jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

AUG 18 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 18 16  SIT EC y POL


THE STRUGGLE for Econ truth continue, most people want it to ..
protect themselves. ... Those in power are against the current

The US investment grade corporate bond market has more than doubled in size since the financial crisis while that expansion was bought by just two investors – mutual funds/ETF and foreigners.

Are we in a “liquidity trap?”  Maybe.  Of course, no one recognized Japan’s problems either until it was far too late.

The last 20 years have brought great wealth to a few while most of the population was lucky to break even. Whether you’re a member of the elite/protected class or one of the unprotected, it’s hard to deny this reality. Globalization has created divisions between skilled and unskilled workers. Too few of the gains from growing trade are going to the unprotected class. They’re angry. We’re seeing this backlash now in people’s attraction to Trump, who promise to bring jobs back.

And The Market Breaks (Again)

Despite a positive open, stocks startd to slide rapidly on heavy volume with VIX suddenly surging... so what was to be done!!   ..  Break The Market...

Despite a modest bounce in Philly Fed headline data - thanks purely to a jump in 'hope' from 33.7 to 45.8 (the highest in 18 months) - the underlying components of the Philly fed survey are a disaster. New orders collapsed, employment crashed to 7 year lows, Average workweek plunged, prices paid soared, and inventories fell.

Caterpillar's rolling 3-month retail machine sales dropped by 19% in July vs the more modest 12% fall in June and May. It also means that, as shown in the chart below, in the past month CAT retail sales just posed the second largest monthly drop since the financial crisis.

Record Saudi output; multiple nations proclaiming no output freeze; US production up most in 15 months; rig counts rising...global GDP growth plunging, China demand tumbling... Brent near $50 and WTI soaring to 6-week highs...

Under guise of preventing fraud the ECB voted to kill the €500 note. Fraud was not the real reason. The real reason was to make it more difficult for banks to store physical cash to avoid negative interest penalties... but it's not working.

"This is the biggest bond bubble in world history... Everyone is in the dark... the ultimate breakdown from this environment is likely to be surprising, sudden, intense, and large."

In the US the year-on-year trend for productivity has turned negative . Most central bankers dismiss this fact as a short-term aberration. But the Japanese economy provides an example of what interest rates at or near zero can do to a large, developed economy. The answer is not much: not much real growth; not much inflation - and, together, not enough nominal GDP growth to repay historic debt should yields on sovereign debt ever return to normal.

"America has become crisis prone. The pressure points have been identified, and provoked. Civil unrest could be triggered on any given day – police killings, or stock market collapse. Maybe something to do with elections. After the initial 72 hours of confusion and the fog of war, people will be left stranded, hungry, and either ready to turn to government for help or on each other. Holdouts and hoarders are treated as criminals, and shortages on numerous essentials will make everyone desperate."


"Although no documents have emerged, the attacks have left some Democrats and Clinton campaign officials worried that the hackers might have obtained emails and voice messages that could be used to reinforce Republican charges that donors to the Clinton Foundation were rewarded with access to Clinton and her aides while she was secretary of state or to her husband, former President Bill Clinton."

Addiction and drug use are medical/mental health issues, not criminalization/imprisonment issues.

If you define "ransom" as "a payment exchanged contingent on the release of a hostage" then you find yourself forced to admit that President Obama lied last week when he aggressively denied (and was irked at the question) that he paid Iran a $400 million ransom for the return of 4 hostages.  Today, The State Department's spokesperson John Kirby told the truth that the Iran payment was contingent on the prisoner release... but of course spun this 'ransom' payment as masterful diplomacy "deliberately leveraging the moment."

How The Global Elites Screw Peons (While Media Fools Cheer)

People are not “mindlessly angry”. They are angry because they have been ripped off by the Fed, by their governments, and by ignorant media jackasses who are clueless about why there is so much anger.

The irony is that these censors and would-be censors, such as the European Commission, the Dutch and Austrian courts, Facebook, Twitter are using their freedom of expression to suggest that someone else be robbed of his freedom of expression.

This isn’t a case of companies making a profit because the government has little to no say in regulating what goes on. In any given arms sale, the U.S. government is involved in the entire process. Yet this is the same government that claims to passionately care about gun violence domestically while enabling chaos and destruction around the world.


Gold investors around the world continue to be fooled about Chinese gold demand. For some reason GFMS is restrained in disclosing that any individual or institution in China can directly buy and withdraw gold at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, which is the most significant reason for the discrepancy in question. According to calculations, true Chinese gold demand in 2015 must have been north of 2,250 tons.

