martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 19 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 19 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global context

Perhaps it is recent bias playing its tricks, but Treasury and Bund yields curves are steepening dramatically for the second day in a row, this time dragged higher by comments on longer-term issuance plans from Germany.

cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea collapsed on Tuesday after it suffered a second cyberattack in eight months and lost a large amount of its digital-currency reserves. This spooked Asian investors who sold Bitcoin (and other cryptos).


Well that didn't take long - Bitcoin is back at $17,000 (after flash-crashing to $14,000 on GDAX); Bitcoin Cash +60% at $3,600 after Coinbase adds.

It’s hard to think of something so complicated that has become so popular as fast as bitcoin.  Here’s everything you want to know about bitcoin...
Let’s go to American economic debacle:

The percentage of Fund Managers selling equities are overvalued just hit a record high, while yet average cash levels are falling; this - according to Bank of America - "is a sign of irrational exuberance".

October's 13.7% MoM spike in housing starts was revised dramatically lower to just +8.4% which makes November's 3.3% rise (vs expectations for a 3.1% decline) somewhat less impressive. Building Permits dipped from recent highs.

"It all rests on a base of insanity and the insane all think they are geniuses (a sudden proliferation of geniuses is a well-known late stage bull market effect)..."

Something remarkable has actually happened over the entire breadth of sentiment and positioning-related time series in recent months: almost all of them have either put in new records or have at a minimum revisited old records (which in some cases were established three decades ago).
Since bonds with negative yields implicitly suggest that the arrow of time has magically reversed for some people, we cannot be entirely sure if reports claiming they exist aren’t actually infiltrating our world from a parallel universe.

A chart of another not very widely followed positioning indicator was recently published by EWI in its monthly market report it depicts hedge fund exposure to the stock market. Actually, it is “merely” at the second-highest reading in the indicator’s history. The highest reading was observed in July of 2007, which was obviously not the most propitious moment in time to be record net long.


... at least according to BofA's just released December monthly Fund Managers Survey.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

A chance to see one more time Dems-GOPs acting together as one single party

House Republicans have decided to attach provisions reauthorizing a popular child health-insurance program and allocating an unprecedented $81 billion in disaster-aid spending to a continuing resolution that would keep the federal government funded until Jan. 19...

14 Republican senators hold financial interests in 26 income-generating real-estate partnerships — worth as much as $105 million in total. Those holdings together produced between $2.4 million and $14.1 million in rent and interest income in 2016, according to federal records.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Our missiles protect the Saudi rotten dynasty

For the third time in roughly seven weeks, Houthi rebels have fired a ballistic missile into Saudi Arabia..
Signs of divorce US-Germany because of Poles

As she fights for her political life Soon-to-be-ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel will go down swinging against her stiffest political opponents in the European Unionthe Poles. 
Ukraine-Hungary relations deteriorate:  Conflict Budapest vs. Kiev

"In fact, Szijjarto’s statement suggests that the international situation between the two neighboring states might even deteriorate further..."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

Trump Calls China a Rival Power   By Stephen Lendman,  Table is set for the monster to launch

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Jerusalem – The Straw that Breaks the Empire’s Back?  By Peter Koenig Intentionally broken?



The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

A pair of hackers recently won $10,650 after uncovering a major vulnerability in US Air Force 
Ambassador Haley: ‘US Will Be Taking Names’ During UN Jerusalem Vote  stupid thread! Most NAT favor PEACE & the pro-neutrality in words soon will line-up against Israel. It’s a matter of life-death
his concerns over the position of the Syrian government on terrorism, will postpone any discussion of future constitution or elections in the country indefinitely.
GOP may pass the final version of a tax reform bill on Tuesday. The bill then goes to the Senate.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

El portal Indy 100 publicó en base al Índice de Paz Global 2017 un listado de países que podrían ofrecer las mejores condiciones para vivir al margen de un posible enfrent bélico a gran escala:

10) Irlanda  desde 1930 mostro neutralidad y hoy evita  participar en el conflicto pro WW3.
9) Suiza  desde 1815, Suiza ratifica su historia de neutralidad, además las montañas que la rodean sirven como protección natural contra cualquier invasión externa, lo ideal para la paz.
8) Eslovenia  en las 2 guerra mundiales mostro neutralidad y no varia comport, además tiene energ térmica, solar e hidroeléctrica, no necesita de otros países para su aprovisionamiento.
7) Fiyi  país aislado en el Oceano Pacif se mantiene aislado de conflictos globales
6) Dinamarca aunque es parte de OTAN, la remota y aislada Groenlandia ofrece seguridad
5) Austria  ocupa lugar de privilegio en el Índice Global de Paz 2017 : ofrece seguridad
4) Portugal  se ha mantenido al margen de movimientos populistas de ext derecha e izq
3) Nueva Zelanda  no aislable: puede producir energía hidroeléctrica y campos fértiles
2) Canadá  por su neutralidad en conflictos internos e internacionales
1) Islandia  Islandia es considerado el país más pacífico del planeta; otra cualidad aislam geog.
Arabia Saudi invade Irán en un corto animado que incendió las redes (VIDEO) Es claro que Israel y los Saudis son los paises muy posibles de ser barridos del mapa al inicio del WW3, if happens.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Nothing to celebrate.. the wake up of phantoms’ Dems is a real threat to US democracy

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