sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014



Hugo Adan Marzo 1, 2014

1- Dilemmas before the coup , during the coup and after.

1.1   State violation of political rights (speech, assembly, public demonstrations, etc)  should be always repudiated  and outlaw it . But, if public demonstrations became violent  and disrupting of the public order, the State has the obligation of restore order  and declare State of emergency if a rioters kill a policeman.  (Ver al final :  Escucha Venezuela!)

1.2   Foreign interventionism in domestic affairs is not legal; it violates state sovereignty protected by international laws.

1.3   During violent coups,  like the one in Ukriane, the individual right to lifes  is violated, as well as the right of a nation to have a State instead of chaos and the tyranny of thugs. Whoever disagree with a government in power has the right to express his/her voice,  but also the obligation to respect a democratically elected government. A coup like the one in Ukraine destroyed the nation unity and is now disrupting peace at international scale. The neo-nazis in power are inviting Russian to prevent the uses of nuclear power installed in Ukriane against their country. One leader of Sovoba party said in public that the Sovoba  government  will use the Ukraine nuclear power against Russia.

1.4   R2P for humanitarian reason has nothing humanitarian in its intentions and its implementation. It is a way to legalize foreign intervention and it should be outlaw after the experience of Libia and Siria. The crimes against humanity  committed in the nameo of R2P should be punished.

1.5   The threat of economic sanctions against the target government for regimen change as happens in  Ucranie, if implemented as it happens in Iran, is a terrorist act against the civilian population of one country. It should be outlawed. 

1.6   After a coup comes a 3rd type of imperial intervention. They will use the captured UN institutions to commit piracy (appropriation of the money in foreign banks), and use the ICC to punish the head of State deposed for crimes he did not committed  but committed instead by the allies of the  interventionist force.  

2- Super-powers dilemma now: 

2.1 Regimen change happens because the imperial block wants to keep the dominant structure they have or to expand it.  They do not care for the fate of the people in the state targeted for change. Case in point, the Baltic States assimilated to the OTAN, are now in  ruins,  or the same as Ukraine. When Yanukovych was stop getting power after winning the election in 2004, he wait until 2010, the vote difference in his favor was larger this time. He was elected to solve the economic crisis left by the IMF and the EU. He managed to borrow money to keep afloat the economy but the debt and trade deficit was still there and he needed a new Loan at the end of 2013, either from the EU or Russia. The conditions of the IMF were tough, the oligarchy supporting Yanukovych was undecided  and finally, at the last minute decided in favor of the Russian offer.

The indecision of the oligarchy and their President was used by America and NATO allies to sabotage the State (they start taking about economic sanctions to Ukraine) while inside they were financing the neo-Nazis coup. Instead of calling a referendum, the President called the EU and the opposition parties to make a deal. They signed an agreement  to stabilize the situation and 1 hour later they recanted, the neo-Nazis assaulted  the Parliament (day 22 of Jan) and at gun point made a decree to impeach the President.  Why?  because he was a threat  to the EU. Meaning:  the loan offered by Russians will make Baltic States to follow that example and get out from NATO and the EU. So, it was   this structure of power  built on violence, frauds and miss-information that define the defeat of Yanukovych. Now the unity of the country is at stake. They miscalculate the reaction of Russia.


3.1 If a State do not want to be easy target of regimen change, consult always to the nation via referendum.   Trade agreement and issues of alignment like the one faced by Ukraine should be always consulted to the nation. The oligarchical way to resolve the crisis behind close doors left the Pdt of Ukraine without support of the nation. If State-Nation links are broken, is easy target to regime change.   

3.2 If the initial purpose of the opposition demonstration was to separate the State from their nation, they succeed in this task by taking plazas and building barricades and they will go further in their violence as it is now in Venezuela. At the beginning, it was fine for the Pdt  to prohibited the police to use guns, but when the rioters start to using it, the Pdt should have declare State of Emergency, suspend basic freedoms and restore order. The Pdt of Ukraine failed to do so.  He instead submitted to the Parliament permission to do it, knowing that he has not majority in it. His defeat was the worst thing to happens, it revealed that he has not power, or the army was divided. He couldn’t even call the support of the civilian population because he did consult to them -via referendum- the alignment issue. There was not President  nor State before the coup d’état.  Yanukovych reflected the weakness of the  Oligarchy he belong too. That  economic elite that was afraid of both super-power nations  and afraid of  the civilian population too.

