jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

AUG 11 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 11 16  SIT EC y POL

The fact: this traitor was an impostor... NEVER A SOCIALIST.

Hillary bought a disposable thing .. not a human being .…
.. in our corrupted political market where she is the queen.
Whatever evilness she does to US is despicable, nauseous.

Trump accuses Obama, Hillary Clinton of founding Daesh


US President Barack Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton “founded” the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in the Middle East region, according to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.


Here is what America's "bigger paychecks" looks like before (dark blue line) and after (light blue) the striking revision.

Forget facts (Saudi output at record high), F##k fundamentals (global growth slowing, global glut rising)... just set the algos to buy on every OPEC headline...

US Federal Tax Receipts are rising at just 1.2% year-over-year (12-mo rolling), slowing drastically from its 13.4% YoY growth in June 2013. While "it's probably nothing," we thought readers may be interested to note that the last six times tax receipt growth was at this weak a level, the American economy was in recession...

Here is the simple, pragmatic answer, and one which Wheeler did stumble on last night when he said that no matter what he does "the market would still want more." That is precisely what has happened with Australia, New Zealand, Japan and so on: the market still wants more. Much more.

These are strange times.
Here’s a list of the top 13 strange things out there right now:

  1. Numero uno. Interest rates are negative all over the world.
  2. Many Republicans want to reinstate Glass-Steagall, along with the Democrats.
  3. There are housing bubbles all over the world, big ones. And they keep on going.
  4. Japan might do a helicopter drop and cancel its outstanding debt.
  5. US debt is over 100% of GDP, and nobody is campaigning on deficit reduction (except for the Libertarians).
  6. The normally wild-eyed Libertarians are running as sane centrists.
  7. Russia might actually be interfering with US elections.
  8. Terrorism is rampant across the globe, and nobody seems to care.
  9. Great Britain voted to leave the EU.
  10. Scotland may again try and secede from Great Britain.
  11. Stocks are at all-time highs.
  12. Gold is up 30% in a few months, and people are still massively underinvested.
  13. The Federal Reserve is the most hawkish central bank in the world.

Actually, I could have gone and listed another .. 13. It’s crazytown out there.

A history lesson from the 1920s economic boom
I think a lot about history. Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish philosopher, said,
“The happiest hours of mankind are recorded on the blank pages of history.”
It’s true.
"It’s crazytown out there..."

It appears that the world's central-scammers have finally gone too far. In a shockingly Zero-Hedge-ian statement, Reuters is forced to admit that "spooked by the end of a 30-year bond bull run and bouts of money printing which have pushed stock values out of kilter with economic reality," high-profile investors are turning their backs on financial assets and favoring real assets.

Any nation that fails to produce more than it consumes is in for serious trouble. And the government’s own data is showing that this is happening.

Dear Janet… it’s not working!!

Initial jobless claims dropped 1k to 266k (from a downwardly revised 267k) remaining near 43-year lows. Here's why that's odd...  OPEN THIS
"Long bonds, short the Fed funds futures. Long equities but long bonds. Long gold but long equities. Long the dollar and long the precious metals. It is next to impossible to make sense out of this; I’m not even sure Graham or Dodd could if they were still alive."


ISIS is honoring President Obama,” Trump said during a rally in Fort Lauderdale, adding that “He is the founder of ISIS. He founded ISIS." He did not spare Hillary either: "I would say the co-founder would be ‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton,” Trump added of his Democratic rival.

The reality is, they cannot hide an economic collapse forever.  Negative financial effects are going to touch ground somewhere, and the data is going to sneak through...the globalists have created the conditions by which an economic crisis can be triggered at the time of their choosing (within certain limits)... and they need the economy to turn unstable in order to create a rationale for a centralized economic authority and a single global currency system.


So the question is... if Italy leaves, will stocks go even higher?

while blowing out unsecured funding rates may no longer be a flashing red flag, a question has emerged as a lot of debt references Libor, debt ranging from household debt to non-financial business debt: some $28 trillion of it, to be specific, and just in the US. The question is just how concerned will the borrowers of said debt be once they get their next due balance.

