domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016

AUG 13 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 13 16  SIT EC y POL


It's official - the "most-hated rally" is now the "most-loved stock market ever" as speculative positioning has never - ever - been more bullish...

It is the same players that we saw enabling reckless behavior in 1998: Citigroup, the Fed, and the Clinton-led Wall Street Democrats. And, as Jesse notes, here we are again, almost eighteen years later, watching the same short term, selfish characteristics by the big money banks putting the entire economy of productive individuals at risk again...

"There’s something big and scary going on behind the scenes but, as usual, the public isn’t reading about it on the front pages of the newspapers." Pam Martens and Russ Martens warn that big banks and big insurers send scary signals...

Yesterday, the broad stock market, as measured by the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index, declined a modest 0.29 percent while big Wall Street banks like Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase fell by triple that amount. Bank of America, which bought the big retail brokerage firm, Merrill Lynch, in the midst of the 2008 crash, fell by 8.6 times the rate of the decline in the S&P to give up 2.50 percent.

The collapse of oil prices has apparently left North American life insurers in a bit of a pickle with their distressed debt holdings having doubled in a matter of 6 months...

Updated data from the Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago all indicate further deterioration of Midwest farmland values...

Soaring minimum wage rates across the country are making capital investments in robots way more attractive to labor-intensive industries like farming.  A simple example shows how California's "Fair Wage Act" could cut payback periods on capital investment projects by 40% turning marginally attractive capital investments into no-brainers.

Dealers, the bedrock of the global monetary system, are hoarding collateral and it shows. That, however, doesn’t fit within the recovery narrative, so the media resorts to the easy and absurd to obscure what “should” not be happening...

In their most recent report, the so-called “trustees” of the social security system said that the trust fund’s near-term outlook had improved. So the stenographers of the financial press dutifully reported that the day of reckoning when the trust funds run dry has been put off another year - until 2034. The message was essentially take a breath and kick the can. That’s five Presidential elections away! Except that is not what the report really says...

[[ In Spanish: estamos jodidos .. pero contentos. .. No queda otra que ponerle buena cara al mal tiempo. .. aunque .. la alegría pronto se puede acabar. Que hacer?  Cancelar el Pokemon y los Smart phones para que no nos espíen los enemigos de fuera.. RU y Chinos?.. Eso no restaura la alegria? ]]


"All of this is about control and dominion, the erosion of personal freedoms, and the move toward totalitarian suppression of all liberties and complete monitoring over any and all activities of the average citizen."

Complaining that they can't keep up with all the changes to the law, police departments in Colorado are demanding that the legislature impose a moratorium on any new cannabis-related legislation.

Distortions in financial markets keep growing, as central banks all over the world are desperately intensifying monetary pumping. What is currently happening in various bond markets as a result of this and other interventions is simply jaw-dropping insanity. It is not so much that it defies rational explanation – in fact, all of these moves can be explained. What makes the situation so troubling is the fact that investors seem to be oblivious to the enormous risks they are taking.  They are sitting on a powder keg.

The new Cold War is far more dangerous than the old, because the respective war doctrines of the nuclear powers have changed. The function of nuclear weapons is no longer retaliatory. Mutually Assured Destruction was a guarantee that the weapons would not be used. In the new war doctrine nuclear weapons have been elevated to first-use in a preemptive nuclear attack. Washington first took this step, forcing Russia and China to follow.

"Without an external economic shock it is hard to see policymakers being prepared to take dramatic, fiscal action to jumpstart the global economy... Ironically the shock that is needed would require a collapse in risk assets for policymakers to then really panic and attempt dramatic fiscal stimulus."




Beyond the embargo on reliable news: the dark corner of the battlefield between East and West.
Hitlery declared the President of Russia to be the Ultimate Threat—“the new Hitler.”
Ex-CIA acting director Morell who calls for killing Russians and Iranians
Whatever ISIS and its allies do is “revenge”, simple revenge, and should not be condemned by anyone calling himself a progressive.
Blum’s Straw Men  By Kim Petersen
The US should be brought to stand in the docket, be appropriately punished for its crimes of aggression and other war crimes

As many as 8,000 babies were seized from their families in the state’s first years and either sold or handed over to childless Jewish couples in Israel and abroad.
If Hillary Clinton is elected, her reign may lead into a real tragedy similar to the one that occurred in the United States a little over 150 years ago.
Yes, the System Is Rigged  By Patrick J. Buchanan
When do we have our American Spring?

RT SHOWS  restored  but not the show of a young black US lady on Dr.Jill Stein  



By Steve Keen – economics professor and Head of the School of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University in London – Debt Deflation blog.

For decades, mainstream economists have reacted to criticism of their methodology mainly by dismissing it, rather than engaging with it. And the customary form that dismissal has taken is to argue that critics and purveyors of alternative approaches to economics simply aren’t capable of understanding the mathematics the mainstream uses. The latest instalment of this slant on non-mainstream economic theory appeared in Noah Smith’s column in Bloomberg View: Economics Without Math Is Trendy, But It Doesn’t Add Up“.

While Noah’s column made some valid points (and there’s been some good off-line discussion between us too), its core message spouted five conflicting fallacies as fact:

  • The first (proclaimed in the title supplied by the Bloomberg sub-editor rather than by Noah) is that non-mainstream (or “heterodox”) economics is not mathematical;
  • The second is that the heterodox mathematical models that do exist can’t be used to make forecasts;
  • The third, that there are some that can make forecasts, but these have so many parameters that they are easily “over-fitted” to existing data and therefore useless at prediction (and they lack sufficient attention to human behaviour);
  • The fourth, that though heterodox economists make a song and dance about developing “stock-flow consistent” models, mainstream models are stock-flow consistent too; and


Brasil  Un golpe de estado para robar los recursos  Geraldina Colotti
Opinión  El cáncer olímpico  Pierre-Luc Beauchamp
  -Los bloqueos tiene que seguir.  Pedro Echeverría


Que difícil es limpiar toda la mierda pro-imperial

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