martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 26 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 26 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The yield curve was mixed today with the short-end higher in yield and long-end lower...


Pushing the yield curve lower once again...

The Dollar ended the day unchanged as yesterday's flash-crash in EURUSD stands out like a sore fat finger...

Gold gained once again - rallying to its highest since Dec 1st... [[ When Gold is up, dollar is down ]]

The Federal Reserve's perverse policy of perception management has exacerbated wealth and income inequality...

One of the core goals of the Federal Reserve's monetary policies of the past 9 years is to generate the "wealth effect": by pushing the valuations of stocks and bonds higher, American households will feel wealthier, and hence be more willing to borrow and spend, even if they didn't actually reap any gains by selling stocks and bonds that gained value.
In other words, the mere perception of rising wealth is supposed to trigger a wave of renewed borrowing and spending.

This perception management only worked on the few households which owned enough of these assets to feel wealthier--the top 5%, the top 6 million out of 120 million households. This chart shows what happened as the Fed ceaselessly goosed financial assets higher over the past 9 years: the gains, real and perceived, only flowed to the top 5% of households earning in excess of $200,000 annually.
Spending by the bottom 95% has at best returned to the levels reached a decade ago in 2007.

By focusing on boosting financial assets to the moon as a means of goosing spending, the Federal Reserve has widened wealth and income inequality to the breaking point. Perception management doesn't actually boost the inflation-adjusted wages of the bottom 95%, which have stagnated for decades. Nor does boosting assets do much good for the vast majority of households which have modest holdings of stocks and bonds, usually in IRA or 401K retirement accounts they can't touch without paying steep penalties.
As the charts below illustrate, the Grand Canyon between the top 5% and everyone else is widening.

Note that widening wealth and income inequality is a non-partisan trend. The political and financial elites have feathered their own nests while the bottom 95% have lost ground.
The Federal Reserve's perverse policy of perception management has exacerbated wealth and income inequality: "wealth effect" = widening wealth inequality.
 A staggering new analysis from Zillow highlights perfectly the unintended consequences of central banking policies that drive massive asset bubbles but minimal job/wage growth.

As we've noted frequently, the biggest increases in doubled-up houses has come from the millennial generation as thousands of college seniors, armed with their $250,000 anthropology degrees, are finding it difficult to land their dream jobs after graduation.  That said, while millennials have seen the biggest increases, people across the age spectrum have also become increasingly reliant on roommates to meet their monthly rent obligations... at least we all have that to look forward to in retirement.

"That seems to be a growing fear among a number of central bankers that we have spoken to recently. In our experience, they too are somewhat baffled by the lack of volatility and concerned about the lack of response to negative headlines."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

“Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded DossierFBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

FACT 1:  N-K doesn’t post any verifiable threat to US nor the world.. We did attack Korea Y & Now
FACT 2: US has not legal nor moral authority to determine who can have or not WMD
FACT 3: UN main mission is to respect sovereignty of all Nation, not interference in domest policy
FACT 4: The world wants PEACE not war and it is the US that is altering the peace world-wide
NOW Read this:

“We need to focus on the fact that the illicit trade started after a UN Security Council resolution in September drastically capped North Korea’s imports of refined petroleum products.”
[ We do not respect any diplomatic deal with RU-CHI, we impose sanction on them, Why they ..]
[ We should accept that we don’t rule the world any longer & that CHI-NK are neighbors & partners
So any attack on NK is an attack to CHI. It was so from the very beginning.. & Chi will send troops ..]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3



RELATED:             -Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear,
                                -Israel adding 300K Illegal Homes in Jerusalem after Trump Announcement?
Keiser Report   Episode 1167  Max and Stacy discuss stores of value and bitcoin investors seeking hypnotherapy to gain access to Gold

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                Esta complicidad es peor que la falta corrupción de lo que se acusó a PPK
                Ni Fuji sale ni PPK se queda. Corte suprema debe declarar vacancia Presid
y convocar REF NAC para cambiar la Const y luego llamar a Elecciones. Si
se requiere Gob transitorio como V Paniaga, que la Corte Sup lo nombre.
-Perú   El indulto a Fujimori, una afrenta intolerable  Gustavo Espinoza
-Perú ¿triunfo la democracia?  MENTIRA  ¡qué se vayan todos! JL Cam
-Perú   Pueblo decente en manos de gobiernos corruptos MH Restrepo 
Opin      -Cuidar a los ricos?  Emir Sader
Cienc     -Internet para pobres y ricos  Alejandro Nadal
OB          Obama, fomenta discordia entre activistas afroamericanos  Javier Biosca
                140 paises protegerán la diversidad biológica frente a cambio climatic
Opin      -¿Cultura de paz?   Pedro López López
BRA        -El intento de recolonizar Brasil y America Latina   Leonardo Boff
MX         -Transición a la dictadura  Eduardo Nava Hernández
UE          -Polonia   La tentación autoritaria  Guadi Calvo

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

N-K already ruin winter olimpics in S-K.. US plan to ruin RU’Futbol world cup
RU’ tit for tat will be similar & double. Best solution is PEACE’ negotation
Peru’s Fujimori asks for forgiveness He is 1 of worse criminals & deserve prison
Let Nat & Internat courts decide. If he get impunity, A Garcia will ask the same.
North & South Korea must join efforts for Peace and Union of both Koreas
Syrian Air Force jet crashes in northern Hama Is the hidden hand of US again?
UN is adding nasty insult to injury.. We have to take out US teams inside UN
Donald Trump’s first year in office we’re totally isolated world-wide.
Our embassies are at risk & our companies are ease to be targeted.
Puppet  T doesn’t run the Presid.. Washington deep-State does it.. They fail

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