towards the near future possibility of Russia and the Pacific theater being the next major areas of conflict, a US Marine Corps commandant warned troops station in Norway to be prepared for a coming war...there's a “big-ass fight” on the horizon.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Trump nightmare.. keep troops in Syria is suicidal. Manipulating Kurdish & Turquish bad dream

"In exchange for saving the lives of an untold number of people in President Putin’s hometown, the US expects Russia to respect its post-war interests in northeastern Syria by encouraging Damascus to agree to the northeastern region’s Kurdish-led 'decentralization'..."
[[ That is not US’ dream:  our dream is to keep our soldiers alive, not to exposed stupidly there]]

While the Israeli establishment is in a state of patriotic frenzy, it would be a good time for them to turn to the wisdom of their ancestors. After all, as the old Jewish proverb says: “War is a big swamp, easy to go into but hard to get out”.
[[  If Trump start WW3 the 1st victim will be Israel .. they will be wiped out from the map. ]]
Distorting images of reality?  Is the USD going up or down? Who is losing USD or Yuan?
US Tax Cut and Rate Hikes Threaten China Currency  [[ FACT: Capital outflows depends on trade ]]
"China now has to watch not only trade but also capital outflows..."
And more than GDP growth or any other metric, the Chinese currency was the barometer of whether China could keep things stable - stability is the mantra of the ruling communist regime - or suffer a crisis of debt deflation.
So another measure of how bad things had gotten in the second-largest economy of the world was capital outflows.
According to the Institute of International Finance (IIF)?, record $725 billion  left China in 2016, putting pressure on the currency and the Chinese interbank market.
All these factors have changed in favor of the dollar in the last quarter?, and it’s going to be hard for China to compete


The intention by Washington to provide lethal arms to Ukraine ‘crosses a line’ and pushes Kiev towards bloodshed, a senior Russian diplomat said, accusing the US of playing the role of warmonger in the Ukrainian conflict.
[[ Kiev is for sure another place that will disappear from the map if Trump start WW3 ]]

Poland, one of the most loyal EU members, was just stabbed in the back by Brussels after the bloc initiated punitive Article 7 proceedings against it, proving that Warsaw’s unwavering loyalty to the West was worthless this entire time...

"What comes next isn't going to be good for China or the rest of the world..."

Here's how underfunded your state pension is if realistic discount rates are used discount future liabilities streams...

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



Here what it was blocked in the report of Dec 21:

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report  Episode 1166  Max-Stacy discuss magical thinking, robots, and melting Alaska.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                Catalunya: La llave de los Comuns?  Esther Vivas
                Gob Vasco documenta 4 113 casos de tortura: 1960 y 2014  P Idoiaga
                Francia:  “A la Francesa”, el smic (y yo)  Michel Housson
                Buenas y solidarias fiestas y sin muros: Bones y solidàries festes sense murs
                Gilbert Achcar  El imperio y Oriente Medio en la edad de Trump Alan Maass
       La mercantilización de la democracia  Juan Hernández,
Keiser Report    Pensamiento ilusorio

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Worse time to do it: US isolated world-wide.. hundres of US embassy  + Comp will be bombed
The RU-Chi tit for tat will be immediate and hit key vulnerable sites inside de US & NATO allies

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