domingo, 7 de agosto de 2016


AUG 7 16  SIT EC y POL


Recombinant DNA  By Paul Edwards 
The problem isn’t that Hillary is an unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal dirtbag .. everyone knows that.  The problem is that her supporters don’t care.

Hillary should be a convict, not a candidate. Here are some of Assange's most insightful lines.


Needless to say, the above outlandish graph does not capture capitalism at work. Nor did the speculators who surfed upon this $45 trillion bubble harvest their monumental windfalls owing to investment genius. Instead, it is the perverted fruit of Bubble Finance, and there is no better illustration of this bubble surfer syndrome than the sainted Warren Buffett.

As a result of recent cuts to Q3 earnings consensus, and the slowdown to Q4 EPS growth, one can forget about 2016 full year earnings growth. According to Factset, year-over-year earnings are now forecast to decline -0.3% for the full year, after starting off the year at +6%.  This would mark the second time the S&P has reported 2 consecutive years of earnings declines since 2008 and 2009.

What started with good intentions ended with embarrassment as American economic dynamism collapsed in a cascade of falling profit margins, financial engineering, labor devaluation, and lopsided "free trade" agreements.

"Issuing new debt eats our tomorrows today; eventually it needs to be paid back, thereby lowering future demand. “Fiscal stimulus” is in the long-run a wash, at best, and pushed too far it can be fatal."

Economics is a bit like musical chairs. In a recession, the economy takes a hit and there are some casualties. Some players fail to get a chair in time and are out of the game. The game then goes on without them. The economy eventually recovers. But a depression is a different game entirely...
If history repeats, as it generally does, more than 95% of depositors will lose most or all of their savings. But there will be those who are only impacted in a minor way—those who decided to get their wealth (no matter how large or small) out of the banks before the crash.

How so? First, and most essential, remove all your wealth (except for a maximum of three months’ operating capital) from the bank. Second, move it to a jurisdiction that’s at a lesser risk than the jurisdictions stated above. (Pick the healthiest one you can find, with the lowest taxation rate and a reputation for stable government over decades.) Third, since banks in other jurisdictions may also be at risk, place your wealth in those forms of ownership that are least likely to be under attack from your home government (precious metals and real estate).

Finally, if possible, create an overseas location for yourself, either where your wealth is or another location—one that’s likely to be peaceful to live in, when crisis reaches your home jurisdiction.

In this game, the odds of being the lucky one who gets the last chair are very slim. The alternative requires more preparation, but is, by far, the safer choice.

Our judicial system has a time-tested option for those who can’t pay their debts: bankruptcy. Individuals and businesses use it all the time. It’s messy, but it usually works for the best. Current law doesn’t let states go bankrupt... yet!
The major threat to the economy then is not deflation but policies aimed at countering it.

Well this is a little awkward. Following John Kerry's "seeking cooperation" apology tour to Moscow, President Obama appears to be following the path that Donald Trump has suggested as reports, Obama said Thursday at the Pentagon that The United States must try to broker a deal with Russia to coordinate military operations in Syria and drive the Islamic State group out of that country. Perhaps he had not checked with Hillary on Putin's apparent level of 'Hitler-iness' or perhaps, just perhaps, Trump was right in suggesting diplomatic efforts before bombast, and warmongery?

We're gonna need another polling methodology 'tweak'... "The reasons behind the shift were unclear."

"Fed credibility is near zero so a strong number doesn’t matter much. This Fed is not going to hike two months before an election where the Republican candidate is seen by many as unfit to lead. So NFP doesn’t matter much. This drop in Fed credibility is borne out in the price action as you have probably noticed that the market doesn’t react at all to Fed commentary anymore." - Citi

Japan has launched a formal complaint after discovering a Chinese radar installed on a gas platform in the disputed East China Sea. Tokyo fears this may suggest China is willing to use its gas platforms in the East China Sea as military objects. Additionally, Japan about complained after about 300 Chinese vessels have been “coming and going” around the islands.


The Trumpanzee Fantasy World-- A Peek Behind The Curtain




Dr. Cornel West says he endorsed the candidate who wants to bring justice, jobs, and solidarity to Black people
Newly announced Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein speaks about her nomination and the allegations that she is anti-science
Former financial regulator Bill Black discusses the significance of the criminal charges faced by IMF head Christine Lagarde and its economists preaching stimulus over austerity
At the Green Party national convention in Houston, Green Party candidate for senate Arn Menconi says he choose not to work within the Democratic party because of its record in enabling corporate power and disastrous foreign policy


Recombinant DNA  By Paul Edwards
The problem isn’t that Hillary is an unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal dirtbag .. everyone knows that.  The problem is that her supporters don’t care.
In the judgment of sane men--and yes, women--Hillary is the salvation of American Empire.
Hillary should be a convict, not a candidate. Here are some of Assange's most insightful lines.