S&P Futures Unchanged As Europe Rises; Dollar Slide Sends Oil Above $47

In the latest quiet trading session, European shares rose while Asian stocks fell and S&P futures were little changed. Minutes of the Fed’s last meeting damped prospects for a U.S. interest-rate hike, sending the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index done  0.3%, approaching a three-month low. Dollar weakness continues to buoy commodities, with the Bloomberg Commodity Index set for the most enduring rally in more than two months, as WTI flirted with $47.

Under guise of preventing fraud the ECB voted to kill the €500 note. Fraud was not the real reason. The real reason was to make it more difficult for banks to store physical cash to avoid negative interest penalties... but it's not working.

The reality is that an ongoing destabilization of large portions of the global economic framework will be used by the elites as leverage to convince the public that greater centralization is necessary.

[[ Texas already said: if Hillary is elected .. they will  secede .. get away from the FED. 3 Out 5 Texans Support Secession If Hillary Wins Presidency. Other States may follow ..] ]
  • World stocks rise, dollar weakens on divided Fed  (Reuters)
  • U.S. Held Cash Until Iran Freed Prisoners (WSJ)
  • Brazil police pull U.S. swimmers from flight amid robbery probe (Reuters)
  • Rio’s Latest Headache: Loads of Empty Seats (WSJ)
  • Clinton Foundation hired cyber firm after suspected hacking (Reuters)




The Associated Press Smears Trump By Eric Zuesse  No 1st time AP slander & lies to support Clinton

THE REAL NEWS NETWORK http://therealnews.com/t2/latest-news 

Former financial regulator Bill Black explains how this will affect the policy she would pursue on the TPP, foreign policy, and the environment during her first term
Henry Giroux tells Paul Jay that fear is an organizing principle of U.S. society
Media critic Jeff Cohen says there should be a full spectrum debate with varying points of view beyond the two candidates who are at their height of unpopularity
PERI's Jeannette Wicks-Lim says race privileges and disadvantages go beyond interactions with the police and criminal justice system


Russia and Iran has now reached a new level and which will have a major impact upon this war. This is very, very good news.
The Russians are not pansies and they are not primitive


This Week on CounterPunch Radio:  Green Party VP Candidate Ajamu Baraka
HOST:   Eric Draitser
TOPICS:  Contemporary liberalism, corporate imperialism and so much more!
For Hannah Arendt, that consolation meant oblivion and self-deception: ‘he who chooses for the lesser evil all too readily forgets having chosen evil."
Lawrence Davidson  The West’s Favored Autocrats

RT NEWS first and SHOWS after:  they restored

CrossTalk   Rumors of war


It’s difficult to pick the most destructive of America’s many senseless, futile and tragically needless wars, but the “War on Drugs” is near the top of the list. Prohibition of mind-altering substances has not just failed–it has failed spectacularly, and generated extremely destructive and counterproductive consequences.

What was the result of the Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s? Prohibition instantly criminalized 40+% of the adult populace and created hugely profitable criminal organizations.

What was the result of the “War on Drugs”? This modern-day Prohibition instantly criminalized large swaths of the adult populace and created hugely profitable criminal organizations.

If you want to increase drug use, criminalize innocent citizens and spawn gargantuan criminal organizations, then by all means declare “war” via Prohibition. The results of Prohibition/War on Drugs are so visibly perverse and so destructive that the entire enterprise is sickeningly Orwellian.

The well-paid apologists for Prohibition/War on Drugs claim that imprisoning millions of people “helps” them avoid drugs. If you think being tossed in prison for a few years “helps” people, then step right up and accept a fiver (5-year sentence) in an American prison, which is essentially a factory that produces one product: people damaged by imprisonment, deprived of their full citizenship, hobbled by a felony conviction–ex-con beneficiaries of years of tutorials by hardened criminals.


Brasil  "La democracia tiene que triunfar"  Dilma Rousseff
US  Operación Ciclón de la CIA  A J Rahme  Quién creó  los yihadistas:  Bush,  Clinton u Obama?
Ecologia  Qué calidad de agua estás bebiendo?  Marion Kuprat. Que banana y pescado comes?  Dificil escapar al terrorismo transgenico y la polucion del mar. Mas difícil aun aceptar que el neoliberalismo nos envenena todos los días. Org la lcucha contra las grandes Corp en cada pueblo, es la respuesta.
Ellas son guerreras, ellos elegantes  Patriarcalismo en la mass-media de los JJOO
Está el Estado del Bienestar muerto? Vicenç Navarro. Crítica a Yanis Varoufakis
Perú   Las masas en accion  Gustavo Espinoza
EE.UU.  -Pena de muerte   ¿Matar o no matar?  María L La Ganga
Aquí preguntar eso es como decir La tomenta de lluvia moja o no moja?


Don’t blame the victims .. blame you real enemies

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