martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

AUG 29 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 29 16  SIT EC y POL

"You have Hillary who has called black teens or black kids super predators... a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally... That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for?"


American net worth just hit a record high $88 trillion, a number taken by the fawning media is evidence of how successful Obama's policies have been. However, when one looks beneath the surface, a "devastating" picture emerges: US inequality like no one has seen it before.

"This is the peak – we have passed the peak of the bubble. It's now deflating. There is usually a little tiny roll over and then a huge crash. And the little tiny roll over is just starting right now. We are seeing it first in the top end (like luxury real estate), where the currency that was created by the central banks went to that 0.1% first. Within the next few years you are going to see probably the greatest crash in history. I have often said that the crisis of 2008 was just a speed bump on the way to the main event. We are in the process right now of seeing this unwind."

"The trouble is, financial prices cannot be falsified indefinitely. At length, they become the subject of a pure confidence game and the risk of shocks and black swans that even the central banks are unable to off-set. Then the day of reckoning arrives in traumatic and violent aspect."

WTI Crude is now down 6% from last week's highs, back below $47 as supply concerns (Abu Dhabi production rise and ConocoPhilips' CEO comments) and OPEC freeze talks doubts have combined with the biggest collapse in speculative short positions in history (following the Saudi statement) - removing the last 'short-squeeze' leg of support from this dead-cat-bounce.

Having jumped miraculously from -18 to -1.3 in July, August's Dallas Fed plunged back to -6.2 - contracting for the 20th month in a row. The worse than expected headline data came despite a rise in new orders as the number of employees, average workweek, and capex all plunged into contraction. Hope also tumbled from 18.4 to 7.0 with inventories and new orders expected to slow.
No future for young people

Increasingly more low wage employees are those with a college education as they are unable to leverage their diploma credentials to get a better paying job?, as the only ones hiring are those seeking minimum-paid workers. This means that the share of college grads working minimum wage jobs is now an all time high; jobs which barely cover the cost of living, let along covering interest expense on student loans.
No future but .. keep the illusion with drugs

In the past 6 days, emergency rooms in Cincinnati have seen a 5.5x spike in heroin overdosesMany speculate that recent heroin supplies have been cut with a powerful elephant tranquilizer, Carfentanil, that is leaving many users dead.

"I think a move has begun... When you have bonds at negative interest rates you know there’s something fundamentally wrong with the economy. That’s a statement of the relative safeness of currencies... when people actually feel they can buy that bond and pay money to keep it in that bond just because it’s a safer haven than other investments then that’s pretty bad."
SOROS kill the internet slowly to get more billion faster with neoliberal Econ

Very soon, on October 1, 2016, much of the internet's governance will shift from the US authority (NTIA) to a nonprofit multi-stakeholder entity (ICANN). The Obama Administration says that the transition will have no practical effects on the internet's functioning or its users, but an internal proposed strategy from George Soros' Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain," which should favor “those most supportive of open society.”
Neoliberal capitalism won’t exist without State support.. there in JA or here
The two biggest buyers of Japan Inc. are flying blind and don’t care...

"You have Hillary who has called black teens or black kids super predators... a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally... That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for?"
The “foreigners” are not allowed to disrupt the Clinton monopoly of rigging elections?

With both political parties increasingly sensitive to allegations of electoral rigging in the upcoming presidential elections, whether due to direct manipulation of the counting process or as a result of "hacks" potentially leading to accusations of vote rigging by the losing candidate and their supporters, today's striking news that the FBI has evidence that hackers targeted two state election databases in recent weeks may be a harbinger of what is to come. 

[[ Qt to FBI:  what about the deleted  e-mails? .. was this also the job of “foreigners?.]]
RELATED: Foreigners in action
Republican candidate for Florida House District 86, Laurel Bennett, was a little surprised over the weekend to find that a local TV station was reporting her loss of a race that hadn't even yet occurred.

"...for 54 years we have been voting for the Democratic Party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them. We, as black people, have to reexamine the relationship. We’re being pimped like prostitutes and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically... promising us everything and we get nothing in return..."

"Trump supporters endure the abuse, endure the spittle, endure the shoves and punches, endure the theft of their possessions, and endure the damaged cars and the incessant harassment. For now, for the sake of their political movement and the candidacy of Donald Trump they do not strike back...But what happens after the election?"

[ If he don’t win the Senate in addition to the Presid .. that could be a big mess.]]
RELATED: truth may open its doors to show frauds & lies at Ec & political levels
"Sometime after the election, historical data will show that in 2016 the U.S. was in recession."


BRICS is in a coma. What’s surviving is RC: the Russia/China strategic partnership. Yet even the partnership seems to be in trouble – with Russia still attacked by myriad metastases of Hybrid War. The – Exceptionalist – Hegemon remains powerful, and the opposition is dazed and confused. Or is it?

First Japan, now German savers are leaving the "security" of savings banks for the true safety of paper cash parked inside home safes, where the central bank's negative rates can never reach. As a result safes across Germany are selling out as German savers finally "lose faith in banks."
  • Central Bankers Spurn Call for Radical Approach at Jackson Hole (BBG)
  • Turkey deepens Syria offensive, at odds with U.S. (Reuters)
  • Another red line: U.S. says clashes between Turkish forces and opposition in Syria 'unacceptable' (Reuters)
  • Iceland Raises Alarm After Largest Volcano Starts to Rumble (BBG)
  • On Syria, Democrats look to deflect the conversation (AP)






The 49ers quarterback refused to stand for the national anthem in the hopes it would spark a discussion about racism and police brutality
TRNN Replay: Dr. Kumar says the roots of Islamophobia are to be found in a conflict between empires and economic interests, not a clash of civilizations


Why are the Russians so angry about the Jarablus operation?
The United States is listening to the wrong Sunnis
ISIS, The New Israel   By Chris Hedges and Sabah Alnasseri
ISIS’s colonialist strategies and those of the Israeli independence movement in Palestine.
The Obama-Clinton regime prepares to intervene in Venezuela
Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war.
"We are one step away from a real coup d'etat," President Dilma Rousseff




Neosocialdemocracia  Alfredo Serran



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