sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

AUG 19 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 19 16  SIT EC y POL


While the flaws of Obamacare were incredibly easy to see, so too are the flaws in the Federal Reserve’s stimulus policy. What’s amazing is that more people aren’t able to see through it as easily...
What if a sudden inflation’ strike creates a national Revolt?
What if it intersects with NOV 4 collapse of the Pol system?

Far from maintaining economic stability and fostering prosperity, consumer price inflation targeting practically guarantees a pernicious wealth transfer year in and year out, a perpetual duping of unsuspecting employees and companies, and a permanent blind spot to hidden inflation.

Check the content of this article:
What Is Inflation?
The Monetary Cause of Inflation
Inflation as a Process of Wealth Transfer
Inflation as Trickery
Solving the Problem

"With macro this dominant, credit no longer seems bothered by defaults. S&P pointed out this week that YTD defaults have now equalled last year’s full-year total, and are running at their highest pace since 2009. Once upon a time, that would have been associated with spread widening. But not this year."
What if investors refuse to buy .. as suggested by two of them?
Can they pinch the bubble?  .. What prevent them to do it?

The person willing to pay top dollar is called the "marginal buyer". Most of us don't really think about him much, but he (or she) is very, very important. Why? Because the marginal buyer not only determines price levels, but also their stability and degree of volatility. The behavior of the marginal buyer, as well as the degree of competition for his/her "top dog" spot, sets the prices of nearly every asset class held by today's investors.
They may pinch the bubble when a political strike happens:
 Is this the case of nuke war?  .. Can war-monger Hillary force them to pinch the bubble?

With Central Banks offering markets every accommodation imaginable, the WSJ asks what they'll do when any one of the many pending political catastrophes strike?
Economic growth very uncertain.. If prices fall, big Corp may fall

Crude prices had slipped back into the red ahead of Baker Hughes rig count data (after topping $48.50 Sept 16 overnight). For the 8th straight week (and 11 of last 12) the US oil rig count rose (up 10 to 406), tracking the lagged recovery of WTI Crude prices and up 28% from cycle lows.

Apple stock is sliding very modestly for now as Digitimes reports Tim Cook has asked downstream part and component suppliers in Taiwan to reduce quotes for iPhone 7 devices by as much as 20%...even though order volumes for new phones are reportedly 30% lower than those placed a year earlier.
A lesson to USA on deflation to depression

In the late 1990’s, economists attempted to get reacquainted with something that they previously believed was an artifact of long ago history. The plight of Japan during that decade had revived fears of deflation and depression. Some economists, those daring enough to challenge entrenched notions, began even to contemplate whether or not it could happen here.
Good art by Charles Hugh Smith. See Washington Blog below

The Fed has not only failed to fix what's broken in the U.S. economy--it has actively made those problems worse.
Yellen: everything is OK .. but only until dangerous bubbles don’t burst

"Nothing terribly catastrophic has happened yet, so we have decided to continue screwing responsible savers with interest rates that are at 5,000 year lows so that this dangerous asset bubble can persist..."

As another week comes to a close, we continue to wrestle with a market that remains detached from underlying economic data and clings to recent levels of over overbought, overextended and low reward/risk outcomes. Of course, in the final stages of a bull market, this is what has historically been the case.

VICTORY only exist in the unclear mind of Hillary

What America has in Hillary Clinton is a potential president with the charisma but not the competence of Angela Merkel, and the ethics of Dilma Rousseff. Yet, still, on the mega-issue, America’s desire for change, and on specific issues, Trump holds something close to a full house. The coming economic news — we had 1 percent growth in the first half of 2016 — this could cause a second look at Trumponomics. And whoever is out there strategically dropping Democratic emails may be readying an October surprise for Hillary Clinton, a massive document dump that buries her.
SINGLE PAYER is the solution to the sabotage of Obamacare

This slow exodus of insurers from the health law's marketplaces represents a serious threat to the continued stability and existence of its exchanges. Obamacare is perched on the edge of a death spiral. The fundamental problem is simple: Insurers are losing money... was that the plan all along for the Affordable Care Act?

Following his apparent pivot to a new 'nice guy' performance in this election campaign - and the resignation of Paul Manafort, Donald Trump released his first general election ad - focused on 'safety' for Americans...