Iraq and oil majors BP, Shell, and Lukoil have agreed to resume investments in oil fields the foreign groups are developing, which is expected to raise the country’s crude output by 250,000-350,000 barrels per day in 2017, Reuters reported on Thursday, quoting Iraqi officials - a move that has the potential to aggravate the supply glut and muddy the waters of the additional OPEC meeting in September, which some were glass-half-fulling might end with a production cap of some sort.

"The problems have not gone away -- they’re just being ignored."


[ The well-known neocon .. worse enemy of Latino Americans.]

[[ Jill: Don’t take for granted Hillary’s propaganda. That was the trap on Sanders, the traitor. To hit Trump focus on his neoliberal stance & his stupid believe that Reagan brought great to America. It was the reverse.. the current mess started with Reagan. The real great to America came with FDR. ]]




Clinton Vs. Trump: Treacherous Foreign Policy
Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation?

Intev to Michael Hudson: His answer   “nobody has, I think, in American history, has merged their public service as secretary of state or president with their private gains to the extent that Hillary really has. And by that I mean the Clinton Foundation, overall”.  .. imagine, Saudi Arabia asked her--and this is all very public--we want more arms. We know that Saudi Arabia is one of the major contributors to the Clinton Foundation. On the other hand, Hillary's in a position to go to Raytheon, to Boeing, and say look, do I have a customer for you. Saudi Arabia would love to buy your arms. Maybe we can arrange something. I'm going to do my best. By the way, you know, my foundation is--you know, I'm a public-spirited person and I'm trying to help the world. Would you like to make a contribution to my foundation?


Paul Craig Roberts – Michael Hudson  Will Russia Reject Neoliberalism?
Dedrick Asante-Muhammed – Chuck Collins  The Staggering Racial Wealth Divide
Confirmation Bias, Cognitive Dissonance, Making Too Much Deal About the Polls, Misuse of Statistics and Selective Quotations, Confusing Short and Long Terms Horizons, Thinking what Happens Between Boston and Washington is all that Matters and Reacting to the Reaction. . David Schultz’s latest book is Presidential Swing States:  Why Only Ten Matter.
Dave Lindorff  The Pentagon Money Pit
Enough! I don’t want to hear another complaint about government spending on welfare, education, environment, health care subsidies, immigrant benefits or whatever, until the Pentagon has to report on, account for and audit every dollar that it is spending on war. No more free ride for the military.




By Craig Murray, Craigmurray.org.uk.

Hillary Clinton’s completely unfounded claim that Russia was behind the passing to WikiLeaks of Democratic National Committee documents was breathtakingly cynical.  It was however grossly irresponsible. It raises further the tensions between the World’s two largest nuclear armed powers, and plays into the mood of rampant Russophobia which we are seeing whipped up daily in the press. With the Ukraine and Syria as points of major tension, to throw such an accusation wildly in defence of her own political ambitions, shows precisely why Hillary should never be US President.

Hillary have no evidence of Russian involvement, she almost certainly knows the allegation is completely baseless.  .. Which brings me to the curious murder of Seth Rich, the DNC staffer killed by an armed street robber who left Rich’s gun, watch, cash and wallet. WikiLeaks have offered an award of US $20,000 for information on his assassination. This does not indicate that it was Rich who leaked the emails. It does indicate that WikiLeaks are aware of profound shenanigans involving the Hillary campaign, and are putting effort and resources into piecing together the picture.


Ecologia.  El conflicto capital-planeta.  Rafael Silva
Foro Social Mundial para soñar el otro mundo necesario y reactualizar desafíos
Sergio Ferrari.
Wrong: el mundo no esta para soñar sino para actuar
Los magnates latinoamericanos de la minería   Aidée Tassinari  Wrong:  los magnates del oro en Peru superan a los de Mx.. ver Buenaventura en Cajamarca y la familia Benavidez
La batalla por Aleppo.  La oposición “moderada” siria no existe (II) Mikel Muñoz



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