viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016



Hugo Adan. Aug 12-16. These are preliminary comments on the Art below:


The notion that something good might come out of a Trump policy elicits guffaws in certain economic circles. However, by insisting that the U.S. Treasury label China a “currency manipulator” and by promoting trade that is both “free and fair,” Mr. Trump may be laying the groundwork for a significant breakthrough in international monetary relations - one that could ultimately validate the rationale for an open global marketplace and restore genuine free trade as a vital component of economic growth.

1-Genuine free trade with fox & chickens in the same cage? .. This was the Reagan policy that caused today mess. That is obsolete: trade was based on military expansion & wars to protect evil Corp.  By implementing QEs & bailouts in favor of big crook Corp.. the FED denied fair & free trade at global scale ..

2-We arrive the time where only fox remain in our cage .. it will happen in Europe too. Productive investors  have been sacrificed .. Middle classes don’t  exist anymore.. chicken were eaten by foxes ..

3- What to do? .. let the fox eat each other?, that is one option, but it doesn’t restore productive investors. Not even putting  wolfes inside the cage.. The only solution then is destroying the neoliberal cage. Meaning:  suppressing  all codes in favor of monopoly and discard any QE and bailout to crook investors .. like FDR did with the Glass-Steagal ACT. ..

4- Even FDR policy won’t be enough today.. We need a New Deal among the most advanced supra-State Nations .. (RU-Chi-US –EU- India- African Union- Merco-Sur States and others .. not as coalitions but as Sovereign Independent Nations. ..

5- To advance a New Deal implies discarding the project of eliminating RU and China via WW3, as some stupid yanks still believe. ..  That is a MAD project: Mutual Assured Destruction.  We have to go beyond imperialist  supremacy.

6- The path to do it is clear: dismantling the nuclear power of all  supremacist  State-Nation & its allies (case of NATO and others that are emerging now ).. Better we do it now, before the economic clash that is at portas. Later, fox & wolfs will be eliminated by class upraise –the positive side of REV- but it can eliminate good-productive investor too, the negative side of REV.  

7- If we can’t agree on a New Deal .. there won’t be chances to talk beyond the neoliberal cage & fair-free  trade.

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