martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 18 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 18 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

'High Tax' companies actually outperformed...

The Dollar ended the day lower but bounced notably into the EU close and beyond...

Gold gained as Bitcoin slipped today...

Bonus Chart: WTF!!!


“The market backdrop that has been in place since the beginning of the year has continued into the fourth quarter..."

Unfortunately, as we pointed out last week, this drop in volatility hasn’t made markets safer. Instead, they appear more fragile than ever, as the number of five-sigma drawdowns increased dramatically this year...

More on the collapse:  here one Bankrupt among many

Toys "R" Us is considering closing at least 100 U.S. stores - and as many as 200 - in the face of weak holiday sales. The store closures come after a sharp contraction in holiday sales and are a reversal to the company's previous promise that its Chapter 11 filing wouldn’t result in major business changes.
Trump's Corporate Tax Cuts only benefit  the super rich. Here some evidences:

Credit Suisse estimates that corporate tax cuts in the U.S. could boost average earnings of companies in the S&P by about are some of the winners and losers.

Jamie Dimon noted last week (see: Jamie Dimon Says Corporations Will Fund Buybacks With Tax Cuts And That's "Not A Bad Thing"), the bulk of the tax cuts, particularly in industries like pharma and tech that have large cash balances sitting over seas waiting to be repatriated, will go to shareholders via buybacks and dividends. The rationale is that U.S. companies are already sitting on a mountain of cash and borrowing rates are at historic lows meaning there are already very few hurdles to increasing investment.

Meanwhile, not all industries will be impacted equally Companies with mainly US-based revenues, which are not hit by the new charge on overseas assets, will gain the most from the new code. Oil refiners, railroads, airlines and banks are expected to be among the biggest beneficiaries with companies like Valero, United Technologies and JP Morgan expecting an earnings boost of 15-30%.  Per the Financial Times:

Other significant beneficiaries are likely to include oil refiners. The leading companies such as Valero Energy and Andeavor can expect earnings per share next year to be 15-32 per cent higher as a result of the tax cut, according to Guy Baber, an analyst at Simmons & Co.

For equipment manufacturers including United Technologies, Honeywell and Emerson Electric, the average boost to earnings would have been about 10 per cent if the main corporate tax rate had been cut to 20 per cent, according to Vertical Research Partners. That gain is likely to be only slightly smaller with a 21 per cent rate.

Banks are also expected to be significant winners. KBW calculated that earnings per share in 2018 would be about 20 per cent higher for JPMorgan Chase and 21 per cent higher for Wells Fargo under a 20 per cent tax rate.
The center of WARS (destruction, migration & misery) abroad.. is been feed too:

It seems like it’s always Christmastime at the Pentagon where the stockings are full and budget-cutting is for those domestic social-program guys...

"Where Bitcoin is disrupting currency, Ethereum is disrupting equity..."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Strategic ambiguity is one thing, sending constantly mixed signals when nuclear war looms is something else..."
"It seems that we are coming to the crux..."

In sum, Nasrallah, backed by Iran, and in parallel by Egypt’s Sunni religious leadership of al-Azar, by Turkey (taking the Caliph’s mantle) and many others, has redefined President Trump’s Art of the Deal ploy -- not as one robbing the Palestinians of the heart of their cause, but as the re-ignition of the long struggle of all Muslims and Christians for Jerusalem, and all, for which it stands.

The American ‘ruling interests’ – after a long series of failures in the Middle East – will not abide yet more: they will retch at the thought of Israel challenged in this way; of Saudi Arabia humiliated and at Hizbullah and Iran in the vanguard of a regional campaign for Jerusalem, and for Palestine – and by implication, against those who have been seen willing to normalise with Israel.

A Bad Moon is rising
America is polarised at home; unitive government has splintered into departments at odds with each other, and with officials leaking on each other; with fake news abounding; with Congress gridlocked, and with American social and political fabric tearing apart. Against this background - can a president, concerned that he might be removed from office, and beset still by hitherto hidden ‘ruling interests’ now dragged out from the shadows into the public glare for their tawdry schemes, resist the march toward war – the original question posed by Paul Craig Roberts?

