lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

AUG 1 16 SIT EC y POL P2-

AUG 1 16  SIT EC y POL  P2-

With HILLARY CLINTON NOMINEE .. the nuclear option is on the table  

The world looks with horror the near future as Hillary Clinton got nominated the Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidency. The consequences of this strategy may well lead directly to nuclear war.

In FACT.. with Hillary Clinton the nuclear option is NOW on the table.  
Hillary Clinton constitutes an existential threat against all of humanity.


Dr. Jill Stein can lead the 3RD option for People’s  resistance & revolution
2nd the main force for resistance & Rev are the cells & grass-root Orgs ..
They will mobilize people to referendum in defense of working rights.

Check this video again
Video  Produced by James Corbett

BUYING PRIMARIES: The ANTI-DEMOCRACY threat of bipartisan system
This system besides being a trap for naïve voters (select a lesser evil between two monsters), it is also a way of killing democracy, the central political value of our Nation.

Extracts :
US Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein has said that Republican and Democratic Parties are both controlled by predatory banks, fossil fuel giants, insurance companies and war profiteers.  

In an interview with Russia Today that was broadcast on Sunday, Stein commented that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is worse than her Republican rival Donald Trump.
She stated that if you “look at the track record, the terrible things that Donald Trump says – which are truly reprehensible and horrific – have actually been done by Hillary Clinton.”
Trump and the Republicans are the party of hate and fear,” Stein said.
The Democrats are the party of deportation, detentions, and night raids,” she continued.

In 2014 mid-term elections, Obama accepted donations through Super PACs. .. According to a study published by the New York Times, wealthy individuals and corporations have begun to replace powerless people as direct beneficiaries of the US political system and the Constitution.

AUG 1 16  SIT EC y POL  P2-


[[You will notice here that while Trump continues using blah-blah, Hillary is using her Court power to depower GOP leaders & policies. I expect Trump doing the same, starting with frauds and exclusion of voters in California, NY, Boston & swing states .. Hillary’s  super-delegates vicious behavior and the Libya case are her Achilles’ heel and I assume Trump darts will go over there (interviewing affected people by Hillary’s frauds, for instance).  Trump has not grass-root power, but ex-sanderistas have it (los enemigos de mi  peor enemigo son mis mejores amigos, reza un proverbio popular) . To argue against NATO, Saudis, zionist is OK,  but better if Trump shows Hillary deals & contacts with them .. those that affect our nation values  & expose her greed voracity.. many thing can be done in 3 months by both sides .. the correlation of forces can be changed night over .. If the escalation of wars became dangerous .. Peace will be the loved political demand below, not war.. I want to see both of them if this happens before Nov 4 .  .. I’m observing both of them like watching a chess game some times,  and a ping pong game in other time.  I’m not in favor of either one. I’m not neutral, I’m sided in favor of Dr. Jill Stein .. though I suspect she mess up everything when selecting her VP that supposed to be a well known leader of the working classes. I will explore more on this. Not matter what, I’ll vote Jill.]]
Here is Democracy now:


If Sanders explain the meaning of MAD Mutual Assured Destruction if nuke war comes with Russia and point to the need of avoiding million of soldiers dead, and the nation destroyed .. while at the same time recalling attentions that soldiers  need today, .. then Trump won’t lose those voters .. and Clintons will be ashamed of her war mongerism.


John Helmer, Russian-based Anglo-American journalist says that Russia feels threatened by US, NATO, Turkey, and the turbulence at its borders
Journalist Rania Khalek spoke to Seattle City Council Member and Socialist Alternative candidate Kshama Sawant on the final day of last week's DNC about the Democratic Party's inability to change, and what progressive voters must do about it


How Long Can Russia, and China, Wait  By Paul Craig Roberts
If you aren’t scared after absorbing this Russian news broadcast, you are stupid beyond belief.
Rulers of America are afraid of the victory of Donald Trump. Therefore, they are in a rush to achieve their primary strategic goal – to bring down Vladimir Putin.
Look what happened to the Soviets after they admitted defeat in Afghanistan and pulled out.
Herman Goering would be very proud of our corporate media propaganda tactics and skills.
Clinton Cash  Documentary Movie
How Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million.


Elliot Sperber  Eliminate Them Both


Posted on August 1, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog  By David Haggith, the Great Recession Blog.

In addition to the dark clouds I presented last week, here is a short list of newly developing reasons and ways that oil prices are continuing to slide toward $30 per barrel as predicted all along:
  • Saudi Arabia today lowered its price of oil to Asia in order to compete more fiercely for market share, handily offering its biggest discount in almost a year … because the kingdom is now backed up with oversupply in its own tanks that it has to move. After raising prices to Asia not long ago, Saudi Arabia’s optimism about increased Asian demand proved short-lived.
  • Asian refineries are lowering their production. According to Bloomberg, some are cutting refinery production by as much as 50%.
  • Short positions for West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) increased last week by their largest volume on record. Likewise with short positions on gasoline. Hedge funds in particular are betting on a gasoline glut. Says, Newsmax, “Money managers have never been more certain that oil prices will drop.”


Ent a David Harvey  “Hay buenas razones para el Brexit”  Aleja Prado
Cocaina andina: su proceso Bolivia  La reina de las nieves N R
Argentina "La gauchada"  CEPA   




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