"Where is the money going? Nobody knows," said Franklin Spinney, a retired military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning.

Rather than focus on Paul Manafort's connection to Ukraine; perhaps the mainstream media should look at Hillary Clinton's massive donations from Ukraine, or the newly leaked documents showing that George Soros was active in mapping out the Greek media landscape with generous grants, so as to further the Ukraine coup.

Cathay Pacific shares have been crushed this week as earnings indicate collapsing corporate travel in China... "business will continue to be adversely affected by overcapacity and economic fragility."

George Sokoloff, founder and CIO of Carmot Capital, explains why typical asset allocation strategies, including those employed by most "sophisticated" hedge fund managers, end up getting slaughtered during market shocks despite perceptions of being "well hedged".

Norway is heading straight into stagflation and at some point Norges Bank will be forced to tighten monetary policy into a weakening economy. The world should take note, because the real end game for central banks will come when they are constrained by rising inflation in a weakening economy. We all know what happened after the 1970s stagflation; and hiking rates to 20 per cent in an overleveraged world is a lot harder than it was back then.


THE REAL NEWS NETWORK http://therealnews.com/t2/latest-news 

IPS Fellow Phyllis Bennis says U.S. officials want to ensure that the Saudis are pacified following the nuclear deal with Iran
Physicians for a National Health Program founder Dr. Steffie Woolhandler: the fundamental problem is our reliance on market-based solutions to healthcare
Investigative journalist Bruce Livesey has teamed up with TRNN to make a documentary to expose the Koch brothers' war on the environment and their plan to influence the 2016 elections - and we need your help. Please make a donation today.
Truthout's Maya Schenwar says the announcement won't affect federal immigration detention centers or state prisons
Climate scientist Michael Mann: The recent floods in Louisiana, West Virginia, and Ellicott City are becoming the norm
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have said many things over the years. We asked participants at this year's Democratic National Convention if they could identify the speaker based on the statement.


Washington is losing all credibility in the strategically pivotal region
Russia was instrumental in initiating the new diplomatic approach with Turkey.
If only Turkey were to join BRICS, if it decided to leave NATO, the entire world would change!
Whatever Washington accuses Assad of doing to Syrians is nothing compared to the death and destruction that Washington brought to Syria.
It is an historical fact that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia created the international jihadist network
“The era of American ascendancy in international politics that began in 1945—is fast winding down.”
State Dept. says $400 million cash payment to Iran was contingent on American prisoners' release.
Ghost corporations are a particularly dangerous and alarming new twist in campaign financing
I put America in the Toilet. Vote for Hillary & She will Pull The Handle
So this is what passes for progressive thought on war and peace as seen by the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton
Liberal Hate for Stein and Baraka  By Margaret Kimberley
“Liberals are now quite deranged and applaud a woman who will crush their feeble agenda as soon as she says the oath of office.”


Alex Richardson-Price  The Fight for a Six Hour Workday
Brian Cloughley  Hillary Clinton’s War Policy she will win: false premise




The Federal Reserve claims its monetary interventions saved America from economic ruin in 2009, and have bolstered growth ever since. Don’t hurt yourself patting your own backs, Fed governors past and present: it’s bad enough that the Fed can’t fix the economy’s real problems–its policies actively make them worse.

After seven long years of politicos and the financial media glorifying the Federal Reserve’s policies as god-like in their power and efficacy, let’s take a quick look at the results of these vaunted policies:
ZIRP (zero interest rates), (QE) quantitative easing, both of which are ways of shoving nearly-free money ( a.k.a. liquidity) into the banking sector, where all this free money is supposed to filter into the global economy, working miracles of prosperity.

The stated goal of the Fed’s zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) and quantitative easing (QE) was to make borrowing easier for both corporations and consumers, the idea being that companies would borrow to invest in new productive capacity and consumers would buy the new goods and services being produced with the Fed’s cheap credit.

The secondary publicly stated goal was to spark a rally in stocks, bonds and real estate that would spark a wealth effect: as households saw their net worth rise, they would feel wealthier and thus more likely to borrow money to buy more goods and services.


Bolivia  Los cooperativistas mineros y el MAS. Carlos Peñaranda
Vivo en el US y he visto muchas exp cooperaivas y comunitaristas



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