Either a war in North Korea (“the greatest threat facing America”, McMaster says), or an aggressive military show of force against ‘bad actor’ Iran – and in support of a failing Saudi Crown Prince. Is this the diversion that either a now exposed and vulnerable Deep State, and a hobbled President, might welcome as the chance to stand erect in public esteem? Both might share a common interest in escaping domestic problems to mount a show of American strength and military power. Very possibly they might, but oddly, the US military have chosen to leave American soldiers hostage and isolated in both cases: 30,000 US forces in the DMZ between the Koreas, and in smaller outposts in north-eastern Syria and in Iraq. This may turn out badly. Remember Beirut in 1983.

"There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums of the Imperial City..."

"We’re creating a world of dummies. Angry dummies who feel they have the right, the authority and the need not only to comment on everything, but to make sure their voice is heard above the rest, "  and to drag down any opposing views through personal attacks, loud repetition and confrontation. –Signs of the Times

 Rational thought is the enemy, says Bill Keller, writing in the New York Times.
Russian every-where.. Inside Trump, Clinton  and now Jill Stein.. Rusian NOT there

Step aside Tovarish Trump, it's time for Comrade Stein.
[[ Brave Jill .. don’t be intimidated by stupid zealots of the establishment ]]
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Many economists suggest China is on the cusp of significant growth in domestic consumer demand. That this rising domestic demand coupled with continued growth as the global exporter will push the global economy further...neither of these outcomes is remotely likely."

[[ What is unlikely is that China reforms will benefit the US.. the rest-world it is getting benefits. ]]

After years of setbacks and delays, China may be days away from launching a yuan-priced crude oil futures contract to make its currency more international and challenge the dominance of the petrodollar. 

"All those who work for a foreign country, mainly those under American command... are traitors," said Assad on Monday.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

U.S. Military Prepares To Invade N Korea   By A Cuthbertson  China’ troops ready to take them out
We Are Sleepwalking Toward War With North Korea  By Zack B Another VietNam defeat is coming
Trump's Illegal Move on Jerusalem is Backfiring  By M Q  IF WW3, Israel may be wiped out of map
One-State Solution Back on Agenda for Pales By F C One-two State vs. back to 1948 lines at debate
Trump : Unveils 'America First' National Security   Video &Trans  This road to WW3 is deem to fail
The United States of Inequality  By Andre Damon  It leads to separatism if WW3 comes


Jonathan Fenton-Harvey  How Another ISIS Could Emerge From Counter Punch

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

US-French oil services giant Schlumberger has agreed to transfer control over Russia’s Eurasia Drilling Company (EDC) and its controlling stake to the Russian side in case anti-Moscow sanctions present problems, the RU Fed  Antimonopoly Service (FAS) Deputy Head Andrey Tsyganov said Tuesday
26 million migrants (10 percent of the total number) are refugees.
The Great American Pilgrimage   Lone star state of mind
Keiser Report  Episode 1164  Max and Stacy discuss China’s ban on ‘foreign garbage’ 

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                - Nuevo escen polít al regreso de Piñera a La Moneda  Paula Campos
COL        -La noche que el viento tumbó la puerta  Camilo Alzate
Ecua       Cara y cruz de la Revolución Ciudadana  Antonio Salamanca
Ecol         La memoria histórica del amianto  Paco Puche y Ángel Cárcoba
Opin       Las extrañas rutas de la fe  Carolina Vásquez
Áfric      -Tunecinas contra "la manada"  Gemma Saura
Libia      Migrantes esclavizados con complicidad europea  Baher Kamal
ALC        -Perú:  PPK, entre la renuncia y la vacancia  César Zelada
                Los asesinos Fujimory y Alan Garcia esta felices. Veremos!
                - Perú  Crisis política y corrupción   OtraMirada
                La corrupción para avalar regreso de peores corupt y criminales
                -Empresarios Col e israelís se ensañan contra indígenas  Ollantay I
ARG       -Panor polít-sindical:   Días de furia  Mario Hernandez
                - Brutalidad en Arg como no se vio en décadas  Stella Calloni
Spain     -España a la cabeza de la UE por desigualdad  Xavier Caño
Econ      El costo laboral   Sofia Scasserra

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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