jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

DEC 13 17 SIT EC y POL

DEC 13 17 SIT EC y POL

ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global context:


With the Fed now raising rates on expectations of higher inflation and promises from the ECB to cut their QE targets in half for 2018 to a measly €30 billion a month "from January 2018 until the end of September 2018," you might expect global yields to be slowly normalizing as well...but you would be wrong. 




China, somewhat unexpectedly, hikes rates this evening, minutes before dumping economic data that showed no major surprises other than a modest disappointment in retail sales growth.




"The economic law that honest exchange demands only things of real value as currency cannot be repealed. The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars..."




"It is not unreasonable to envision a world in which the overwhelming share of commodity contracts, especially for oil, are no longer denominated just in dollars,"



Yeah  sure:  Check out these evidences:

Financials had an ugly day...

High Tax stocks underperformed Low Tax stocks again (though did ramp after headlines suggested a deal was close)...

Overall yields fell notably on the day - with 10Y stumbling oince again at the 2016 close...

After 7 straight days higher - the longest streak since January 2016 –



We live in inflationary times... no matter what the 'official' data says...

Asset Prices Are Prices

One indicator of an inflationary monetary development is the link between the US money stock M2 and nominal GDP. This ratio can be referred to as a measure of "excess liquidity." Since the outbreak of the crisis 2008/2009, excess liquidity has been growing strongly — as GDP growth lagged behind the increase in the quantity of money. Why?  Well, a great deal of the monetary expansion has been driving asset prices upwards — most notably in the stock and housing market.

See big image of the above “Monetary Expansion inflates asset prices” at: https://mises.org/sites/default/files/styles/full_width/public/poll1_0.png?itok=0Tn5d-gs

How To Keep the Boom Going: More Inflation

To keep the inflationary boom going - and prevent the “bust,” - the Fed has to make sure that credit and money supply keep increasing and that, by no means less important, borrowing and capital costs remain at fairly low levels. That said, the ongoing inflationary policy must - and for political reasons most likely will - go on. Higher interest rates and a slowdown of credit and money creation would take away the punch bowl - and the party would come to a shrieking halt. The economic boom would turn into bust.

A central bank that wants to keep the boom going and prevent the bust is left with just one option: it has to create a higher dose of surprise inflation. The reader may already know what such an “inflation game” is leading to:  a super-inflation road or even a hyper-inflation road will ultimately destroy the purchasing power of the currency.

Why There Is No Perceived Crisis

So far, financial markets have remained fairly relaxed. Inflation is not seen as a major problem as proven by inflation expectations. How come? There might be two reasons for this. First, the majority of people derive their inflation expectations from experienced CPI inflation (we can speak of “adaptive inflation expectations”). As the latter has been relatively low for many years, people do not expect inflation to edge up in the years to come. 

SEE IMAGE  “Inflation Expectations are fairly subdued”  at: https://mises.org/sites/default/files/styles/full_width/public/poll2_0.png?itok=RXt4pn64

Second, many people still do not seem to realize that “asset price inflation” ruins the purchasing power of money in the same way as CPI inflation does: If you want to buy stocks, houses or land with your money, you will get less for your money if prices for these goods go up. However, as long as asset price inflation is not understood as a form of "true inflation," inflation expectations are tamed, and central banks can continue their inflationary scheme. 

Against this backdrop we can draw two conclusions. First, inflation is alive and kicking, it is currently raging in asset price increases. Second, an inflationary boom runs the risk of turning into a bust at some point — a scenario which would hit the economy, the financial system, and asset prices hard. Unfortunately, one cannot forecast (with any scientific precision) when the boom will turn into bust; it really depends on certain conditions.

That said, the current boom may go on for quite a while — with the economies keeping expanding and asset prices rushing from one record level to the next. However, we do know from sound economics that the current inflationary boom — which is presumably welcomed by many as it provides more jobs and additional incomes — is actually sowing the seeds of a bust.

That said, investors are well-advised to live up to a rather uncomfortable truth: We've had inflation, and there will be more of it. Money will continue to lose its purchasing power.




There is a huge disparity in employment rates among over 65s across different countries...



There is one simple rule to follow when understanding the tragic history of economies: Never put blind faith in a system built on an establishment-created foundation.

To maintain a real economy in which people are self reliant and safe from fiscal shock, you need three things:

1-tangible localized and decentralized production,

2- independent and decentralized trade networks that are not structured around an establishment controlled system (like the internet is controlled), and

3- the will to apply force to protect and preserve that production and those networks.

If you cannot manufacture a useful thing, repair a useful thing or teach a useful skill, then you are essentially useless in a real economy. If you do not have localized trade, you have nothing.  If you do not have the mindset and the community of independent people required to protect your local production, then you will not be able to keep the economy you have built.

This is the cold hard truth that crypto proponents do not want to discuss, and will dismiss outright as "archaic" or "not obtainable." The virtual economy is so much easier, so much more enticing, so much more comfortable. Why risk anything or everything in a real world effort to build a concrete trade network in your own neighborhood or town? Why risk everything by promoting true decentralization through localized commodity-backed money and barter systems? Why risk everything by defending those systems when the establishment seeks to crush them? Why do this, when you can pretend you are a virtual hero wielding virtual weapons in a no risk rebellion in a world of electronic ones and zeros?

In truth, the virtual economy is not legitimate decentralization, it is a weapon of mass distraction engineered to kill legitimate decentralization.




La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"I can protect our country at many levels..."



Just in time for Christmas, the Deep State wants to give America the gift that keeps on giving: never-ending mass surveillance.




Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The neoliberal world order has been in crisis for some years now, with no signs of recovery. Trump's victory is an expression of a breach of trust between the American people and the national elites."




US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan





Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


Washington’s Secret Wars  By Bill Van Auken



Yes, The Neocons Are Back   By Philip Giraldi







The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..






Later they implied  “our missiles will assure Syria victory and destroy any opposition”









We are champions in selling weapons and fostering wars all over the world


One sells weapons & the other oil..  “to foster clean energy”.. What a time we live!


Missiles for  'Directed Energy'? Better: re-processing DU to avoid our soldiers be infested?

B-1B Bomber will be more effective against our enemies RU-Chi. Can we call it “friendly develt”?


A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando: Deseo a Chi-RU muerte rápida via our  ‘B-1B Bomber’

“Late November, the US told the WTO it refused to recognize China as a market economy”.

Current ‘market economy’ is based on Frauds, speculation and plundering: Chi-RU don’t fit in it.






Keiser Report   Episode 1162  Max and Stacy discuss the three bitcoin pizza masterpiece and poverty in America. Later, Max interviews Steve Marshall of Cuba Ventures








Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives


Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences






















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