The Fate of Syria will be Decided in Aleppo By Pierre Barbancey -Translated by Henry Crapo
Aleppo, the true economic capital of Syria, is today the center of all battles
Fissures in the Empire  By Paul Craig Roberts  on Operation Gadio
If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:
Washington’s failure to bring down Erdogan could have enormous repercussions throughout the Middle East, Western Europe and the United States
This botched coup is BIG; much bigger than the mainstream media are making the west believe.
The United States is, by far, the world’s most aggressive nation when it comes to cyberspying and cyberwarfare
Don't Blame the Masses.  By Stephen Kinzer
Nationalism and tribalism, have reemerged rather than fading away
She will act as a surefire faithful servant of the Saudi/Israeli alliance.


On contact  What happen with the report on slaving prisoners in the US?


By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

On Friday, the mainstream media was buzzing with the news that the U.S. economy had added 255,000 jobs during the month of July. But as you will see below, the U.S. economy did not add 255,000 jobs during the month of July. In fact, without an extremely generous “seasonal adjustment”, the number of jobs added during the month of July would not have even kept up with population growth.

Why doesn’t the government ever just tell us the plain facts? Unfortunately, we live at a time when “spin” is everything, and just about everyone in the mainstream media seemed quite pleased with the “good jobs report” on Friday. However, as Zero Hedge has pointed out, the truth is that the “unadjusted” numbers tell a very different story…

As Mitsubishi UFJ strategist John Herrmann wrote in a note shortly after the report, the “jobs headline overstates” strength of payrolls. He adds that the unadjusted data show a “middling report” that’s nowhere as strong as the headline” and adds that private payrolls unadjusted +85k in July vs seasonally adjusted +217k.


Los deportes son el mejor homenaje a la paz.. pero el US y los
paises de NATO crean y apoyan la corrupción neoliberal a su interior
y encima estos master de las drogas y el dopaje mundial acusan a RU
de su uso. El US busca eliminar  real competencia  en los  deportes,
busca imponer su estúpido supremacismo con cualquier pretexto. Esto
no se debe tolerar.  La seleccion paralimpica ha sido prohibida, pero si
se permite este abuso eso puede ir mas allá. Por esto pedimos que los
NO miembros de NATO estén alertas y dispuestos a retirarse del
evento y dispuestos  tambine a forjar una nueva Institución mundial.  
El negocio de la guerra  Iñaki Egaña. Industria armamentística.
Ni modo de darle el premio nobel similar al de Obama.
Iran es un país contra quien se ensañó el imperio USA: Murio allí
mucha gente con la guerra química que el US le dio al entonces
amigo Sadam Hussein de Irak. Si ahora hay buenas relaciones con
Iran eso tiene motivos geopolíticos y los chantajes USA continúan.
Que se ejecute un traidor que puede volver a dejar millones de
muertos .. es solo medida preventiva a la guerra que se avecina.
En vez de castigar al deportista que comete errores se castiga al equip
Aun asi, las medallas del 1er dia de JJOO las gano RU-Arg-Bra y Spain
Ella financio el terrorismo islámico desde Libia 2011 para adelante.


Nazi regime is the alliance bet big Corp & State
The party that have most big corp is the Dems lead by Hillary
If Nazism arrive to US the 1st door is her Party
Women in the US can elect their oligarch, but not rights to unbiased 
Information & not right to protect maternity as in Europe & not right
to control their own body (all abortion is prohibited by neocons).
Trump ‘may still beat me' said Hillary. Of course.. is the lesser evil.
Hillary like to put this trap on other and now she step on it.
No way to give him the Nobel price of peace .. He deserved
Neoliberal corruption hit world Sports. The master of this attack ..
.. are in the US-NATO. The puppets abound among those who cover ..
.. up the corrupted bureaucrats who capture ruling institution in ..
World Sports. Since there is not way to take them out and not way
to submit to them .. the only option is to forge New Institutions ..
Meaning .. se debe estar dispuesto a abandonar los JJOO si abusos
como el caso Paralympics continua. We expect China’s voice,
as well as other countries like Iran to stand up against any abuse.
La Institución mayor de los JJOO esta controlada por una mafia
que capturo el aparato institucional con el apoyo del imperio.
This is a political game that have to be responded at political level.
US militaristic approach. Its expanding operations world wide
K quisiera pescar a rio revuelto $, pero el rio esta seco
Los “conservadores” disguised as L siempre fueron oportunistas ..
Basta que 2 de ellos pidan se expulse al líder K..  & does it
Ese es el problema de peces con boca grande .. por allí va el arpon
No se puede estar a favor de usar armas nucleares y ser amigo de RU
Nuke-war no deja vencedor.. los 1ros sacrific: los soldados votantes.
Quien pierde la guerra por la paz .. pierde las elecciones

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