miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

AUG 10 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 10 16  SIT EC y POL


Either the economy is like 1979, or it was never a recovery to begin with...

According to Bank of America's internal aggregated credit and debit card data, consumer spending slowed in July, with retail sales ex-autos down 0.3% mom on a seasonally adjusted basis. As the bank concludes, "In our view, this sets up for a softer Census Bureau retail sales report on  Friday – we would not be surprised to see either disappointing July sales and/or a downward revision to June."

Following last night's unexpected build in crude (and Cushing) inventories, DOE data confirmed the surprising build in Crude (+1.05mm - 3rd weekly rise) and Cushing's 1.2mm build is the most in 3 months. Gasoline inventories drewdown less than API reported but Distillates saw an unexpected build. Crude is whipsawing around as the bullish gasoline draw (and production cut) battles with bearishly unexpected builds in crude, Cushing, and Distillates.

How do you ride out low oil prices and still pay dividends and CEO salaries? You double down on debt, apparently.
NOT JOKE, if any.. overlook it

Moments ago the BLS reported Janet Yellen's favorite labor market indicator, the JOLTS survey, which showed that in June (recall this report is 1 month delayed to the payrolls report), the number of job opening rebounded from a revised 5.514 million to 5.624 million, modestly missing expectations of 5.675 million largely in line with the range.


As November inches closer, America’s two-party duopoly continues to implode. Disillusioned Democrats are making a mass exodus from their party while prominent Republicans vow to support Clinton over Trump, and once clear-cut lines in American politics are disintegrating as Americans got seek of, actually “less evil” options.

Tragically, the message of liberalism is simple, yet so difficult to communicate: violent exploitation through politics creates destructive class conflict; peaceful cooperation through the market doesn’t.

It’s important to acknowledge that the U.S. economy has morphed into one gigantic lawless crime scene. An environment in which crony insiders who add zero value to society parasitically feast on the country’s treasure. In the case of so-called “think tanks,” we have organizations receiving copious taxpayer subsidies for the privilege of screwing over the American public.
This is the way the “Mafioso-democracy” works today in the US: by killing opposition

The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of 27-year-old Democratic-staffer Seth Rich have stirred Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. But it is Assange's comments during a Dutch TV interview  that are most disturbing as he hinted that Rich - who was in charge of DNC voter expansion data - was the email-leaker and his death was a politically-motivated assassination.  [Who is behind this murder? .. you know her name.]
“The Mafioso Democracy in Action” .. they believe they are above the Law.. like Hillary.]

Amid the media-hyped furor over Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment comments and Wikileaks' suggestions about the untimely death of DNC-staffer Seth Rich, we thought it perhaps of note that Democratic strategist, and CNN host, has publicly called for the "illegal assassination of that son-of-a-bitch" Julian Assange...

[[ Does FBI and Supreme Court surrender to them? .. Nobody knows .. We will see .. ]]

At least two law enforcement officers were shot this morning in Sebastian County, Arkansas, according to the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office. As 5News.com reports, the shooting suspect is not being cooperative and is carrying a semi-automatic weapon. The suspect is still at large.

[[ After killing police officers .. they will kill well-armed plutocrats .. We will blame the arms too?]]

"America’s role in the world is to corral Russia, defend Europe, contain China, isolate Iran, deter North Korea, and battle al-Qaida and ISIS wherever they may be...bleeding our country's military. We are also to convert Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan into pro-Western preferably democratic countries, and embrace “free trade,” accepting the imported merchandise of all mankind, even if that means endless $800 billion trade deficits, bleeding our country’s economy." Otherwise, you are just an isolationist.

According to a recent Pew Research survey, “28 percent of those who have attended black Protestant churches in the last few months heard their pastor support Hillary Clinton.” This is a pretty remarkable statistic considering it is illegal to do so.

While California may have the highest per capita debt, it also has the lowest default rate across the entire US. Which is incidentally where it also was in the years 2003-2005, just before its default rate exploded after the subprime bubble burst.


And this one:
When it gets serious you have to lie.” Here’s the reality: Europe’s banking system is toast.

[My suggestion: continue manufacturing weapons & wars .. survivors will find u &“love” u.]

France is taking steps to de-radicalize its mosques in the hopes of preventing the radicalization of its Muslim community. Since December, the French government, acting under expanded emergency powers, has shut down twenty mosques for preaching Salafism, a strict and highly politicized Sunni interpretation of Islam.

[ When any religious faith is mixed with politics .. it creates the greatest barbarities in human history]

Less than a day after Turkey's surprising pivot toward Russia, when in his first post-coup trip abroad Turkey president Erdogan flew not to a western, or NATO, ally but instead jaunted to meet with Vladimit Putin to repair and cement future ties, a suddenly very defensive NATO and in what some commentators dubbed an "odd move", reminded Turkey that it is still an ally member.

