domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

AUG 28 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 28 16  SIT EC y POL



As the cracks in the veneer of central bank omnipotence grow ever wider, some brief reflection on the following three charts may awaken some 'animal' spirits of a different sort as the gap between fundamental reality and 'market' perception has never been wider...

Bottom-Up - It's Ugly...

Before-tax corporate earnings fell 4.9 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier, the fifth consecutive decline and the worst streak since the end of the recession in mid-2009, Commerce Department figures showed on Friday. The profit slump, included in the report on revisions to gross domestic product, softens the outlook for already-weak business investment and also poses a risk to continued strength in hiring, which has been a bright spot for consumer spending and for the economy.

Top-Down - It's Worse...

Since the reality-awakening lows in February, global central banks have unleashed over $1.8 trillion of freshly minted QE across various asset classes (e.g. corp bonds in Europe, Equity ETFs in Japan, gilts in UK) which has enabled the facade of confidence to spread - lifting US equity markets (and just look at EM inflows) to record highs as every fundamental indicator (except the well-managed jobless claims and payrolls data) shifts from bounce to bad to worse.

And The Wall Of Worry has Fallen...

Those trillions of dollars have enabled the biggest surge into short VIX futures bets in history as the so-called 'most-hated' rally of all time is now, by far, the most speculatively embraced with Dow and Nasdaq futures also having never been so speculatively long positioned.
We are sure none of this matters though... corporate profits disappear, economic growth turns negative, industrial production and productivity collapse, but Dow hits 100,000 thanks to VIX slamming to zero as the world's central bank balance sheets go to the moon alice...

Bonus Chart: It seems one asset class was paying attention...

While policymakers have maintained the Fed should eventually reduce its bond holdings, Lockhart said some officials were closer to accepting that they needed to learn to live with them. "I suspect there are colleagues who are contemplating at least maybe a statically large balance sheet is just going to be a fact of life and be central to the toolkit," he said. Most now agree with him.

With year-end bonuses due in just 4 months, and with hedge funds significantly underperforming the market in absolute and risk-adjusted terms as of this moment, bonuses are not looking good. So what do hedge funds do? Why go all in of course.

As part of Obama's parting gift to the US, not only will his successor inherit a $20 trilion mountain of debt, but also rising deficits, which after  six years of declines, are set to grow again.

"We are at a point where the encroachment of government power, whether foreign or domestic, has historically resulted in some form of a rebellion against said power."

The Federal Reserve’s long-term influence hinges in part on its ability to convince millennials that its current policies can help push inflation closer to the central bank’s 2% goal. That’s not as easy as it sounds, because this cohort has both a different history and current relationship with this economic variable. Why?

"The state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight..."
VIDEO URL: Mike Lofgren – The Deep State :

It is not too much to say that Wall Street may be the ultimate owner of the Deep State and its strategies, if for no other reason than that it has the money to reward government operatives with a second career that is lucrative beyond the dreams of avarice - certainly beyond the dreams of a salaried government employee.

The corridor between Manhattan and Washington is a well-trodden highway for the personalities we have all gotten to know in the period since the massive deregulation of Wall Street."

-Mike Lofgren

Here some extracts:
As we noted previously, the deep state seems to have grown, strengthened and tightened its grip.  Can a lack of real money restrain or starve it?  I once thought so, and maybe I still do.  But it doesn’t use real money, but rather debt and creative financing to get that next new car, er, war and intervention and domestic spending program.  Ultimately it’s not sustainable, and just as unaffordable cars are junked, stripped, repossessed, and crunched up, so will go the way of the physical assets of the warfare–welfare state.

Because inflated salaries, inflated stock prices and inflated ruling-class personalities are month to month, these should evaporate more quickly, over a debris field once known as some of richest counties in the United States.  Can I imagine the shabbiest of trailer parks in the dismal swamp, where high rises and government basilicas and abbeys once stood?  I’d certainly like to.  But I’ll settle for well-kept, privately owned house trailers, filled with people actually producing some small value for society, and minding their own business.

Finally, what of those pinpricks of light, the honest assessments of the real death trail and consumption pit that the deep state has delivered?  Well, it is growing and broadening.  Wikileaks and Snowden are considered assets now to any and all competitors to the US deep state, from within and from abroad – the Pandora’s box, assisted by technology, can’t be closed now The independent media has matured to the point of criticizing and debating itself/each other, as well as focusing harsh light on the establishment media.  Instead of left and right mainstream media, we increasingly recognize state media, and delightedly observe its own struggle to survive in the face of a growing nervousness of the deep state it assists on command.

