lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

AUG 22 16 SIT EC y POL

AUG 22 16  SIT EC y POL


Every dip this morning has been met with a panic bid for stocks back to unchanged with Dow futures now having swung around 500 points intraday for no gain... as VIX is monkey-hammered lower...

"Large-scale asset purchases and forward guidance about the future path of the federal funds rate have almost no ability to offset a shock in current circumstances, but down the road may be able to provide enough additional accommodation to fully compensate for a more limited [ability] to cut short-term interest rates in some, but not all and maybe even not most, circumstances."

Yet another economic writer has caved into to illusion that central banks need to raise the inflation target to four percent.

Pension funds of companies in the S&P 500 are underfunded by over $375BN, in aggregate, with the top 25 companies representing $225BN of the underfunding

"... Then within two weeks, clean water supplies would run out. Within four weeks to eight weeks, there wouldn’t be coal delivered to power plants and electricity would start shutting down. And when that happened, about a quarter of our pipelines use electricity, and so natural gas plants wouldn’t be fed natural gas and they’d start shutting down. It’s a big interdependent system. That’s part of the problem..."

When it’s clear the game has become rigged, it’s easier and less risky to stop playing that game, and go play a different game somewhere else... There is a huge disincentive to step boldly in the direction of sanity... which serves as a dangerous feedback loop to reinforce a false narrative that everything is awesome and under control.

While the PhDs may talk big about this new world economy where a move to universal welfare means jobs and wages don’t matter - well that is nonsense. Jobs and wages matter and they will always matter.

Any society that tolerates this systemic exploitation and corruption as "business as usual" is not just sick - it's hopeless.


In response to Friday's allegations that Clinton started using a personal email server following the advice of Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State said Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been trying to use him to help justify her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, and accused her of "trying to pin" her violation of department rules on him.

What the world is witnessing, without actually paying much attention, is the death of our debt-based economy - that is, borrowing the means to thrive in the now from a future that can’t really furnish it anymore.

"It is a sad day for journalism. It has never been so manipulative than it is today. This is truly the end of everything that made America the beacon of liberty for the world. It is just a hallow shell. To think that the parents of these journalists worked hard to make sure their children had a better life. They have disgraced their parents."

Be careful what you hope-and-change for...

"I've become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Hillary Clinton's criminality. It's criminality. Everybody knows it..."

The richest man in the world… just got richer-er…

Instead of impeachment proceedings and his ultimate resignation for the juvenile break in at the headquarters of the nation’s other ruling crime syndicate, Nixon should have been imprisoned for this deliberate and destructive act which has led, in large measure, to the nation’s crushing and insurmountable debt burden, reoccurring booms and busts, and now economic stagnation.

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered tens of thousands more documents from her time as secretary of state that were not previously disclosed by her attorneys. Worse still, as Judicial Watch details, “it looks like the State Department is trying to slow roll the release of the records."

US WARMONGERS DON’T SLEEP they want to confront enemies directly.

Unless the U.S. wants to confront these players directly, it has no choice but to accept that they have lost a war they directly and indirectly started through covert CIA operations that began in 2011 (and as some would argue, well before that).

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the “Russian threat” - and why NATO needs to hike its spending to deal with it - just follow the money trail. It’s likely to be revealing.






In Part II, Abby Martin uncovers what really happened throughout the 22-year legal battle between the oil corporation and indigenous Amazonians, and chronicles the shameful, scandalous history of Chevron Texaco and its retaliatory attacks against its victims.
In this episode of Rattling the Bars we examine various prison strikes in the U.S. and the common thread of inhumane prison conditions
While wages decline and conditions are undermined for European workers, those refugees who make it to Europe become the most vulnerable of the working classes, says Professor Feyzi Ismail
This interview with celebrated civil rights leader Shirley Sherrod brings together the many dialogues around a 'sharing economy' and race, including the problematic nature of land ownership in the US and building a cooperative South


The U.S. government, having illegally sent American troops into Syria, is now threatening to attack the Syrian military if it endangers those troops
Transforming the Islamic Republic into a US vassal state would give America and Israel unchallenged Middle East dominance.
Washington’s disdain for international law, was underscored by ex-CIA acting director Michael Morell voicing plans for murdering Iranians and maybe Russians in Syria. [ Don’t be intimidate by nuke black-mail ..  tit for tat is the only option.]
Erdogan will not want to align with Russia if he thinks Russia is not up to Washington’s challenge.
Who Are The White Helmets?  Video ..  Collectors of kids-death bodies for Corp media uses?
Writer Vanessa Beeley put together this video to expose the White Helmets.
CNN Town Hall Green Party Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka  VIDEO
Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka on Wednesday participated in a CNN town hall meeting for the first time.


Media of the Day  Chris Hedges Interviews CounterPuncher Rob Urie




Posted on August 22, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog  By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

In 1960, the city of Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city that the world had ever seen.  Nearly two million people lived there, and it had the highest per capita income in the United States.  That may be hard to believe, because today it actually has one of the lowest per capita incomes of all of our major cities.  Over the decades more than a million people have left the city, and thousands of abandoned homes have been torn down.  But there are still tens of thousands of abandoned dwellings that remain standing. Once Detroit was the envy of the entire planet, but now it has become a global joke.  Sadly, Detroit is far from alone, because there are other formerly great manufacturing cities that have declined just as fast as Detroit has.
In noting that our society is sick, our economy exploitive and our politics corrupt, I’m not saying anything you didn’t already know. Everyone who isn’t being paid to deny the obvious in public (while fuming helplessly about the phony cheerleading in private) knows that our society is a layer-cake of pathologies, our economy little more than institutionalized racketeering and our politics a corrupt auction-house of pay-for-play, influence-peddling, money-grubbing and brazen pandering for votes.

The fantasy promoted by do-gooders and PR hacks alike is that this corrupt system can be reformed with a few minor policy tweaks. If you want a brief but thorough explanation of Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform, please take a look at my book (link above).

If you want an example of how the status quo has failed and is beyond reform, it’s instructive to examine the pharmaceutical industry, which includes biotech corporations, specialty pharmaceutical firms and the global corporate giants known as Big Pharma.

I hope it won’t come as too great a surprise that the pharmaceutical industry isn’t about cures or helping needy people–it’s about profits. As a Big Pharma CEO reported in a brief moment of truthfulness, We’re in Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping the Sick
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Teoría marxista  La política como arte estratégico. Daniel Bensaïd



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