[[ So, Turkey is a soldier & their breach to codes deserves “martial court” &/or execution.]]

[ Typical: when bellicosity goes hand on hand with paranoia, hallucinations & delussions.. we are in front of a dangerous schizophrenia typical among terrorists. In this case: Supra-State terrorism.]
Following yesterday's muted action which saw the S&P500 close unchanged, it has been more of the same listless trading overnight, with US equity index futures little changed as the Nikkei fell on the back of a stronger Yen, while government bonds rose and European stocks reversed early gains following the BOE failed bond monetization operation. Crude oil dropped for a second day after Saudi Arabia told OPEC that it pumped a record 10.67 million barrels of oil a day,

Today the London Metal Exchange (LME) and the World Gold Council (WGC) jointly announced the launch next year of standardised gold and silver spot and futures contracts which will trade on the LME’s electronic platform LMESelect, will clear on the LME central clearing platform LME Clear, and that will be settled ‘loco London’. Together these new products will be known as LMEprecious.’


In the first six months of the year, the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists in France fell by an average of 10%, due to concerns over the attacks, said Secretary of State for tourism promotion, Matthias Fekl, in an interview with the Sunday newspaper.

[[ If they want to get out of “patronized terrorism”.. get out of NATO first .. with an auto-coup (top-down REV) like Erdogan in Turkey .. then get out of the EU, and join the zero-nuke platform from RU: this is the base to re-build the economy & stop producing weapons & wars abroad ..  there is no other way . ]]

If you're a world-class British athlete, it may well be time to consider emigration to Singapore... judging by the colossal variance in gold medal bonuses on offer by various nations at The Olympics.





A Brazilian judge has ruled organizers must allow protests against the Temer government inside the Rio Olympics
Canada Bars Hundreds of Activists From Attending the World Social Forum


Michael Hudson - Sharmini Peries  Let the Battle of the Lesser Evils Commence




The Establishment is freaking out about Donald Trump for one reason: they didn’t pick him. The Establishment is freaking out because the natural order of things is that we pick the presidential candidates and we run the country to serve ourselves, i.e. the financial-political elites.

Donald Trump’s candidacy upsets this neofeudal natural order, and thus he (and everyone who supports him) is anathema to the Establishment, heretics who must be silenced, cowed, marginalized, mocked and ultimately put back in their place as subservient debt-serfs.

With Trump ascendant, the serfs are selecting the noble in the castle on the hill. Outrageous! Unheard of!

You know the Establishment is freaking out when Establishment pundit mouthpieces like David Brooks and Francis Fukuyama are freaking out about Trump. David Brooks could not restrain his disdain for Trump on a recent Charlie Rose segment, in which he intoned (and I paraphrase) that Trump can’t put eight words together without referring to himself, i.e. he is not just a narcissist, but he is (take this, Trump!) a fragile narcissist— unlike people like Brooks, of course, who are solid, secure, wise, well-educated, erudite water-carriers for the status quo.

Policy heavy-hitter Fukuyama confesses the political system in the U.S. is broken but he can’t understand why the citizenry has selected the “singularly inappropriate instrument” (his description of Trump in the pages of Foreign Affairs) of Donald Trump to express their disdain for their neofeudal lords.
Keep Reading
By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

Are we about to witness one of the largest stock market crashes in U.S. history?  Swiss investor Marc Faber is the publisher of the “Gloom, Boom & Doom Report  According to Faber, we could “easily” see the S&P 500 plunge all the way down to 1,100.  As I sit here writing this article, the S&P 500 is sitting at 2,181.74, so that would be a drop of cataclysmic proportions.  The following is an excerpt from a CNBC article that discussed the remarks that Faber made on their network on Monday…

The notoriously bearish Marc Faber is doubling down on his dire market view.
The editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report said Monday on CNBC’s “Trading Nation” that stocks are likely to endure a gut-wrenching drop that would rival the greatest crashes in stock market history.
I think we can easily give back five years of capital gains, which would take the market down to around 1,100,” Faber said, referring to a level 50 percent below Monday’s closing on the S&P 500.


Opinión  ¿Consumimos o consumidas?  Marina Mariscal Muñoz
Paraguay   Lugo y la revolución posible  Bernardo Coronel
US  Mumia Abu-Jamal.  El ascenso del femenino imperial


Polls are paid by Clinton.. Trump is gona win anyway
South Sudan reject  US proposal for peacekeepers
Juba rejects US proposal on Who in their right mind wants them

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