Maybe we will one day soon be able to debate how deep the deep state really is, or whether it was all just a dressed up, meth’ed up, and eff’ed up a sector of society that deserves a bit of jail time, some counseling, and a new startMaybe some job training that goes beyond the printing of license plates.  But given the destruction and mass murder committed daily in the name of this state, and the environmental disasters it has created around the world for the future generations, perhaps we will be no more merciful to these proprietors of the American empire as they have been to their victims. The ruling class deeply fears our judgment, and in this dynamic lies the cure.

But does it even matter? What we discovered this week is that one of the nation’s top officials created a private server that housed proof that she continued a secret, ongoing entwinement with her family foundation - despite ethics agreements - and that she destroyed public records. If that alone doesn’t disqualify her for the presidency, it’s hard to know what would.

A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. In the US, Cold War 2.0 is on, and the anti-Russian rhetoric emanating from the Clinton campaign, echoed by the mass media, hearkens back to McCarthyism and the red scare. In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nigh - an all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. It seems that many people in the US like to think that way. But most of the recent American warmongering toward Russia can be explained by the desire to find anyone but oneself to blame for one’s unfolding demise.





Only international schemes and the organization of ordinary people can counter the interests of the most powerful global industries, says economist James Henry
TRNN Replay: Dr. Kumar says the roots of Islamophobia are to be found in a conflict between empires and economic interests, not a clash of civilizations


The ‘policy shift’ is a direct consequence of the failed military coup in Turkey.
The Syrian Conflict is a PR war mounted by the western powers and their surrogates
The government prefers to treat the public like mushrooms – keeping them in the dark and feeding them bulls*it.
The US: A Dead Nation Walking  By Paul Craig Roberts
There is no sign that the Neoconservatives are willing to give up their hegemonic agenda for the sake of life on earth.
Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) called people of color and people of Hispanic origin “the enemy” and implied they should be shot.

[[ With same logic BLM & Native Coalition’ leaders can say: Bad people where expelled from Europe & came to America as pilgrims to disposes the native from their land and riches and slave or killed them like rabbits. They are the enemy of our current society. You should identify them  and  “You shoot the enemy”.  This is exactly that Mr. Paul LePage is saying about people of color & of Hispanic origin.  Of course the ex-Pilgrims have the weapons to kill innocent people, like Clinton did it in Waco-Texas, and oppressed people do not have it then. But.. one year after , a retaliation to the barbaric crime in Texas came in Oklahoma & similar barbaric act was done against FBI’ family members. This is that Mr Paul LePage is instigating today with his xenophobic attitude.  In the current spiral of violence .. retaliation   may happens again.]]

On contact  Halfway to freedom with Stanley Cohen  Hedges discusses the business of privately-run halfway houses with civil rights attorney Stanley Cohen,  just released from prison: tax violation
Worlds Apart  Yesterday's enemy?  On Turkey-Russia: in geopolitics there is not permanent friends, only permanent interests.
News Thing  Jeremy Liar on the burkini ban in France
Sputnik  Episode 139  Hillary - Donald two cheeks on the same backside as Godzilla 1 vs Godzilla 2.


REPLACE the imperial terrorist army (its NATO) with a Universal army to support Justice, Peace & real democracy.. A NICE UTOPIA  .. only possible in the aftermath of WW3. Meanwhile,  assure peace by dismantling the nuke power top-down is a more reliable dream .. We almost got it before.
Read this

Fredric Jameson is an otherwise leftist intellectual who’s put out a book, edited by Slavoj Zizek, in which he proposes universal conscription into the military for every U.S. resident. In subsequent chapters, leftist intellectuals critique Jameson’s proposal [of suggesting] an expansion of a machine of mass murder. Jameson adds an Epilogue in which he mentions that was not the problem at all.

What Jameson wants is a vision of Utopia. His book is called An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army. HIS PURPOSE: He wants to nationalize banks and insurance companies, seize and presumably shut down fossil fuel operations, impose draconian taxes on large corporations, abolish inheritance, create a guaranteed basic income, abolish NATO, create popular control of the media, ban rightwing propaganda, create universal Wi-Fi, make college free, pay teachers well, make healthcare free, etc.

Sounds great! Where do I sign up?


El burkini en la Europa de las libertades AR. Totalitarismo, patriarcado y xenophobia



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