3.3 The State system in Ukraine was obsolete: If a state cannot protect  public order nor the national security is not  State.  If the power of State resides in the Parliament, the elected President should have  a  chance to implement the Political program  he offered  to the nation during election time, if by law he cannot do it, then there was not democracy in Ukraine,  nor respect for  basic principles of legitimacy nor  governability. If the Pdt is not the chief of the armed forces with power to define in emergency situations, there was not President. Besides, the separation of state power and the check and balance between them was wrong or not existent. There was instead a disarticulated State system easy to be corrupted and manipulated by bosses. That explain why the army did not intervene and why the judiciary was in limbo, and why the parliament was easily captured by the neo-Nazis. Now it makes sense to explain the political default of this nation and the urgent need to discuss projects for a new  constitution. Instead, the rioters in power are calling for election to legitimize their coup. If before there is not election to set  a Constitutional Assembly to re-define the State system,  there should not be  elections in May.  Election presuppose new Law; the crisis revealed that there is such a thing in Ukraine.   

3.4 When McCain and Mrs Nuland came to Kiev Yanukovych  received and allowed them to do what they did: supply money and offered other supports to  the rioters.  That happens since Nov 2013 on. Yanukovych  should  have not provide any security to them knowing that they were supporting with  money the rioters in Kiev. Instead, he should have closed the US and UK embassies plus other that were practicing this illegal interventionism in domestic affairs. Her should have outlaw the NGOs connected to them and prosecute the receivers. He did not do it, instead  he put his head in the rope for them to lynch him and they did it.

3.5 When the EU came to sign an agreement -that was never published- he signed. At that moment he naively trusted them. The neo-nazi cannibals did their job, cut his head in the Parliament at gun point when demanded his resignation.  What power? He had none at that moment, the power was in the hands of the EU. What Ukraine witnessed was the implementation of Ms Nuland plan: “fuck the European Union and cut the head of the Pdt”, and they did it. The coup legalized the murder of more than ten policemen in the streets of Kiev. Since neo-nazis worked the coup plan hand on hand with the American interventionists -the neocons Ms Nuland and McCain- it is right to say that they are also responsible for the killing of 82 people in this “regime change”  affair.

3.6 Once the state was destroyed, the elected President outlawed  and chased (alive or death) they proceed with the destruction of the whole State. They create a transitional government with the most radical neo-nazis in Key position of this government.  They came for money and they got it, now they put a price on the nation for sale: $35 billions and the EU is going to provide this money. They do not have money for Greeks or  the Baltic States assimilated to NATO, but they have for the neo-nazis.  If before the west  supported the jihadist in Siria, this time they are opening the doors for a more organized club of thugs: the neo-nazis. They are now imposing their anti-russian xenophobia  and the 1st thing they did was outlaw the Russian language in a bilingual country by decree.

That was the most clear sign of exclusion and separation of the nation in 2 parts. Of course the South East region does not fill represented by the thug in Kiev and also creates their own autonomous government. They are calling for referendum to decide the issue alignment for the end of March. The west is accusing Russia of promoting separatism when they already did it. Now the Kiev new government  could disintegrate itself  since the rightist wants the whole power to them. The main leader of the neo-nazis (Svoboda party) send a kill threat  to the Interior Minister ( from the allied fatherland party) if he  don’t  obey they orders. They also continue terrorizing the socialist and communists, burning their houses and chasing them.  The police are publicly humiliated and beaten in the streets.  Their bosses and non-allied personnel have been dismissed from their jobs. Kiev is the new kingdom of terror in Europe, all of this is being blessing by the EU as a way to build democracy and freedom in Ukraine. Of course there are people that have a different version  of democracy and are calling to create a front against the neo-nazis in power, as they did it in the South East. The Pandora box for more violence was opened by the coup d’etat of the neo-nazis.

3.7 Yanukovych speech yesterday was very deceptive : In short “I save my life, so sorry for yours”, he said.  It sounds nasty and coward, he just depicted what the oligarchy in Ukraine really is. Now this elite  have to define  their alignment-stand with the rule of “one person one vote” in the Referendum coming in May. The new government of the South already declared  their autonomy from Kiev and they are putting in the hands of people the destiny of this autonomous region and perhaps the building of a Federal state in the South will emerge. Separatism is on.

3.8 Now that the coup divided the country in two parts, the neo-nazis in the North announced their plan to take control of the four nuclear sites installed by the USSR in Ukraine. They said publicly that they will re-stock their nuclear bases and respond to the Russsian.  This seems to be an open invitation for the Russian to intervene and prevent their nation be heat by these thugs in Kiev. Meanwhile, those excluded and abused by the thugs in Kiev are inviting to organize the resistant  against neo-nazis. The black market  selling guns in Kiev was never so profitable as it is now.  So,  more chaos is about to come.  Is this  the freedom that the US and EU planned in Kiev?.  They may say that NATO will put order,  but wherever  NATO goes it creates more chaos, genocide and destruction, besides putting at risk the whole humanity in a nuclear confrontation.

SUMARIZANDO LECCIONES: Listen Venezuela!!   See next article


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